#musicengraving #lilypond #eMacs
For the last 20 years or so, I have at least used #musicEngraving software. This isn’t so much faster for score entry, and it doesn’t especially look better: what it gains in crispness it loses in personality. But it makes extracting parts much easier and less error prone, and it facilitates editing. If I decide a certain phrase needs two more measures, I can just stick them in. In my fountain pen days that would have meant recopying everything.
A new release of the #frescobaldi editor for #lilypond launched a couple of days ago: https://www.frescobaldi.org/
#musicengraving #lilypond #frescobaldi
Can you feel my end-of-year excitement as I look forward to the next version of LilyPond? #musicengraving #lilypond #gnu
#musicengraving #lilypond #gnu
I think every #MusicEngraving application needs to be thrown out and sent back to the drawing board. I’ve never had a pleasant experience while writing down music digitally. Always battling the program more than I feel like I’m benefitting from it.
I had found this before and it took me 20 minutes to find it again, so I'm posting it for posterity:
If you're using chordmode to indicate chord changes in a score but only want show chord names when the chord changes, do like so:
\new ChordNames {
\chordmode {
\set chordChanges = ##t
d1:7 d1:7
(hat tip: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29468573/3280582)
#musicnotation #musicengraving
#t #musicnotation #musicengraving
My fingers are itching to find some new #classicalguitar pieces to learn. Should I try my hand on some Bach or branch out and learn some etudes by Fernando Sor? Also, I need to find something that isn't A major.
(Side effect: Browsing 19th century editions on IMSLP makes me want to put the music I'm working on into contemporary typesetting. But even in Sibelius, I know I'm abysmally slow, and in Lilypond, it might take ages. #musicengraving)
#classicalguitar #musicengraving