NEW photos of Robert Pattinson that were taken on July 12th 2023 at C'MON EVERYBODY, music venue, in New York, USA, where he attended a SERAMIC (Marcus Foster) gig. So good to see him so happy and relaxed...
#RobertPattinson #musicvenue #seramic #cmoneverybody #music
#music #cmoneverybody #seramic #musicvenue #RobertPattinson
Archdaily : House of Music, Budapest / Sou Fujimoto Architects #CulturalArchitecture #Theaters&Performance #MusicVenue
#culturalarchitecture #theaters #musicvenue #punk #PunkRock #losangeles #artmatters #art #digitalart #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #musicvenue #music
#punk #PunkRock #losangeles #artmatters #art #digitalart #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #musicvenue #music
📷 Rozi Plain with Les SalAmandas live at Levis Corner House, Ballydehob. 04 March 2023.
Another gem of a gig to a full house.
#RoziPlain #LesSalAmandas #LevisCornerHouse #Ballydehob #WestCork #LiveMusic #BuyMerch #MusicVenue
#RoziPlain #lessalamandas #leviscornerhouse #Ballydehob #westcork #livemusic #buymerch #musicvenue
Archdaily : Fifth NRE Jazz Club / De Bever Architecten #HospitalityArchitecture #CulturalArchitecture #Theaters&Performance #Restaurants&Bars #Restaurant #MusicVenue
#hospitalityarchitecture #culturalarchitecture #theaters #restaurants #restaurant #musicvenue
15 January 2023
#JamesDolan scumbag owner of #MadisonSquareGarden uses #facialrecognition to weed out people
#jamesdolan #MadisonSquareGarden #facialrecognition #wtf #fascist #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #musicvenue
15 January 2023
#JamesDolan scumbag owner of #MadisonSquareGarden uses #facialrecognition to weed out people
#WTF 🤬 is this nonsense!!!
#jamesdolan #MadisonSquareGarden #facialrecognition #wtf #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #musicvenue
15 January 2023
#JamesDolan scumbag owner of #MadisonSquareGarden yses #facialrecognition to weed out people
#WTF 🤬 is this nonsense!!!
#jamesdolan #MadisonSquareGarden #facialrecognition #wtf #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #musicvenue
Słucham muzyki #muzyka #piosenka #utwory #rap #hiphop #rock #pop #jazz #klasyczna #elektroniczna #taneczna #EDM #producent #DJ #wokalista #rapper #zespół #gitara #piano #perkusja #bas #skrzypce #wiolonczela #flet #trąbka #saksofon #głos #kompozytor #teksty #melodia #rytm #harmonia #refren #beat #video #muzyczne #koncert #live #trasa #festiwal #muzyczny #album #nagranie #EP #singiel #pobieranie #streaming #playlista #miłośnik #fan #kolekcja #uzależniony #nerd #geek #muzykologia #historia #kultura #branża #biznes #marketing #PR #dziennikarstwo #fotografia #design #technologia #oprogramowanie #aplikacja #tworzenie #edukacja #szkoła #trening #teoria #doświadczenie #chwila #wspomnienie #inspiracja #wpływ #ewolucja #scena #społeczność #współpraca #partnerstwo #sieć #miejsce #studio #nagrywanie #produkcja #inżynieria #miksowanie #mastering #licencja #prawa #wydawnictwo #dystrybucja #promocja #music #song #songs #producer #DJ #singer #rapper #band #guitar #piano #drums #bass #violin #cello #flute #trumpet #saxophone #voice #composer #lyrics #melody #rhythm #harmony #chorus #beat #musicvideo #livemusic #tour #concert #gig #festival #musicfestival #album #record #EP #single #download #stream #playlist #musiclover #musicfan #musiccollection #musicaddict #musicnerd #musicgeek #musicology #musichistory #musicculture #musicindustry #musicbusiness #musicmarketing #musicpr #musicjournalism #musicphotography #musicdesign #musictechnology #musicsoftware #musicapp #musiccreation #musiceducation #musicschool #musictraining #musictheory #musicexperience #musicmoment #musicmemory #musicinspiration #musicinfluence #musicevolution #musicscene #musiccommunity #musiccollaboration #musicpartnership #musicnetwork #musicvenue #musicstudio #musicrecording #musicproduction #musicengineering #musicmixing #musicmastering
#muzyka #piosenka #utwory #rap #hiphop #rock #pop #jazz #klasyczna #elektroniczna #taneczna #edm #producent #dj #wokalista #rapper #zespol #gitara #piano #perkusja #bas #skrzypce #wiolonczela #flet #trabka #saksofon #glos #kompozytor #teksty #melodia #rytm #harmonia #refren #beat #video #muzyczne #koncert #live #trasa #festiwal #muzyczny #album #nagranie #ep #singiel #pobieranie #streaming #playlista #milosnik #fan #kolekcja #uzalezniony #nerd #geek #muzykologia #historia #kultura #branza #biznes #marketing #pr #dziennikarstwo #fotografia #design #technologia #oprogramowanie #aplikacja #tworzenie #Edukacja #szkola #trening #teoria #doswiadczenie #chwila #wspomnienie #inspiracja #wplyw #ewolucja #scena #spolecznosc #wspolpraca #partnerstwo #siec #miejsce #studio #nagrywanie #produkcja #inzynieria #miksowanie #mastering #licencja #prawa #wydawnictwo #dystrybucja #promocja #music #song #songs #producer #singer #band #guitar #drums #bass #violin #cello #flute #trumpet #saxophone #voice #composer #lyrics #melody #rhythm #harmony #chorus #musicvideo #livemusic #tour #concert #gig #festival #musicfestival #record #single #download #stream #playlist #musiclover #musicfan #musiccollection #musicaddict #musicnerd #musicgeek #musicology #musichistory #musicculture #musicindustry #musicbusiness #musicmarketing #musicpr #musicjournalism #musicphotography #musicdesign #musictechnology #musicsoftware #musicapp #musiccreation #musiceducation #musicschool #musictraining #musictheory #musicexperience #musicmoment #musicmemory #musicinspiration #musicinfluence #musicevolution #musicscene #musiccommunity #musiccollaboration #musicpartnership #musicnetwork #musicvenue #musicstudio #musicrecording #musicproduction #musicengineering #musicmixing #musicmastering
"Over the past 51 years, Exit/In has become one of Music City’s most important music venues, as it has created a welcoming place for artists that span all genres and therefore honoring a true representation of Nashville’s music history," said AJ Capital's vice president of government affairs and community relations Pablo David.
#music #MusicVenue #MusicCity #nashville
Nashville's Exit/In greenlit for inclusion on National Historic Register. Here's why
#Nashville #MusicCity #musicvenue #Music
Catch some fresh acid blues with Bees Deluxe at The Music Room, West Yarmouth, MA on Friday Jan 27th:
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #supportlivemusic #musicvenue #musicroomcapecod
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #supportlivemusic #musicvenue #musicroomcapecod
Come and meet the iron men and women who play acid blues at The Music Room, Friday Jan 27
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #supportlivemusic #musicvenue #musicroomcapecod
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #supportlivemusic #musicvenue #musicroomcapecod
Bees Deluxe play live fresh acid blues at The Music Room, West Yarmouth, MA on Friday Jan 27.
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #mainemusic #localmusic #localbeer #craftcocktails #supportlivemusic #musicvenue #musicroomcapecod #tomandersonguitars
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #mainemusic #localmusic #localbeer #craftcocktails #supportlivemusic #musicvenue #musicroomcapecod #tomandersonguitars
Archdaily : Marlboro Music Reich Rehearsal Building & Music Library / HGA #CulturalArchitecture #Theaters&Performance #MusicVenue
#culturalarchitecture #theaters #musicvenue
If you can't get to Blue in Portland tomorrow, come to The Music Room on Friday Jan 27th:
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #jazzsesh #mainemusic #localmusic #localbeer #craftcocktails #supportlivemusic #musicvenue #port_city_blues_society #blueportlandmaine
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #jazzsesh #mainemusic #localmusic #localbeer #craftcocktails #supportlivemusic #musicvenue #port_city_blues_society #blueportlandmaine
PomPom was hired about three months after ground was broken on the rebuild, six months after the design and budgets were signed off on.
This is where a huge amount of problems have come from in this build - there was no one on the venue side to ask the hard technical questions or flag practicalities.
If you want to build a #Theatre or do a #HeritageTheatreRefurb, or open a #MusicVenue, get a couple of experienced professional technicians involved BEFORE the architects and consultants.
#theatre #heritagetheatrerefurb #musicvenue
Go Go to Bees Deluxe at The Music Room, Friday Jan 27th:
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #jazzsesh #mainemusic #localmusic #localbeer #craftcocktails #supportlivemusic #musicvenue
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #jazzsesh #mainemusic #localmusic #localbeer #craftcocktails #supportlivemusic #musicvenue
Join Bees Deluxe at the Cape.
Friday January 27 at The Music Room
West Yarmouth, MA
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #jazzsesh #mainemusic #localmusic #localbeer #craftcocktails #supportlivemusic #musicvenue
#blues #acidblues #beesdeluxe #capecodmusic #themusicroom #capecodma #capecodmusicscene #capecodmagazine #jazzsesh #mainemusic #localmusic #localbeer #craftcocktails #supportlivemusic #musicvenue
Welcome to the team at new business, Swing Jazz Bar. All welcome to the grand opening. Call for table reservations . #barswingjazz #hflocal #fulham #jazz #bar #music #london #musicvenue #community
#barswingjazz #hflocal #fulham #jazz #bar #music #london #musicvenue #community
Meet "Narcan Nate." Nathan Smiddy will be one of my guests Wednesday for a web presentation on how the nightlife sector *could* help save lives ... if we could only *get* it to.
#Narcan #SaveMoreLives #24HourNation #NighttimeEconomy #Journalist #Webinar #Bars #Clubs #Nightlife #MusicIndustry @NYTimes #MusicVenue #Concerts @NBC
#concerts #musicvenue #musicindustry #nightlife #clubs #bars #webinar #journalist #nighttimeeconomy #24hournation #savemorelives #narcan