In preparation for today's #DIYMusicChat, I looked into FAMOUS #MusicMentors
and because i'm a #WomanInMusic, i chose the #Mentorship relationship between two other #WomenInMusic
I was excited to learn about Bjork's mentor, Meredith Monk and how her work influenced Bjork to make lyrical music
I'm not a Bjork fan, but I'm fascinated by how one artist may learn from and grow by exposure to another.
Bjork was reportedly inspired by, and then mentored by Meredith Monk.
#diymusicchat #musicmentors #womaninmusic #mentorship #womeninmusic
we're quiet today as the #MusiciansOfMastodon in #DIYMusicChat
but i hope we're at least being #introspective and practicing #MindfulGratefulness
if you have a #Mentor or #Mentorship experience you'd like to talk about, you don't have to be specific..
• were YOU ever someone's #MusicMentor
• who were your #MusicMentors
• how did a mentor shape your sound? your confidence? your inspirations?
#musiciansofmastodon #diymusicchat #introspective #mindfulgratefulness #mentor #mentorship #musicmentor #musicmentors
It is a bit tough to describe how my #MusicMentors helped me because there were so many of them
But for you, #DIYMusicChat, I'll try
When I first got started TRYING to learn #music, a friend and neighbor gave me a pirated copy of Acid Music and I got really far with some stock loops before I gave up.. I didn't know what to do beyond that and it felt like I was going in circles with development so I quit
It took more than 10 years after that for me to start again
#musicmentors #diymusicchat #music