1/x Zeroone is a fascinating platform and phenomenon. If you want to collect there, you have to create and upload.
I took this as an opportunity to turn some of my amateurish physical drawings and sketches into art—not simply by uploading them there, but by adding AI elements to make them pose a question:
Is this art already? Which impact has the use of AI on their perception as art?
Here are my thoughts.
#DigitalArt #musings #MastoArt
Link to collection: https://zeroone.art/profile/boringoldguy
#DigitalArt #musings #MastoArt
HEALTH – A diagnosis from a (faux) Doctor #2023_09_09 #sputnik_music #drgonzo1937 #musings
>> https://www.sputnikmusic.com/blog/2023/09/09/health-a-diagnosis-from-a-faux-doctor/
#2023_09_09 #sputnik_music #drgonzo1937 #musings
Random AI-related though: I guess from now on, when people talk about "AI" in a fiction context, they'll have to specify what they mean by "AI". Like:
-What role does AI play in your SF scenario?
-Do you mean "AI" as in "actual artificially created intelligence", or do you mean "AI" as in "the stuff that 2020s marketing people called 'AI'"?
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #sf #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Fiction #writing #musings
#ai #artificialintelligence #sf #scifi #sciencefiction #fiction #writing #musings
Im still trying to figure out how i should use this account.
Vapid memes? Antisocial cynicism? Fight the power? Make shit up because none of it really matters?
Be myself? WHICH self? The one that drives people away, or the one that bends over backwards so everyone else can be comfortable? The one that's abrupt, honest, and a little bit mean, or the one than keeps his mouth shut to avoid rocking the boat?
Do reputations even matter anymore?
Was ich hier in den letzten Tagen herausgelesen habe bezüglich unangenehmer Menschentypen auf verschiedenen Plattformen (nicht exklusiv, Überschneidungen möglich):
Xitter: Nazis; Kackbratzen, die einen per DM niedermachen; Schwurbler*innen
Mastodon: Mansplainer jeglichen Geschlechts; Kampfidealist*innen; Pseudointellektuelle mit „Humor“
Rein aus Neugier Frage an diejenigen, die sich schon auf #Bluesky herumtreiben: Was kristallisiert sich da heraus?
Survived on only one cup of coffee a day whilst away, so trying to keep this up at home... It's harder when the coffee machine is just there.
If I remember correctly, I was ten or eleven or twelve years old when I first saw a lot of reports about how this amazing new virtual reality #technology was The Future and would change everything.
I am in my 40s now.
As far as I can tell, the virtual reality revolution hasn't happened yet.
#technology #musings #tech #futurism #technologicaldevelopment
Last week at work, I've been looking forward and dreading it - on one hand I'll be able to devote full time to my game development.
On the flip side I'll have no income and have to start using my savings. Scary but it has to be done.
Any other folks here made the switch from VFX to game dev?
I don't hate Python, I just don't think it should be used anywhere.
#programming #perl #thoughts #musings
Today's poem:
Three of Cups
- by Gabrielle Civil
#poetry #GabrielleCivil #memory #loss #separation #musings #friends #relationships #time
#poetry #gabriellecivil #memory #loss #separation #musings #friends #relationships #time
#Afghanistan is what happens when a bunch of #incels take over a country.
#aphorisms #thoughts #ideas #sayings #observations #life #musings #inspiration
#afghanistan #incels #aphorisms #thoughts #ideas #sayings #observations #life #musings #inspiration
The timeline is very interesting today - not all of it is related to the indictment, although what's there is quite entertaining.
I'm not able to even come close to reading everything, and I'm OK with that. It is a sign of my personal growth that I don't have FOMO when it comes to Mastodon.
That's all, just thinking out loud.
Whenever I hear Fernando or chiquitita my eyes start leaking. They’re not even my fav abba songs in fact, I don’t like Fernando. Must be connected to some memory. I have no idea what it is. #abba #memory #childhood #musings
#musings #childhood #memory #abba
I miss the old days when games came with a story/novella, like Elite: The Dark Wheel.
The graphics were primitive (CGA!), but my imagination was enough to fill in the space between the polygons.
Paradise Lost – A diagnosis from a (faux) Doctor #2023_08_11 #sputnik_music #drgonzo1937 #musings
>> https://www.sputnikmusic.com/blog/2023/08/11/paradise-lost-a-diagnosis-from-a-faux-doctor/
#2023_08_11 #sputnik_music #drgonzo1937 #musings
I can't be the only one.
#musings #humor #micheleegwynn
The Clientele at the Crystal Ballroom, Somerville, MA, 8/9/23 #2023_08_10 #sputnik_music #sunnyvale #musings
#2023_08_10 #sputnik_music #sunnyvale #musings
I’m not your savior
I saw your pain,
This afternoon.
My hands longed,
To run your back.
If I touched,
I might melt away.
The smell of cloves,
Fill the room.
Stale beer, emanating
From the floorboards.
The rays from the T.V.,
Illuminate the room.
Only here in this
Dimly lit room
Can I be with you.
I'm not your savior
You’re not mine.
Thoughts on Mark “diveintomark” Pilgrim's and _why's infosuicides (2011)
#ycombinator #Blogging #Musings
#ycombinator #blogging #musings
Re-#Introduction post:
🎧 Audio-phile
🖥️ Tech-enthusiast
📻 Ex-Indian FM radio
🌗 Lurker
🔁 Serial Reposter
Happy to talk about: #radio #podcast #audio #storytelling
Likely to post random #musings about whatever's trending - usually #India, #MastIndia, #news, #SocialContract, #podcasts, etc.
I ❤️ #puns, #shitposts, #memes, and jumping into conversations uninvited.
#memes #shitposts #puns #podcasts #socialcontract #news #mastindia #India #musings #storytelling #audio #podcast #radio #introduction