While doing more clutter removal & #SpringCleaning - found one of my old #Sony #walkman units. Tested it. Still works! Offered to gift it to a friend's hipster teen.
#springcleaning #sony #walkman #80s #musicplayers #portable #oldtech #retro #nostalgia
Is there a good music player and library manager for macOS? Music.app is about and each release becomes more about selling me music I'm not interested in.
#recommendations #music #macos #musicplayers
GTK MPD Client ‘Ymuse’ Adds Album Art & Seek Support
#musicplayers #GTKApps #ymuse #News #MPD
#musicplayers #gtkapps #ymuse #news #mpd
‘Cider’ is an Open Source Apple Music Client for Linux Desktops
#musicplayers #applemusic #streaming #electron #apple #Apps
#musicplayers #applemusic #streaming #electron #Apple #apps
Tidal-hifi is the Best App for Streaming Tidal Music on Linux
#musicplayers #appimages #streaming #electron #tidal #Apps #News
#musicplayers #appimages #streaming #electron #Tidal #apps #news
Amberol GTK Music App Gains New Features, Reduces Memory Usage
#musicplayers #AppUpdates #Amberol #GTKApps #Apps #News
#musicplayers #appupdates #Amberol #gtkapps #apps #news
書きました! / Vivo、iPod Classic 似の Android デバイスを開発中? - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Vivo #Android #iPodClassic #MusicPlayers
#musicplayers #iPodClassic #android #vivo
Musikcube - A Cross-platform Commandline Music Player #Musikcube #BASH #Commandline #Linux #MusicPlayers #Opensource
#OpenSource #musicplayers #Linux #commandLine #bash #musikcube
A gadget worthy of being in a Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame: the Sony Walkman. It all started when a Sony cofounder wanted a portable player to listen to opera on a plane. And the rest is history.
#ConsumerElectronics #MusicPlayers #Sony #SonyWalkman #Technology #Engineering
#technology #consumerelectronics #musicplayers #sony #sonywalkman #engineering