Leute! Wir sind heiß! Bald erscheint das brandneue Video zu „Enjoy the silence“, dem großen Hit aus unserem aktuellen Programm „Alles richtig gemahct!“! Der Rohschnitt steht! Und um uns gemeinsam die Wartezeit bis zur Veröffentlichung zu verkürzen, gehen wir ab morgen mal alle offiziellen Videos von LaLeLu mit Euch durch.
#videos #musikvideos #VideoArt #acappella #acappellagroup #acappellamusic #acappellacover #acappellavideo #musicvideorelease #musicvideoshoot #musicvideomadness
#videos #musikvideos #videoart #acappella #acappellagroup #acappellamusic #acappellacover #acappellavideo #musicvideorelease #musicvideoshoot #musicvideomadness
DYLMY is a #musicvideo you may well enjoy!
Worth noting is that everyone involved in the production of this disco #filmclip was 18y/old or younger and it all came together in a single day of shooting.
I’d love you to share or promote the video in ways you deem suitable.☄️
Julian Munyard - Don't You Love Me Yet (Official Video)
https://youtu.be/ZUrVpWno9gg 📺
#julianmunyard #stokesauce
#DYLMY #disco #synth #80s #SBR #musicvideoshoot
#videography#musicartist #visualartist #australia @ajroach42
#musicvideo #filmclip #julianmunyard #stokesauce #dylmy #disco #synth #80s #sbr #musicvideoshoot #videography #visualartist #australia
DYLMY is a #musicvideo you may well enjoy!
Worth noting is that everyone involved in the production of this disco #filmclip was 18y/old or younger and it all came together in a single day of shooting.
I’d love you to share or promote the video in ways you deem suitable.☄️
Julian Munyard - Don't You Love Me Yet (Official Video)
#julianmunyard #stokesauce
#DYLMY #disco #synth #80s #SBR #musicvideoshoot
#videography#musicartist #visualartist #australia @ajroach42
#musicvideo #filmclip #julianmunyard #stokesauce #dylmy #disco #synth #80s #sbr #musicvideoshoot #videography #visualartist #australia
DYLMY is a #musicvideo you may well enjoy!
Worth noting is that everyone involved in the production of this disco #filmclip was 18y/old or younger and it all came together in a single day of shooting.
I’d love you to share or promote the video in ways you deem suitable.☄️
Julian Munyard - Don't You Love Me Yet (Official Video)
#julianmunyard #stokesauce
#DYLMY #disco #synth #80s #SBR #musicvideoshoot
#musicartist #visualartist @ajroach42
#musicvideo #filmclip #julianmunyard #stokesauce #dylmy #disco #synth #80s #sbr #musicvideoshoot #videography #musicartist #visualartist