In anticipation for the Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam at the end of the month, me and the team I'll probably be working with made a tiny game for a different game jam. Sound and music by me as well as contributing to the game concept!
#indiedev #musicprod
One should tell music producers about #git, #cicd #pipelines and #artifacts.
#git #cicd #pipelines #artifacts #musicprod
This is really, really cool. Peter Gabriel had his latest track mixed by both Spike Stent and Tchad Blake and released both. Comparing the approaches and mixing styles is fascinating. #musicprod #mixing #musodon
I seriously have gotten well more than my monies worth out of my korg #monotron delay. Seriously, the sounds this little box can spit have rocked my world. It's totally worth it for #noise #drone and #experimental fun times.
#monotron #noise #drone #experimental #electronica #musicprod #dawless
does anyone know of a good refference to learn #OctaMed? i would rather use that to make breakbeat chops than a modern DAW
#dnb #amiga #musicprod
#octamed #dnb #amiga #musicprod
Apparently you can even sometimes get interesting photos when working late at night. #photography #music #musicprod #musicproduction #electronicmusic #electronicmusic #work
#photography #music #musicprod #electronicmusic #work #musicproduction
I would like to post my music (mix, remix, compositions) here for your enjoyment and feedback.
What format/media (via URL) would you prefer for a single song?
Here is my most recent music project: production + mix of "Landslide" cover by Katie Ferrara.
(via the community) #music #musicprod
Hi folks. I'm into #HistoricalFiction #seventeenthcentury #17thcentury
#musicprod #musicmix #history #Blender and similar creative things
#Blender #history #musicmix #musicprod #17thCentury #seventeenthcentury #historicalfiction
Quand tu trouves un truc qui sonne trop cool alors que tu devrais déjà être au lit depuis une heure.
#flow #vcvrack #synth #daw #musicprod #modular #eurorack
#flow #vcvrack #synth #daw #musicprod #modular #eurorack
When you're crazy and try to synthesize claps from scratch instead of using samples. #synth #daw #musicprod