A #MusicTheory question for you, if you're a musician who reads Western #MusicalNotation: which version of this syncopated measure in 2/2 looks right to you? Beam broken, or not? If the tie weren't there I'd definitely keep the beam across all four, but I'm not sure what to do with it there.
I bought a cheap dulcimer. Going to take the frets off and use it like a monochord to study tuning. #musictheory
This will be interesting to test out- Duolingo to soon offer gamified music lessons. #Music #LearnMusic #MusicTheory #LearnMusicTheory #MakeYourOwnMusic #MusicForKids #GetKidsIntoMusic
#getkidsintomusic #musicforkids #makeyourownmusic #learnmusictheory #musictheory #learnmusic #music
Art of Composing Podcast: William Caplin and Analyzing Classical Form https://www.artofcomposing.com/aoc-013-william-caplin-and-analyzing-classical-form #musictheory
LOL Así, como que no quiere la cosa, zasca de Morris a los colegas 😂 #musictheory #librosdemusica #rajadasmusicos
[Morris: The Oxford Harmony https://archive.org/details/oxfordharmony0000morr/page/61/mode/1up]
#rajadasmusicos #librosdemusica #musictheory
the fermata looks like an eye because it means you’re supposed to make eye contact with the audience as you hold the note for an uncomfortably long time
I remember this from the last time I tried to #learn #guitar. Guitar players are *the worst* about indicating how things should be played.
"Your strumming pattern is DD UD DDD UUD" WTF does that even mean? Use a god. damn. time signature! Line it up with the beats!
It does get better when you get into more advanced playing where you need to know some #musictheory.
But I feel like omitting info only gives the appearance of being easy-to-learn while actually being harder. #music #pedagogy
#learn #guitar #musictheory #music #pedagogy
“The Arithmetic of Listening” by Kyle Gann is fantastic. I’ve read several books on tuning before over the years but most were either dated, turgid, or too surface level. This text however achieves lucidity without compromising on substance.
The only other major work on temperament I’ve enjoyed was Claudio Veroli’s “Unequal Temperaments”, and I still recommend it for those into early music. #books #earlymusic #musictheory
#musictheory #earlymusic #books
Guess I should re-post my new blog on Robert Fludd again with the proper hashtags this time.
#earlymodern #occult #music #robertfludd #philosophy #musictheory
#earlymodern #occult #music #robertfludd #philosophy #musictheory
Some books on tuning and temperament I’m excited to read. #books #musictheory
Seemingly all pedagogy around Bach four-part chorale analysis never considers the text.
I own several textbooks on chorale analysis, and have taken three different university courses that included chorale analysis and none of them mentioned the text and how that might have influenced how Bach harmonized the chorale tune.
You have to go out of your way to get a study edition of Bach’s chorales that includes the text in score.
A chorale isn’t absolute music.
Guitarist Jessica Ackerley is doing an instrument-agnostic music theory class fundraiser for Maui on Sunday Aug 27 7pm-8pm Eastern time. Sliding scale / $25. Comes with an e-#zine. Let me know if you don’t have a google acct to fill out the registration form and I’ll get you the details.
Jessica lives here in Honolulu and is actively participating in donation drives etc. I know her and can vouch for her as someone that will get the funds where they need to go on Maui.
If you want to learn some theory now’s a good time to get a jump on it.
Please help spread the word.
#musodon #jazz #pop #musictheory #theorynerds #guitar #bass #keyboards #synth #modular #singer #experimentalmusic #learning #maui
#zine #musodon #jazz #pop #musictheory #theorynerds #guitar #bass #keyboards #synth #modular #singer #experimentalmusic #learning #maui
may be nearly 30, so why not try and learn a new skill I always wanted to learn since I was a child?
#music #musictheory #musicalnotes
Working on a playlist of songs I like that are either entirely, mostly, or feature significant portions of just two alternating chords—the 4 and 5 (IV, V) in a major key (or 5 and 4).
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac is a great example of this alternating 4-5 "progression." But I realized the other day how much I like it when songs use this pattern to build but never build *anywhere.*
Bert Mooiman:
Commonplacing - On Historically Inspired #Improvisation and #MusicTheory
"Los profesores de teoría musical se enfrentan a un dilema: deben hacer que los alumnos reflexionen sobre algo que apenas han experimentado antes." 100% de acuerdo.
Is 6/8 appropriate when you have a measure with 6 equal beats?
I'm wondering what time signature https://masterbootrecord.bandcamp.com/track/irq-14-primary-ide is written in.
Maybe it's 3/4.
Does anyone have any #youtuber recommends? The algorithm has painted me into a bit of a corner. I like #Sailing #building #cycling #tinkering #travel #making #musicTheory #stories #camping #vloggers #artists
I'm really out of love with films and TV and I'd much rather watch someone inquisitive do something they enjoy when I get rare days doing nothing.
Please boost so I get lots of interesting recommendations
Thanks, you're a star 👍
#artists #vloggers #camping #stories #musictheory #making #travel #tinkering #cycling #building #sailing #youtuber
#Microtones #AlternativeTuning #JustIntonation #MusicalScales #MusicTheory #Music #ElectronicMusic #Mannfishh
#mannfishh #electronicmusic #music #musictheory #MusicalScales #justintonation #AlternativeTuning #Microtones #tetris #microtonal
Is there by any chance a piece of #Music software I could put on a #RaspberryPi that lets me:
* Connect a #Midi keyboard and use it as an electrioc piano;
* Do *simple* sequencing and playback - not a full #DAW but just let me record a piano sequence; then add another voice, or let me play live over that sequence.
* As a bonus, possibly let me record a live track, but that's not really needed.
Basically a tool to help me better learn #MusicTheory and practice a live #instrument .
#music #raspberrypi #midi #daw #musictheory #instrument
I was curious to how standard SATB vocal ranges map on to different keys, as a means of understanding each key better in some way. Perhaps the interaction between vocal range and key structure colors our perception of key to some degree? That’s what I’m trying to see.
I’ve made color coded tables like these for each Major key so far.
#musictheory #research #musicology
#musicology #research #musictheory