#TheBeatles Fact #3: wait shit this isn't the beatles? 😟 #MusicFacts #Music #Rock
#rock #Music #musicfacts #thebeatles
#MusicArtistFactsFact: I fell off #MusicFacts #Music
#Music #musicfacts #musicartistfactsfact
#SnailsHouse Fact #7: what the fuck did you DO 🐌 #MusicFacts #Music #EDM
#edm #Music #musicfacts #snailshouse
#KeroKeroBonito Fact #71: Gus has a secret twin brother that has only appeared on Graduation and Well Rested, so Kero Kero Bonito should ACTUALLY be Kero Kero Kero Bonito 😲 #MusicFacts #Music #Pop
#pop #Music #musicfacts #kerokerobonito
#SanHolo Fact #3: she vestal on my avenue til i album1 😂 #MusicFacts #Music #EDM
#edm #Music #musicfacts #sanholo
@night_owlll They should all be using Spotify, remember when THAT had social features? #MusicFacts #Music #JustSpotifyThings
#justspotifythings #Music #musicfacts
#TheLivingTombstone Fact #22: What a polite fellow! I hope he has a responsible night! 🍻 #MusicFacts #Music #EDM
#edm #Music #musicfacts #thelivingtombstone
Hello #Fediverse I am here to provide you with semi-frequent #MusicFacts about your favorite #Music artists! Follow me for some truly wacky facts!
#Music #musicfacts #Fediverse #Introduction
@Kthnx What can I say, I serve the people #MusicFacts #Music #GoodGuyMusicArtistFacts
#goodguymusicartistfacts #Music #musicfacts
#MusicArtistFacts #TuneTuesday is "Wheels on the Bus" by Cocomelon!
A surprising mixture of different melodies to bring out something truly unique and give a fun spin on a classic nursery rhyme! #MusicFacts #Music
#Music #musicfacts #tunetuesday #musicartistfacts
#TaylorSwift Fact #11: she eepy shhhh 😴 #MusicFacts #Music #Pop
#pop #Music #musicfacts #taylorswift
#PorterRobinson Fact #5: Porter Robinson does NOT know how to play Chess! 🤯 #MusicFacts #Music #EDM
#edm #Music #musicfacts #porterrobinson
Quando uscì questa canzone il duo si era sciolto. Fu il produttore Tom Wilson che, appreso che la canzone sarebbe stata trasmessa per radio, prese la registrazione acustica aggiungendo gli altri strumenti. Divenne n.1 nella classifica americana e i due si ricongiunsero.
Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence https://i.devol.it/DCtouot15cA?t=3
Randy Newman's voice is awful and I get mad when I hear it.
John Lennon compose "I'm The Walrus, quando seppe che un insegnante della Quarry Bank High School di Liverpool, sottoponeva alla sua classe l’analisi dei testi dei Beatles “Let the fuckers work that one out”.
#musica #music
"The Instigators" mentioned in the lyrics of Thunderclap Newman's 1969 hit "Something in the air" was in fact a portmanteau of "Instant Alligators" #musicfacts #rockhistory
#Musicfacts Prima canzone scritta da tutti e 4 i membri insieme, venne interpretata live prima della pubblicazione con il titolo "Return of the Sun of Nothing" per poi essere sviluppata in questa meraviglia di 23 minuti.
Pink Floyd - Echoes https://youtu.be/KBca3xf-j3o
#Musicfacts Qual è il significato di Hotel California? Don Henley disse nel 2007: "È una canzone sul ventre oscuro del sogno americano" Mentre Glen Fey la paragonò a un episodio di Twilight Zone