i’m a relative newcomer to Émilie Gillet’s #MutableInstruments synthesis modules, and have only engaged with them via open source derivatives (mostly on organelle), but her work is so profoundly interesting & expressive. I really think she’s up there with the best synthesizer minds in history. ❤️
Just scored a #MutableInstruments Blinds at almost 50% off. Can't wait for it to arrive so I can start messing around with it!
#mutableinstruments #modularsynth
Done with a DIY Elements build - well, it's pretty, but unfortunately completely dead. No solder problems detected, and supposedly came with the controller pre-flashed. Who knows? There's very little information about building these available, so I'll probably let it sit for a while before trying my hand at seeing if it was *actually* pre-flashed, or reflowing solder joints. Can't win em all on the first try! #synthdiy #diy #mutableinstruments
#mutableinstruments #diy #synthdiy
[Red Means Recording] @jjbbllkk explains how Your Synthesizer is Trans
#PrideMonth #ElectronicMusic #Synth #Music #Trans #transgender #Moog #MutableInstruments
#pridemonth #electronicmusic #synth #music #trans #transgender #moog #mutableinstruments
[Red Means Recording] @jjbbllkk explains how Your Synthesizer is Trans
#PrideMonth #ElectronicMusic #Synth #Music #Trans #transgender #Moog #MutableInstruments
#pridemonth #electronicmusic #synth #music #trans #transgender #moog #mutableinstruments
He's always been brilliant but #RedMeansRecording is now easily my fave tech #YouTuber
Because he actually fucking cares about people.
Every comments page, every forum is stuffed with Clarksons, gammons, flagshaggers, TERFs and outright Nazis.
So this video is like a glass of cold, superfuckingtasty water in a desert of fucknuts:
Go give him a follow: @jjbbllkk
#TransRights #SynthesizersAreTrans #ComputersAreGay #WendyCarlos #MutableInstruments
#mutableinstruments #wendycarlos #computersaregay #synthesizersaretrans #transrights #youtuber #redmeansrecording
I wrote an expanded Firmware flashing and Calibration guide for DIY builds of Mutable Instruments' Stages.
There really isn't that much to go on out there currently, so I hope this helps fill in some of the details needed to successfully complete one of these builds.
#mutableinstruments #eurorack #diy #synthdiy #sdiy #hardware #modularsynth
#mutableinstruments #eurorack #diy #synthdiy #sdiy #hardware #modularsynth
Last night I worked on doing an initial flashing of the firmware, before soldering on any of the larger components, so I can fix any problems before those are in the way.
Since #MutableInstruments is shut down, I noticed there is already some drift between it's firmware code and the C STM libraries, which required me to make some code changes to compile the bootloader.
Wild how quickly the bit rot happens when a project with dependencies is no longer maintained. #permacomputing
#mutableinstruments #permacomputing
Building another #MutableInstruments Stages and trying out one of those cheap USB microscopes to verify my work.
The video FPS is slow, but otherwise it's actually pretty useful, especially since this build uses 0402 SMD parts and some really fragile little pins on the microcontroller.
Doing this by hand as always.
#mutableinstruments #diy #sdiy
Thoughts after the 2023 Bleep / Blorp Festival of Synthesis and Electronic Music, my first step into #eurorack hardware, and an appreciation of the legacy #MutableInstruments has gifted to #OpenSource #ModularSynth
#modularsynth #opensource #mutableinstruments #eurorack
Getting to grips with Knobula #polycinematic today. Used the #teenageEngineering #op1field to perform the chords via MIDI. Absolutely love this sound.
Used the #grayscalesupercell to add some tremolo and reverb to the PolyCinematic.
Also wanted to experiment with the percussive synth models on #mutableinstruments #plaits as I hadn’t previously appreciated they could play notes (not sure how I missed this).
Modular Adventures 0013
#plaits #mutableinstruments #grayscalesupercell #op1field #teenageengineering #polycinematic
More experimenting with VCAs but this time using an #xaoc #batumi LFO to modulate the VCA.
Tried sending LFO into the input of the VCA too to then modulate #mutableinstruments #Plaits - need to think some more about what this is actually doing.
Used a random CV generator in #almbusycircuits Pam’s to create random notes in Plaits which were then processed through Hologram Microcosm.
Modular Adventures 0007
#ambient #generativemusic #teenageengineering #modularsynth #almbusycircuits #plaits #mutableinstruments #Batumi #xaoc
Latest in my modular adventures. Adding the #intellijel quad VCA to #mutableinstruments #plaits
Modular Adventures 0006
#almbusycirtcuits #teenageengineering #modularsynth #plaits #mutableinstruments #intellijel
Second patch with my new modular set up. Keeping it simple still. Learned a little more about Pam’s today, particularly around using levels to control the CV to v/Oct and limiting the range of octaves triggered in the #mutableinstruments #plaits
Added a beat, a couple of chords and a subtle arp for a little support with the #opz
Modular Adventures 0002
#opz #plaits #mutableinstruments
Trying out the new DX7 mode in the #mutableinstruments #plaits oscillator. CV control of a DX7!
#mutableinstruments #plaits #eurorack #synth #modularsynth
I’ve only gone and taken the plunge into Modular Syths.
My rack is deliberately pretty bare at the moment as I’m trying avoid filling it up with gear I don’t know how to use.
My plan is to learn each piece of gear and try my best to hold off putting more in too soon.
A little starter patch I made exhaustion all the inputs on #mutableinstruments #plaits using #pamelasworkout to control it.
Modular Adventures 0001
#pamelasworkout #plaits #mutableinstruments
No audio because I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm doing.
All I know is I've got more bells than St. Paul's cathedral, which I suppose is at least appropriate for a Sunday morning.
#MutableInstruments Marbles & Plaits, #MomoModular nRings, #AfterLaterAudio Monsoon.
Yes yes, Rings into Clouds, I know... Very #HouseplantAmbient 🌿
#mutableinstruments #momomodular #afterlateraudio #houseplantambient
.... so I basically have two rings!!
Conjuring some dark, industrial, bit-crushed drumming in my latest "trackerless #chiptune" piece created by self patching #MutableInstruments Stages—maybe this is the boss level? 👹🌋
Here's a playlist of the full Secret Stages series:
#chiptune #mutableinstruments #eurorack #modular #synthesizer #synth
Conjuring some dark, industrial, bit-crushed drumming in my latest "trackerless #chiptune" piece created by self patching #MutableInstruments Stages—maybe this is the boss level? 👹🌋
Here's a playlist of the full Secret Stages series:
#chiptune #mutableinstruments #eurorack #modular #synthesizer #synth