I don't think i’ve posted anything on music yet.
I have the 2014 Extended Performance of Jethro Tull’s >> A Passion Play on now. Apple music from an Apple TV playing through my stereo system outputting through real speakers. You know I’m old, right?
Original released in 1973 and 18 year old Tim Loved It. Tull is in my top 3 groups since hearing Aqualung. Not what you'd expect? I had eclectic tastes for a teenager.
#music #JethroTull #musicofmastadon #apassionplay
This is where You Tube sometimes really shines by showing me something I didn't know I'd really want to see. Such an excellent rendition of White Rabbit by a group I'd never heard before. I may be up to my 5th or 6th replay.
The set, the customs, the photography and the fun they all seem to be having is just way cool.
#music #musicofmastadon #mollytuttle #whiterabbit