Woo hoo!
Blur - Song 2
Although burdened with the probably most boring song title ever, this tune by the British band was good enough to still get famous.
Published in 1997 on their fifth studio album "Blur"
#blur #song2 #musicfromthe90ies #beautifulnoise #alternative
#blur #song2 #musicfromthe90ies #beautifulnoise #alternative
Bjork - Hyperballad (Extended Version)
Published on her second album "Post" in 1995.
I have always held her music in the highest regard. So many beautiful tunes.
#bjork #bjoerk #post #hyperballad #musicfromthe90ies
Faithless - Salva mea
Released on the album "Reverence" in 1996.
Background vocals by Dido.
The title is Latin and translates to "save me" or "rescue me".
#musicfromthe90ies #faithless #salvamea #reverence
Portishead - Wandering Star
Official video by this British Trip Hop band. The music is different from the album version.
The tune was published on the debut album "Dummy" in 1994.
#portishead #dummy #musicfromthe90ies #triphop
Beck - Loser
Originally released as Beck's second single on Bong Load Records in 1993 as a 12 inch vinyl with only 500 pressings.
From the slide guitar intro combining with a sitar to the sampled drum beat from the 70ies, to Beck's non-nensical lyrics and his laid back singing, this combination of unusual sounds makes it a perfect song to me.
#beck #musicfromthe90ies #loser #sampling
Faithless - Insomnia
What a club tune! And live Faithless were nothing but excellent. I can not count the number of remixes I have come across of this tune.
This tune was published on the album "Reverence" in 1996, their debut album. A true classic of electronic club music.
#musicfromthe90ies #music #faithless #insomnia
#classic #electronic
#musicfromthe90ies #music #faithless #insomnia #classic #electronic
Portishead - Mysterons - Live in NYC
Published on their album "Roseland NYC Live" in 1998 together with a symphonic orchestra.
#portishead #live #livemusic #musicfromthe90ies
The British band "Talk Talk" famous for their hit "It's a shame" released this tune on their album "Laughing Stock" in 1991.
Laurie Anderson - O Superman
From the album "Big Science" released in 1992. She tells in this song that she has a message on her answering machine: "You don't know me, but I know you". This tune is the most reduced to basics, just her voice and a vocoder, later a few synths (or Fairlights) join in.
#musicfromthe90ies #superman #laurieanderson #osuperman #laurie
#musicfromthe90ies #superman #LaurieAnderson #osuperman #laurie
Portishead - Glory Box
Released in 1994 on their album "Portishead". Perhaps the most iconic triphop band of the 90ies.
From Bristol, UK.
#musicfromthe90ies #portishead #triphop #glorybox
Sonic Youth - Kool Thing
From my favourite Noisepop band.
From their album "Goo" from 1990.
#musicfromthe90ies #postpunk #sonicyouth #koolthing
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
Another great US rock band, singer Chris Cornell. This video still strikes me as very weird and fascinating.
Published in 1994 on their album "Superunknown"
#musicfromthe90ies #soundgarden #BlackHoleSun #grunge
Puddle of Mud - She f*****g hates me
From their debut album "Come Clean" from 1991. The video always makes me laugh. Among the best of Grunge, I would say.
#musicfromthe90ies #postpunk #puddleofmud #comeclean #shehatesme #grunge
#musicfromthe90ies #postpunk #puddleofmud #comeclean #shehatesme #grunge
Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit
Released in 1991, this tune by the US grunge band is still one of the defining rock songs of the 1990ies.
#musicfromthe90ies #postpunk #grunge #nirvana
Björk - Possibly maybe
Björk is from Iceland and I have been following her music for a long time. Iceland produced an amazing number of musicians, considering that there are about 400k of inhabitants. From her 1993 album "Debut" this tune seems very minimalistic.
#musicfromthe90ies #90iesmusic #björk #bjork #humanbehaviour
#musicfromthe90ies #90iesmusic #björk #bjork #humanbehaviour
Faithless - Insomnia
A very influential track from 1996.
This song has been remixed a ton, and it definitely deserves that treatment. A true classic of electronic music.
#faithless #insomnia #electronica #musicfromthe90ies
#faithless #insomnia #electronica #musicfromthe90ies