#rotfl #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TimeWatch #beyondthewall #bladerunner #BrindlewoodBay #callofcthulhu #Coriolis #cyphersystem #deltagreen #die #gumshoe #heart #fallofdeltagreen #grizzledadventurers #ironsworn #laundry #liminal #mothership #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #ose #Pendragon #RedMarkets #riversoflondon #shadowdark #sin #spectaculars #starforged #throughsunkenlands #trailofcthulhu #triangleagency #troika #Trophy #weirdindiestuff #YellowKing
Bingo! I got it! Every once and a while things just click.
It's a week-long political convention that begins with the Only Good Mutant, the Sportsmen just happen to be meeting there, and ends with the keynote presidential hopeful bomb threat of The Greater Good.
That way all the case files are linked before ushering in the new campaign world as most of the city goes up in flames.
#mutantcityblues #rpg #ttrpgDesign #ttrpg
The difference between a Mutant City Blues (top) and a more typical adventure action adventure (bottom). Flow chart spoilers!
How many suspects (and guilty) parties is too many for a case file?
1 Hired Assassin (dead)
1 Savvy Music Exec
1 Reluctant Bodyguard
1 Vengeful Political Donor
1 Radical Protestor
2 Estranged Bandmates
and The Mysterious Mr. Clean
#ttrpg #ttrpgDesign #mutantcityblues
So for far, in my quest to play as many different systems as possible for *research and design* purposes I have played Mutant City Blues, Trail of Cthulhu, and 5e D&D (more of a brushup here).
The same system that really makes Mutant City Blues interesting tends to bog down Trail. While D20 feels very limiting with the binary results. In the next month I'm trying Mothership, Mork Borg, and Into the Odd.
After that? I'm hoping Nightwitches or some other PbtA game.
Over at @pelgranepress, @mytholder details the differences between clues, hints, and leads, and shows how they stitch #Gumshoe scenes together: https://pelgranepress.com/2023/03/08/a-taxonomy-of-investigations/ #ttrpg #AshenStars #Esoterrorists #FearItself #MutantCityBlues #NightsBlackAgents #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TrailOfCthulhu #YellowKingRPG
#gumshoe #ttrpg #AshenStars #esoterrorists #FearItself #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #SwordsoftheSerpentine #trailofcthulhu #YellowKingRPG
The most fantastical and realistic premise I've ever written:
'The catastrophic loss of life and property led to defunding governmental law enforcement agencies. Insurance company premiums became so high only the wealthiest could afford to practice super powered acts.'
#mutantcityblues #PelgranePress #ttrpg #ttrpgdev
Whew, Mutant City Blues can be dark! The more I explore the system the more I dig it. It has currently led me down the rabbit hole of:
If someone is stabbed, healed, and then memory wiped of the event. Did a crime take place?
The answer is of course it did! But, how do you prove it and does anyone care?
#mutantcityblues #gumshoe #ttrpg
Finished Season One of my #MutantCityBlues campaign “He Escapes Who Is Not Pursued” about the FBI Mutant Cold Case Squad yesterday with the PCs having ostensibly closing dozens of missing persons cases but having the one link to the 35 year old conspiracy that predates the Sudden Mutation Event killed in the raid. Cue X-Files music.
I managed to convince the players to spend the next years games trying a Basic/Expert D&D game.
#mutantcityblues #gumshoe #DnD #dungeon23
When introducing my players to #Gumshoe it was with #MutantCityBlues 2e so there were no investigation pools. I divided the general ability pool by 3 (I think) and had the players build with that as a flat die roll bonus, assuming you’d roll against each ability 3 times a case. That turned it into a No roll for investigation + push, standard roll+skill vs target for general, and point pools for non-investigation mutations. This let me ease them into the concept.
#gumshoe #mutantcityblues #ttrpg
@wandererbill Gumshoe is VERY genre driven, and not very complex once you wrap your brain around the two mechanical conceits, so the trick, I think, is to focus on which genre you most like.
Kevin Kulp's designs (#Timewatch, #SwordsOfTheSerpentine) tend to be much more freewheeling and heroic, with lots of moving resources between point pools.
Robin Laws' designs are more grounded, and are moving away from as many point pools in #TheYellowKing and #MutantCityBlues.
#TimeWatch #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TheYellowKing #mutantcityblues #gumshoe #ttrpg
Finished prepping up #FoundryVTT for tomorrow's game of @robindlaws's Series Pitch, #MutantCityHCIU, chosen by my gaming group for their very first #DramaSystem game.
I'm looking forward to seeing what they're going to come up with.
#ttrpg #rpg #jdr #ClubJdR #MutantCityBlues @pelgranepress #CustomSystemBuilder
#customsystembuilder #mutantcityblues #clubJdr #jdr #rpg #ttrpg #DramaSystem #mutantcityhciu #foundryvtt