Join the Muslim Justice League in Dorchester this Wednesday as they protest Boston Police Department budget increases!
Facebook link below with more information.
First Parish Church in Dorchester
Wednesday, May 17
5pm: stand out in front of the church
6pm-9pm: Community Testimony
#MuslimJusticeLeague #MJL #DefundThePolice #Boston #Massachusetts
#muslimjusticeleague #mjl #DefundThePolice #boston #massachusetts
Join #MuslimJusticeLeague tomorrow for a teach-in about the killing of Sayed Arif Faisal by Cambridge Police.
Zoom call starts at 7pm Eastern, registration link is here:
Link to post:
Join the #MuslimJusticeLeague for the following events:
City officials meeting TODAY
WHEN: January 12th at 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Dr Martin Luther King Jr School, 102 Putnam Ave Cambridge Massachusetts
WHAT: a meeting will be held with the mayor, vice mayor, police commissioner, and district attorney
WHEN: Saturday January 14th at 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: Harvard Square, brattle Street, Cambridge Massachusetts
WHAT: another protest will be held in Harvard Square
#muslimjusticeleague #justiceforfaisal