The summer break for the Mumubl newsletter has been a little longer than planned. The last issue back in July saw me watching not one, but two, biopics of powerful female singers. Check it out right here -
And be sure to subscribe to the Mumubl newsletter at for the next #ForYourEarsForYourEyes newsletter coming soon*
*probably next week.
#music #musicblog #musicrecomendations #musicnewsletter #newsletter
#newsletter #musicnewsletter #musicrecomendations #musicblog #music #foryourearsforyoureyes
Our #forYourEarsForYourEyes newsletter drops tomorrow (or Wednesday, depends when I finish writing it!) But as always you'll get it first if you're signed up to our newsletter -
The last one included Muppets Mayhem, Music Ally, Ben Fong Torres, Song Sommelier and Tom Gray
Check it out at before the next one drops
#music #musicblog #musicrecomendations #musicnewsletter #musicpodcast #musicbooks #musicdocumentary
#musicdocumentary #Musicbooks #musicpodcast #musicnewsletter #musicrecomendations #musicblog #music #foryourearsforyoureyes
Not quite maintaining the usual posting schedule due to enjoying a holiday but the next "For your ears, for your eyes" music recommendations email is due to drop next week. Make you're signed up so you don't miss out -
The previous installment is on the blog -
#music #musicblog #musicrecomendations #musicpodcast #musicbooks #musicdocumentary
#musicdocumentary #Musicbooks #musicpodcast #musicrecomendations #musicblog #music