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#WildHorseWednesday! Young Cooper is feeling playful and rushes Clorox. It's the way young stallions learn and test their skills. They are tolerated and sometimes educated by the older guys as long as they remain respectful.
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#WildHorseWednesday! Two wild stallions greet each other on a dusty ridge. AKA 'you put your left foot out', lol. They snorted, pawed and went on their way.
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Harding Vs Grand Valley β High School Volleyball Live Stream
#GrandValleyHighSchool #GrandValley #Harding #HardingHighSchool #HardingvsGrandValleyhighschoolVolleyball #HighSchoolVolleyballLiveStream #highschoolVolleyballlivestreamfree #JustinHarding #Livestreaming #Mustangs #OHIO #OhioHighSchool #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #Skippers #VarsityVolleyball #VolleyballHighSchool
#grandvalleyhighschool #grandvalley #harding #hardinghighschool #hardingvsgrandvalleyhighschoolvolleyball #highschoolvolleyballlivestream #highschoolvolleyballlivestreamfree #justinharding #livestreaming #mustangs #ohio #ohiohighschool #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #skippers #varsityvolleyball #volleyballhighschool
#MustangMonday! Wild Horse Play - Bachelor stallions from the south Onaqui herd playfully challenging each other.
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It's #FoalFriday! And everyone loves the babies, even big brothers. I love this family scene as it shows the close connection between family members in the wild.
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Last year, the American Wild Horse Campaign (#AWHC) released an explosive investigative #report that detailed the devastating and deadly consequences of the Bureau of Land Management's ( #BLM ) cash incentive-based adoption program, known as the Adoption Incentive Program ( #AIP ). The AIP pays individuals $1,000 per #animal to #adopt up to four wild, unhandled BLM #mustangs and #burros a year.Β
#burros #mustangs #adopt #animal #aip #blm #report #awhc
Currently, the #population is estimated at approximately 181, which equates to a density of one horse for every 600+ acres!
The #BLM 's proposed action includes bait trapping these iconic #mustangs until they achieve the upper Appropriate Management Level (AML) of a mere 140 wild horses, a number that will not leave the herd genetically viable. According to the BLM's own Wild Horse and Burro Handbook,
The McCullough Peaks Herd Management Area (HMA) is home to approximately 181 #mustangs who have been successfully managed with fertility control since 2011. Now, the #BLM is asking the public for input on an Environmental Assessment (EA) that would significantly reduce the population, destroy beloved family bands, and threaten the genetic health of the entire herd.
#WildHorseWednesday coming at you in a cloud of dust, courtesy of Clorox! This north Onaqui stallion is one of my favorites. He is a great father, leader, and protector for his band.
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It's #FoalFriday This little beauty was first spotted on the range on April 2. This photo of her and her dam was taken on May 4. She has a big brother who is usually close by, often doting on her. I was happy to catch this shot of the two of them posing so nicely.
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A nice looking mare from the South Steens wild horse herd. Photo by my husband, Jim Dewitt. #mustangs #WildHorses #horses #Oregon
#mustangs #wildhorses #horses #oregon
Another view of two of the #mustangs from the South Steens herd in #Oregon. They are also known as the "Hollywood Herd" since they are often seen near the road and don't flee from human paparazzi as long as we stay a respectful distance away. Photo by Jim DeWitt. #WildHorses
outrageous & unspeakably cruel: 11 deaths so far include 5 young foals, 4 #horses with broken necks & a stallion with a fractured hind leg that was chased by helicopter & horseback as he tried to flee on 3 legs for 35 minutes before he was shot
#nevada #roundup #mustangs
#mustangs #roundup #Nevada #horses
Horseplay. A couple of wild and crazy guys having some fun for #WildHorseWednesday!
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For #StallionSaturday here are the stars of my T-Shirt design (see pinned post). Ranger, Apple, and another unnamed bachelor of the south Onaqui herd. Apple. in the rear, is the old guy here. He is actually sire to Ranger, on the left.
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#MustangMonday A gray stallion from Utah's south Onaqui herd stands alert as he spots a small unfamiliar band moving in his direction.
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