Rhiannon Giddens' voice slides so easily into different genres, I don't even know how to describe her music with a label, other than it sounds great. "She's Got You" is a bluesy ballad that I find myself humming today.
#musiccitymonday #rhiannongiddens
My #MusicCityMonday soundtrack is from Katie Pruitt's superb debut album, Expectations. It was released just a couple weeks before COVID lockdown, but I didn't discover it until 2021. It eventually became one of my favorite albums of the year. Pruitt's voice is clear and soaring, and her narrative voice is distinct. I recommend the whole album, but this track, "My Mind's a Ship That's Going Down" is a fun start.
Let me be late to the party in saying that #TSU Aristocrat of Bands' album Urban Hymnal really is good, it lives up to the hype.