This morning’s commuter soundtrack is ‘Eli and the Thirteenth Confession’ by Laura Nyro. Of course, I’d heard many of her songs that had been big hits for others before I heard this record. Once again, I found it in our library at 2ZG, the radio station I worked at in the early 1980s. It blew me away. Laura was so talented and confident at such a young age. The sound is dated, but the sheer quality of the songwriting and her performance makes that irrelevant. Genius.
Last week I did a scary, courageous, exciting, and (I think, or hope) successful thing...
So today I'm creating a new hashtag for my book in development #BrokenHeartedHill. It's very early days, so perhaps a bit optimistic - but what the heck... I'm #PuttingItOutThere...
"Broken Hearted Hill: Love Songs and Lamentations From a Mining Town Girlhood"
#musicandmemory #bookodon #booktoot #ActuallyAutistic #memoir #nonfiction #auslit #amwriting #musicology #BrokenHill #Australia #puttingitoutthere #brokenheartedhill