Matthew meets Jamie
Matthew & Jamie matched through an online dating app. Neither knew exactly what they were looking for on the app, but they each had ideas of what they were looking for.
#MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #Writing #Erotica
#musingfromthepast #icymi #writing #erotica
Internal battles #MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #feelings #MentalHealth #depression
#musingfromthepast #icymi #feelings #mentalhealth #depression
Embarrassing sex
Is there anything about sex that embarrasses you, causes shame or fear, or makes you nervous? Or ... what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you during sex?
#MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #30DirtyQuestions #DirtyQuestions
#musingfromthepast #icymi #30dirtyquestions #dirtyquestions
#musingfromthepast #icymi #anal #fetish #kink #submissive
The deckhand #MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #mmmMondays #fiction #EroticFiction
#musingfromthepast #icymi #mmmmondays #fiction #eroticfiction
Self voyeurism #MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #KinkOfTheWeek #kotw
#musingfromthepast #icymi #kinkoftheweek #kotw
Breasts #MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #WickedWednesday #winkoftheweek #kotw
#musingfromthepast #icymi #wickedwednesday #winkoftheweek #kotw
Shit show
#MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #depression #MentalHealth
#musingfromthepast #icymi #depression #mentalhealth
Matthew meets Jamie
Matthew & Jamie matched through an online dating app. Neither knew exactly what they were looking for on the app, but they each had ideas of what they were looking for.
#MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #Writing #Erotica
#musingfromthepast #icymi #writing #erotica
Internal battles #MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #feelings #MentalHealth #depression
#musingfromthepast #icymi #feelings #mentalhealth #depression
An odd mixture
I am not sure how to trust birds. They might be plotting to take over the world for all we know. Those morning and evening songs they sing might be be elaborate distractions for humans while other groups plot their revenge on us. So no, I do not trust birds.
#MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #TMITuesday
#musingfromthepast #icymi #tmituesday
An odd mixture
I am not sure how to trust birds. They might be plotting to take over the world for all we know. Those morning and evening songs they sing might be be elaborate distractions for humans while other groups plot their revenge on us. So no, I do not trust birds.
#MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #TMITuesday
#musingfromthepast #icymi #tmituesday
Life is shit #MusingFromThePast #ICYMI #feelings #MentalHealth #depression
#musingfromthepast #icymi #feelings #mentalhealth #depression