I hacked the latest Oracle Instant Client libraries (libocci.so and other crap) and SQL*Plus CLI (the most awful DB client ever), which are only distributed as binaries linked against glibc, to work on #musl libc and #AlpineLinux. It’s available in my https://github.com/jirutka/user-aports/. Packages: oracle-instantclient-oci, oracle-instantclient-sqplus, oracle-instantclient-dev etc.
APKBUILD: https://github.com/jirutka/user-aports/blob/master/user/oracle-instantclient/APKBUILD
J'ai joué à essayer de compiler une appli #Flutter pour #PostmarketOS sur #ARMv8 (#Pinephone acheté en #Ğ1), mais entre la version du sdk #Dart, la std #musl, je ne m'en suis pas sorti ><
#musl #dart #g1 #pinephone #armv8 #postmarketos #flutter
@ncommander Granted that's not common for #Distros to do so, and my goal with #OS1337 was to make something more practical than #Floppinux which can barely output some text on screen - at least connect to somethng else that is useful.
OFC I'll release it once tested and satisfactory in useability for what I want to achieve with it.
But yeah, there isn't much beyond #musl being shared among those processes, so it's mostly a tradeoff that'll cost storage or RAM in more extensive setups...
#musl #floppinux #os1337 #distros
#Linux 6.4.12 (with networking support!) + #toybox 0.8.10 in 980k using #musl-cross-i686
This is awesome...
Seems like I can fit #dropbear as #SSH client on the 3,5" #1440kB #Floppy as well...
I guess it would've been possible to make #Floppinux for a #720k #Floppy as well... ?
#OS1337 #development
#Development #os1337 #720k #floppinux #floppy #1440kb #ssh #dropbear #musl #toybox #Linux
@whitekiba yeah, I do intent on putting those a bit in order and add the .config for the kernel.
If necessary to get that 1440kB FDD target I do consider having only dbclient (dropbear but as SSH client) or just toybox (with wget enabled) to download the latter into a ramdisk.
Or using busybox.
Tho ideally I could use #toybox+#musl since that wpuld make it easier to get cross-compiled, tho again I'm not fixed on either and would consider both.
The idea is to use that sleek baseline to expand.
@beforewisdom @Yehuda @fsf exactly.
As for the #GNUtils like #bash, I do work on getting rid of them as well where I can.
I am currently working on a #minimalist #embedded distro based off #toybox / #Linux + #musl, because #Glibc is a shitty mess that bricks stuff at random in minor version updates for no good reason!
#toybox #glibc #musl #Linux #Embedded #minimalist #Bash #GNUtils
Strongly considering trying out a new form of release condition for #musl, that really should have been obvious: rolling a release whenever there's been a bugfix for something reasonably user-facing (vs like silent/"harmless" UB or weird corner cases nobody but me cares about) and there's not anything release-blockingly unstable in main.
(The latter condition could be dropped if there were a "stable branch" of course, but for the most part I don't think it's an issue at present.)
@foone See the code in #musl for evaluating plural form expressions in gettext translation files. It's extremely small: https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/src/locale/pleval.c?id=v1.2.4
A really common form of the second error, and one just encountered on #musl debugging a buffer overflow mallocng caught, is where T2 is inadvertently T1 * rather than T1.
Due to issues with how this instance is run and who is permitted to be here and influence moderation decisions, #musl's social media presence will likely be moving of Fosstodon.
Recommendations for an appropriate instance friendly to hosting project accounts, and with agreeable values, would be welcome!
@viel_zu_negativ ...die größten Painpoints ist eher die #Glibc und andere #GNU-Schrott welcher konsequent mit minimalsten Updates nativss bricked, weshalb ich hoffe dass auf #musl oder andere #c-libs umgdstellt wird.
Ansonsten funzt #Wine ganz gut - es bräuchte natürlich Feinschliff vgl. #Proton / #DXVK-Integration in #Steam.
Ansonsten dürften #TechIlliterate #Normies, #Consoomer & Co. bereits besser unter #Ubuntu #LTS #Linux bedient sein, weil's anders als #Windows nicht halbjährlich bricked.
#Windows #Linux #LTS #Ubuntu #consoomer #normies #techilliterate #steam #dxvk #proton #Wine #C #musl #GNU #glibc
@bitpirate @gamingonlinux and as much as I'd love to see every game getting updated, it's illusional that publishers and devs will invest the time to do so on one-time-purchase titles that are over 2 years old, don't sell any significant numbers or don't get any other revenue to pay for workarounding the shit that #flibc does.
@lunaa @yura @torvalds I know...
There's a reason Distros like #AlpineLinux, #ChimeraLinux and almost all #embedded systems using #Busybox or #Toybox want to get rid of #glibc if not replace it with something like #uClinux, #musl,or another #libc...
Because glibc bricking stuff with minor updates kills any #CCSS and any non-#FLOSS that can't be recompiled.
And what RMS et. al. may see as intentional, I think is the biggest issie that prevents #Linux from dominating #Desktop|s!
#Desktop #Linux #FLOSS #ccss #libc #musl #uclinux #glibc #toybox #busybox #Embedded #ChimeraLinux #alpinelinux
Just got a bug report in #musl that appears to be this hot garbage. 🤦 https://nitter.net/RichFelker/status/1357733309737021444 Reporter left before identifying the system but it's the only plausible explanation I see for statx failing with EINVAL instead of ENOSYS on old kernel...
C - NixOS Wiki
"This can break for example projects that would bring their own libc (i.e. #musl). However it is possible to get a cc wrapper that would include all build inputs without adding glibc:"
#musl ignored protocol ossification in DNS and was worse for it.
why not instead of ?