Been down a very enjoyable rabbit hole tracking back through #music I have loved. Somehow I'd managed to forget this!
#music #musicislife #musiconmasto #musiconmastodon
My last concert before lockdown. I miss the days when the only life altering experience in a huge crowd was getting lost in the music.
Photos are my own.
The Script * Sunsets and Full Moons Tour
Dublin, Ireland
#music #MusicOnMasto #livemusic
#music #musiconmasto #livemusic
Happy Birthday Harry Judd. In your honor, my fave McFly song
One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands, Callling All Astronauts.
David is one of the most decent humans you could ever meet. A great guy who tolerates zero bullshit. If you write about music, he is a GREAT interview.
#musicOnMasto #LoveASongShareASong
Empire 🎶🎶
#musiconmasto #loveasongshareasong
#berlinliebe #berlinsound #berlintechno #berlin #Videopremiere #MusicPostive #musicwriters #MusicOnMasto #technominimal #minimaltechno #electronicMusician #electronicmusic #artistonmastodon #technotrack #technofamily #technomusician #technoproducer #melodictechno #melodichouseandtechno #❤️ #janndusza
#berlinliebe #berlinsound #berlintechno #Berlin #Videopremiere #musicpostive #musicwriters #musiconmasto #technominimal #minimaltechno #electronicmusician #electronicmusic #artistonmastodon #technotrack #technofamily #technomusician #technoproducer #melodictechno #melodichouseandtechno #janndusza