The HC dismissed a revision application filed by a man against a sessions court order that had increased the maintenance amount awarded to his former wife in a domestic violence case
#MuslimWoman #Maintenance #DomesticViolenceAct #BombayHighCourt
#muslimwoman #maintenance #domesticviolenceact #bombayhighcourt
Fed up with #NonMuslims telling me, a #MuslimWoman what is and is not #Islamophobia.
Islamophobia comes in many shapes, sizes, shades, and languages. A lot of it is expressed through #MicroAggression and even #PassiveAggression.
Did you know that simply thinking that a #Muslim seems “not like others” is actually a VERY Islamophobic thought? It literally DEPENDS on having an incredibly narrow view of #Muslims and #Islam.
#nonmuslims #muslimwoman #islamophobia #microaggression #passiveaggression #muslim #muslims #islam #checkyourislamophobiaplease
Wanna know why I care so much about #TransRights? Because, as a #MuslimWoman I know a little bit about what it’s like to be hated just because of who or what you are. I don’t want to be treated like shit, and I don’t want others to be treated like shit, either.
Unless they’re #Nazis, #Bigots, #Racists, #Fascists, #Homophobes, #Transphobes, #Sexists, #WhiteSupremacists, #Islamophobes, #AntiSemitic, #Xenophobic, #AntiAbortion, #AntiReprodictiveRights, #TERFs, etc.
#transrights #muslimwoman #nazis #bigots #racists #fascists #homophobes #transphobes #sexists #WhiteSupremacists #islamophobes #antisemitic #xenophobic #antiabortion #antireprodictiverights #terfs