An evening of the old life: Forum Nights at #TunbridgeWells #icerink #livemusic Two acts from The Forum under 18s open mic night - The Street Lights ( a #Festive set, they are like early skiffle Beatles) & Nimueh who looks & sings like a 1940s star - all that and mulled wine. #MusicVenueTrust
#tunbridgewells #icerink #livemusic #festive #musicvenuetrust
Want to see some #Live #Grassroots #Music tonight in your area and don't know where to look? Why not try the #MusicVenueTrust Gig Guide.....
#live #grassroots #music #musicvenuetrust
Music Venue Trust calls for help for Grassroots Music Venues
Nick Smith reported for ITV News Meridian. The Music Venue Trust calls on the government to help with the potential loss of one-third of grassroots music venues in the South East region.
#NovaTwins #GeorgiaSouth #AmyLove #ITVMeridian
#musicvenuetrust #grassrootsmusicvenues #theoldmarkethove #novatwins #georgiasouth #amylove #itvmeridian #grassrootsmusicnetwork