Lullabies have similar characteristics around the world; what about other kinds of songs? New research finds that cross-cultural recognition is high for lullabies, dance songs, and healing songs - but love songs proved to be more diverse. #musicscience #music #psychology #research
#research #psychology #Music #musicscience
Relationships Between Audio and Movement Features, and Perceived Emotions in Musical Performance.
New article by Marc Thompson, Juan Ignacio Mendoza, Geoff Luck and Jonna Vuoskoski.
Action Editor: Diana Omigie.
#musicscience #openaccess #openscience
Interesting achievement #MusicScience
Music and Boredom: A First Insight Into an Unexplored Relationship.
New article by Julia Merrill + Tristan Niedecken.
Action Editor: Kelly Jakubowski.
#musicscience #openaccess #openscience
Towards a Vocal Constraints Model of Melodic Expectancy: Evidence from Two Listening Experiments.
New article by Paolo Ammirante + Frank Russo. Action Editor: Ian Cross.
#musicscience #openaccess #openscience
#birds sing but are they musical? Great write-up of just some of the emerging research in this area, highlighting questions we may never answer, eg, is birdsong solely for communication or can it also be affective messaging? #musicscience
Japanese baseball is very musical and coordinated - increases social cohesion! #musicscience
Put Some Music on: The Effects of pre-Task Music Tempo on Arousal, Affective State, Perceived Exertion, and Anaerobic Performance.
New article by Christopher Garry Pusey et al. Action Editor: Eckart Altenmüller
#musicscience #openaccess #openscience
The Relationship Between Music-Related Types of Synesthesia and Mental Imagery in Synesthete Musicians.
New article by Solange Glasser. Action Editor: Liila Taruffi.
#musicscience #openaccess #openscience
I cannot wait to get stuck into this! The Science-Music Borderlands. #MusicScience
Listen to Mozart because you like it! The so-called 'Mozart effect' has been thoroughly debunked, but this was a new claim to me - listening to KV448 does not reduce epilepsy symptoms according to a recently-published meta-analysis. #musicscience
Review of links between #rhythm and #reward #musicscience
The brain networks involved in music listening in younger and older people. Interesting study. #musicscience
While many studies find that #music listening can reduce pain, new research finds that listening to preferred music can reduce nausea associated with chemotherapy; it may be blocking serotonin release. #musicscience
While the trend is to become calcified in our #music preferences with age, there’s ways to cultivate new musical tastes across the lifespan. Remain curious & patient with new genres; do a little research. #musicscience HT @adrianabarton
Intriguing podcast (in German) from the SWR 2 Wissen series: Miriam Mosing, specialist in #behavioralgenetics at our MPI, answers the question of what ultimately determines our musical talent. #musicscience #hörtipp @swr2wissen
#behavioralgenetics #musicscience #hortipp
I had fun today teaching Advanced Topics in music and science and seeing musicML #preprint yesterday evening. I had Turing test of music performance (VirtuosoNet & BasisMix vs humans) for students in the lecture (humans won). Then we had a go at MusicLM. Really fun. #musicscience
Devastating news - Sandra Trehub has left us. Her research into infant musicality contributed so much to understanding the musical brain & the evolutionary advantages of #music-making. Her papers are varied & fascinating & leave an incredible legacy. This one is a nice summary of just some of her findings over the course of a formidable career. #music #musicscience
@mariam In addition, our results replicate prior work showing that familiar music induces more positive mood and evokes more spontaneous memories compared to unfamiliar music (or no music) -- reason enough for more #musicscience research on using familiar music as a therapeutic tool.
For the first time in my career I am teaching a Psychology of Music course!! And I'm crazy enough to be offering it as a seminar for both undergrad AND graduate students... so wish me luck!
I'd like to thank those who taught similar courses to me (Diana Deutsch, Gerald Balzano, Carol Krumhansl). And also all the authors of articles I'm including in my course, incl. @tuomaseerola @psycheloui @PatrickESavage @sam and many others not on mastodon.
I'm happy to share my syllabus here for anyone interested:
#music #academics #psychology #neuroscience #musicscience #teaching
#music #academics #psychology #neuroscience #musicscience #teaching