Huge #DigitalHumanities, #EarlyMusic, #BookHistory and #CulturalHeritage news! “The Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission” project, led by Dr. Jennifer Bain, just received a $2.5-million Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Grant!
#MusicalBookHistory #Histodons
#digitalhumanities #earlymusic #bookhistory #culturalheritage #musicalbookhistory #histodons
Huge #DigitalHumanities, #EarlyMusic, #BookHistory and #CulturalHeritage news! “The Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission” project, led by Dr. Jennifer Bain, just received a $2.5-million Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Grant!
I am so excited to be one of the Co-Investigators of this grant as Co-Lead of the Manuscripts and Aretefacts Research Axis! 🤩
#MusicalBookHistory #Histodons
#digitalhumanities #earlymusic #bookhistory #culturalheritage #musicalbookhistory #histodons
Some #MusicalBookHistory for a Friday! From top left:
- A 17th C gradual in 4mo
- Another 17th C gradual, but in 1mo
- An early modern songbook in 32mo
Antwerp, Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library 815850:1; 826128:2; C23965.
#BookHistory #EarlyModern #EarlyMusic #CulturalHeritage #Histodons #BookHistodons
#musicalbookhistory #bookhistory #earlymodern #earlymusic #culturalheritage #histodons #bookhistodons
Yesterday was the birthday of Cardinal Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, a surprisingly important figure in the history of #EarlyModern worship and #BookHistory. So I wrote a blogpost in his honour!
#Histodons #MusicalBookHistory #Printing #EarlyMusic #CounterReformation #CouncilOfTrent #Liturgy
#earlymodern #bookhistory #histodons #musicalbookhistory #printing #earlymusic #counterreformation #counciloftrent #liturgy
Today is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Some reformed communities continued to celebrate the feast after the Reformation; here’s the Alleluia Assumpta est Maria!
Source: Missale (Wittenberg: Lehmann, 1589)
Copy: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin 2” Dr 8354<a>
#Assumption #Reformation #Reformazing #BookHistory #MusicalBookHistory #EarlyMusic #Plainchant #ProtestantPlainchant #Histodons
#assumption #Reformation #reformazing #bookhistory #musicalbookhistory #earlymusic #plainchant #protestantplainchant #histodons
There is something very special about working with the only extant copy of an #EarlyModern book; even more so when it’s heavily used and repaired. What a lovely way to spend a Monday!
Unfortunately the book is not digitized and I can’t share my images. But picture a hand-sized octavo volume with a liberally underlined preface that contains instructions for celebrating worship and lots of notated music.
#MusicalBookHistory #BookHistory #PrintedPlainchant #ProtestantPlainchant #Reformation #Reformazing
#earlymodern #musicalbookhistory #bookhistory #printedplainchant #protestantplainchant #Reformation #reformazing
Submitted an article yesterday! 12,300 words of #EarlyModern #MusicalBookHistory.
#AcWri #Postdoc #Histodons
#earlymodern #musicalbookhistory #acwri #postdoc #histodons
I might be working on a Saturday, but one of my books has a privilege that names Martina Plantin (Moretus), which is very exciting! More about Martina can be found in this article:
#BookHistory #MusicalBookHistory #HerBook #PrintedPlainchant #EarlyModern #Histodons
#bookhistory #musicalbookhistory #HerBook #printedplainchant #earlymodern #histodons
Hi fellow #histodons! Since I’m moving towards mastodon I thought I’d introduce myself properly.
I’m a cultural historian of music and books, with a particular focus on the relationships between music, worship, and identities in times of upheaval.
My current Marie Skłodowska-Curie project investigates how musical saints’ cults connected Lutherans and Catholics despite the rupture of the #Reformation.
Other research areas include #MusicPrinting, #MusicalBookHistory, #BookHistory, #CounterReformation #Ecumenicism, #CulturalHeritage, the musical lives of #Beguines, and … #CallTheMidwife (#nuntastic).
Looking forward to connecting with other @bookhistodons, @histodons, @bookstodon!
#histodons #Reformation #musicprinting #musicalbookhistory #bookhistory #counterreformation #ecumenicism #culturalheritage #beguines #callthemidwife #nuntastic
Dreamed about these books last night … I have #BookHistory on the brain!
#bookhistory #musicalbookhistory #earlymusic #earlymodern #medievodons
RT @mcegillion
OUT NOW: "The Museum of Renaissance Music: A History in 100 Exhibits" (eds. Shephard & Borghetti)!
Including a chapter by yours truly on the "Constance Gradual" - the first book with printed music notation!
#musicalbookhistory #twitterstorians #earlymusic
RT @mcegillion
Today is #Easter! Here is (most) of the antiphon "Cum Rex gloriae" from a lesser-known #ProtestantPlainchant source: Keuchenthal's _KirchenGesenge Latinisch & Deudsch_ (Wittenberg, 1573).
Copy: Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 2 Liturg. 431 c.
#MusicalBookHistory #BookHistory
#easter #protestantplainchant #musicalbookhistory #bookhistory
Deadline for two PAID #Musicology PhD positions in Uppsala fast approaching!
Come work in our lovely department! The specialization is open, but there is a strong #EarlyMusic and #MusicalBookHistory contingent!
#musicology #earlymusic #musicalbookhistory
Another for the #bookhistodons: An exhibit on #BookHistory and the British Pop Archive at the John Rylands Library! Be still my #MusicalBookHistory heart! 🤩
#bookhistodons #bookhistory #musicalbookhistory
An exhibit on #BookHistory and the British Pop Archive at the John Rylands Library?! Be still my #MusicalBookHistory heart! 🤩
#bookhistory #musicalbookhistory
The first case study of my project is complete! So I wrote a little something about spending the past eight months being encircled by saints but buried by spreadsheets:
#MusicalBookHistory #Twitterstorians #ReSound #ProtestantPlainchant
#musicalbookhistory #twitterstorians #resound #protestantplainchant
Heading to Brescia bright & early tomorrow to attend the Early Music Pedagogy Conference! Excited to present on my research with the paper: "Learning Lutheranism in Livonia: Renegotiating Memories and Identities through Musical Liturgies"!
#ReSound #MusicalBookHistory
Love when I get to write about Grumpy Luther being upset that people translated chant into the vernacular!
(In fact, I have a whole #OpenAccess article about it:
[And a blogpost:]
#MusicalBookHistory #ProtestantPlainchant
#openaccess #musicalbookhistory #protestantplainchant