DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
7 followers · 2131 posts · Server tastingtraffic.net


| Not one mention of ? Anymore?

🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄

HMMM.. 💉 Lets Compare -19 rates to rates --based on Death Rates in the COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at (JHU)


💉 Covid was achieved when REACHED 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

1. Dynamic page Here: arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/bda

💉 Covid was a (basically a imho but a lot more deadlier for the unhealthy)

Covid Virus out of not China!

Vaccines ARE ALSO with as a . There was absolutely , , in those VACCINE shots to help cure or protect you from Covid Virus.

There has never been a CURE for a COMMON COLD OR COMMON FLU and there is still NO CURE for these house hold ailments.

Herd Immunity for covid-19 was achieved when the world population reach 0.084962407407407% OF reported DEATHS

When a Virus Mutates it is trying to survive LONGER. The more times in Mutates the weaker the virus gets = HERD IMMUNITY..

Again, was achieved at 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

is a . There was or in any of the !

was achieved when REACHED 0.049382716049383% WORLDWIDE based on 400,000 of REPORTED INFLUENZA .

: The is estimated to cause 400,000 respiratory deaths each year on average across the world. These deaths come from pneumonia and other respiratory symptoms caused by the flu.1

2. Static Page here: ourworldindata.org/influenza


MEMORY LANE | for Covid-19 Is 'a Fantasy': #*Requires a Min of 2M | Dr. | Jun.15.2020 |

is a

It for these . Its a Fantasy and a FANTASY!

It has led to a extraordinary number of in .

I would that from our and our ..

William Haseltine, who designed the strategy to develop the first treatment for HIV/AIDS and is now chair and president of consulting group ACCESS Health International, talks about the coronavirus outbreak. He speaks with Haidi Stroud-Watts and Shery Ahn on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia."

* The US will soon face the consequences of its insufficient actions

* : "Small Bumps"

* I expect that we will be on the Brink of Another Round of Infections


* Expected time line for ??????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3. here: youtu.be/CrS8dqkiFpU


VIDEO HERE: Lethal Injection · Burden · Jimmy Levy · Rocky Luciano · Mesus

Pure Blood Deluxe Edition

℗ Burden, LLC

Released on: 2021-11-26

4. VIDEO HERE: youtu.be/8py2P72_3Fo?si=X14i5v


Covid out of NOT CHINA
U.S.: From , , Say Researchers.. April 9th, 2020 | Two separate teams of researchers tracing the coronavirus outbreak in the States have concluded that the virus originated in travelers from Europe, not China, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

5. Static page: nationalpost.com/news/covid-19

Brought to First Case , Studies Suggest.. April 9th, 2020 | The new coronavirus began spreading in New York weeks before the first confirmed case and came to the area via travelers from Europe, , new research suggests. "We with that these were from ," Adriana Heguy, director of the Genome Technology Center at NYU Langone Health, told USA TODAY.

6. Static page here: usatoday.com/story/news/health


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #MORNING #attention #HERD_IMMUNITY #covid #INFLUENZA_FLU #Johns_Hopkins_University #DEATH_RATES #REPORTED #DEATHS_RATES #Man_Made #virus #mutated #flu_strain #originated #Europe #zero #Effectiveness #Covid_Cure #nothing #ZILCH #NADA #APPROACHING #COVID_DEATHS #unvaccinated #MOOT_POINT #NO_CURE #PROTECTION_FROM_COVID #VACCINE_SHOTS #influenza #Total_Cases #FLU_DEATHS #flu #deaths #Haseltine #HEARD_IMMUNITY #fantasy #does_not_exist #viruses #dangerous #sweden #eliminate #TERM #VOCABULARY #thinking #KUDLOW #Virus_Spikes #Covid_19 #vaccine #video #lethal_injection #song #Coronavirus_outbreak #came #Europe_Flights #NOT_China #European_Travelers #coronavirus #new_york #Long_Before #confirmed #know #certainty #coming #European_strains #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
7 followers · 2131 posts · Server tastingtraffic.net


| Not one mention of ? Anymore?

🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄

HMMM.. 💉 Lets Compare -19 rates to rates --based on Death Rates in the COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at (JHU)


💉 Covid was achieved when REACHED 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

1. Dynamic page Here: arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/bda

💉 Covid was a (basically a imho but a lot more deadlier for the unhealthy)

Covid Virus out of not China!

Vaccines ARE ALSO with as a . There was absolutely , , in those VACCINE shots to help cure or protect you from Covid Virus.

There has never been a CURE for a COMMON COLD OR COMMON FLU and there is still NO CURE for these house hold ailments.

Herd Immunity for covid-19 was achieved when the world population reach 0.084962407407407% OF reported DEATHS

When a Virus Mutates it is trying to survive LONGER. The more times in Mutates the weaker the virus gets = HERD IMMUNITY..

Again, was achieved at 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

is a . There was or in any of the !

was achieved when REACHED 0.049382716049383% WORLDWIDE based on 400,000 of REPORTED INFLUENZA .

: The is estimated to cause 400,000 respiratory deaths each year on average across the world. These deaths come from pneumonia and other respiratory symptoms caused by the flu.1

2. Static Page here: ourworldindata.org/influenza


MEMORY LANE | for Covid-19 Is 'a Fantasy': #*Requires a Min of 2M | Dr. | Jun.15.2020 |

is a

It for these . Its a Fantasy and a FANTASY!

It has led to a extraordinary number of in .

I would that from our and our ..

William Haseltine, who designed the strategy to develop the first treatment for HIV/AIDS and is now chair and president of consulting group ACCESS Health International, talks about the coronavirus outbreak. He speaks with Haidi Stroud-Watts and Shery Ahn on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia."

* The US will soon face the consequences of its insufficient actions

* : "Small Bumps"

* I expect that we will be on the Brink of Another Round of Infections


* Expected time line for ??????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3. here: youtu.be/CrS8dqkiFpU


VIDEO HERE: Lethal Injection · Burden · Jimmy Levy · Rocky Luciano · Mesus

Pure Blood Deluxe Edition

℗ Burden, LLC

Released on: 2021-11-26

4. VIDEO HERE: youtu.be/8py2P72_3Fo?si=X14i5v


Covid out of NOT CHINA
U.S.: From , , Say Researchers.. April 9th, 2020 | Two separate teams of researchers tracing the coronavirus outbreak in the States have concluded that the virus originated in travelers from Europe, not China, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

5. Static page: nationalpost.com/news/covid-19

Brought to First Case , Studies Suggest.. April 9th, 2020 | The new coronavirus began spreading in New York weeks before the first confirmed case and came to the area via travelers from Europe, , new research suggests. "We with that these were from ," Adriana Heguy, director of the Genome Technology Center at NYU Langone Health, told USA TODAY.

6. Static page here: usatoday.com/story/news/health


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #MORNING #attention #HERD_IMMUNITY #covid #INFLUENZA_FLU #Johns_Hopkins_University #DEATH_RATES #REPORTED #DEATHS_RATES #Man_Made #virus #mutated #flu_strain #originated #Europe #zero #Effectiveness #Covid_Cure #nothing #ZILCH #NADA #APPROACHING #COVID_DEATHS #unvaccinated #MOOT_POINT #NO_CURE #PROTECTION_FROM_COVID #VACCINE_SHOTS #influenza #Total_Cases #FLU_DEATHS #flu #deaths #Haseltine #HEARD_IMMUNITY #fantasy #does_not_exist #viruses #dangerous #sweden #eliminate #TERM #VOCABULARY #thinking #KUDLOW #Virus_Spikes #Covid_19 #vaccine #video #lethal_injection #song #Coronavirus_outbreak #came #Europe_Flights #NOT_China #European_Travelers #coronavirus #new_york #Long_Before #confirmed #know #certainty #coming #European_strains #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
7 followers · 2129 posts · Server tastingtraffic.net


🔴 | Not one mention of ? Anymore?

🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄

HMMM.. 💉 Lets Compare -19 rates to rates --based on Death Rates in the COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at (JHU)


💉 Covid was achieved when REACHED 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

1. Dynamic page Here: arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/bda

💉 Covid was a (basically a imho but a lot more deadlier for the unhealthy)

Covid Virus out of not China!

Vaccines ARE ALSO with as a . There was absolutely , , in those VACCINE shots to help cure or protect you from Covid Virus.

There has never been a CURE for a COMMON COLD OR COMMON FLU and there is still NO CURE for these house hold ailments.

Herd Immunity for covid-19 was achieved when the world population reach 0.084962407407407% OF reported DEATHS

When a Virus Mutates it is trying to survive LONGER. The more times in Mutates the weaker the virus gets = HERD IMMUNITY..

Again, was achieved at 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

is a . There was or in any of the !

was achieved when REACHED 0.049382716049383% WORLDWIDE based on 400,000 of REPORTED INFLUENZA .

: The is estimated to cause 400,000 respiratory deaths each year on average across the world. These deaths come from pneumonia and other respiratory symptoms caused by the flu.1

2. Static Page here: ourworldindata.org/influenza


MEMORY LANE | for Covid-19 Is 'a Fantasy': #*Requires a Min of 2M | Dr. | Jun.15.2020 |

is a

It for these . Its a Fantasy and a FANTASY!

It has led to a extraordinary number of in .

I would that from our and our ..

William Haseltine, who designed the strategy to develop the first treatment for HIV/AIDS and is now chair and president of consulting group ACCESS Health International, talks about the coronavirus outbreak. He speaks with Haidi Stroud-Watts and Shery Ahn on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia."

* The US will soon face the consequences of its insufficient actions

* : "Small Bumps"

* I expect that we will be on the Brink of Another Round of Infections


* Expected time line for ??????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3. here: youtu.be/CrS8dqkiFpU


VIDEO HERE: Lethal Injection · Burden · Jimmy Levy · Rocky Luciano · Mesus

Pure Blood Deluxe Edition

℗ Burden, LLC

Released on: 2021-11-26

4. VIDEO HERE: youtu.be/8py2P72_3Fo?si=X14i5v


Covid out of NOT CHINA
U.S.: From , , Say Researchers.. April 9th, 2020 | Two separate teams of researchers tracing the coronavirus outbreak in the States have concluded that the virus originated in travelers from Europe, not China, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

5. Static page: nationalpost.com/news/covid-19

Brought to First Case , Studies Suggest.. April 9th, 2020 | The new coronavirus began spreading in New York weeks before the first confirmed case and came to the area via travelers from Europe, , new research suggests. "We with that these were from ," Adriana Heguy, director of the Genome Technology Center at NYU Langone Health, told USA TODAY.

6. Static page here: usatoday.com/story/news/health


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #MORNING #attention #HERD_IMMUNITY #covid #INFLUENZA_FLU #Johns_Hopkins_University #DEATH_RATES #REPORTED #DEATHS_RATES #Man_Made #virus #mutated #flu_strain #originated #Europe #zero #Effectiveness #Covid_Cure #nothing #ZILCH #NADA #APPROACHING #COVID_DEATHS #unvaccinated #MOOT_POINT #NO_CURE #PROTECTION_FROM_COVID #VACCINE_SHOTS #influenza #Total_Cases #FLU_DEATHS #flu #deaths #Haseltine #HEARD_IMMUNITY #fantasy #does_not_exist #viruses #dangerous #sweden #eliminate #TERM #VOCABULARY #thinking #KUDLOW #Virus_Spikes #Covid_19 #vaccine #video #lethal_injection #song #Coronavirus_outbreak #came #Europe_Flights #NOT_China #European_Travelers #coronavirus #new_york #Long_Before #confirmed #know #certainty #coming #European_strains #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago


🔴 | Not one mention of ? Anymore?

🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄

HMMM.. 💉 Lets Compare -19 rates to rates --based on Death Rates in the COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at (JHU)


💉 Covid was achieved when REACHED 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

1. Dynamic page Here: arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/bda

💉 Covid was a (basically a imho but a lot more deadlier for the unhealthy)

Covid Virus out of not China!

Vaccines ARE ALSO with as a . There was absolutely , , in those VACCINE shots to help cure or protect you from Covid Virus.

There has never been a CURE for a COMMON COLD OR COMMON FLU and there is still NO CURE for these house hold ailments.

Herd Immunity for covid-19 was achieved when the world population reach 0.084962407407407% OF reported DEATHS

When a Virus Mutates it is trying to survive LONGER. The more times in Mutates the weaker the virus gets = HERD IMMUNITY..

Again, was achieved at 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

is a . There was or in any of the !

was achieved when REACHED 0.049382716049383% WORLDWIDE based on 400,000 of REPORTED INFLUENZA .

: The is estimated to cause 400,000 respiratory deaths each year on average across the world. These deaths come from pneumonia and other respiratory symptoms caused by the flu.1

2. Static Page here: ourworldindata.org/influenza


MEMORY LANE | for Covid-19 Is 'a Fantasy': #*Requires a Min of 2M | Dr. | Jun.15.2020 |

is a

It for these . Its a Fantasy and a FANTASY!

It has led to a extraordinary number of in .

I would that from our and our ..

William Haseltine, who designed the strategy to develop the first treatment for HIV/AIDS and is now chair and president of consulting group ACCESS Health International, talks about the coronavirus outbreak. He speaks with Haidi Stroud-Watts and Shery Ahn on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia."

* The US will soon face the consequences of its insufficient actions

* : "Small Bumps"

* I expect that we will be on the Brink of Another Round of Infections


* Expected time line for ??????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3. here: youtu.be/CrS8dqkiFpU


VIDEO HERE: Lethal Injection · Burden · Jimmy Levy · Rocky Luciano · Mesus

Pure Blood Deluxe Edition

℗ Burden, LLC

Released on: 2021-11-26

4. VIDEO HERE: youtu.be/8py2P72_3Fo?si=X14i5v


Covid out of NOT CHINA
U.S.: From , , Say Researchers.. April 9th, 2020 | Two separate teams of researchers tracing the coronavirus outbreak in the States have concluded that the virus originated in travelers from Europe, not China, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

5. Static page: nationalpost.com/news/covid-19

Brought to First Case , Studies Suggest.. April 9th, 2020 | The new coronavirus began spreading in New York weeks before the first confirmed case and came to the area via travelers from Europe, , new research suggests. "We with that these were from ," Adriana Heguy, director of the Genome Technology Center at NYU Langone Health, told USA TODAY.

6. Static page here: usatoday.com/story/news/health


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #MORNING #attention #HERD_IMMUNITY #covid #INFLUENZA_FLU #Johns_Hopkins_University #DEATH_RATES #REPORTED #DEATHS_RATES #Man_Made #virus #mutated #flu_strain #originated #Europe #zero #Effectiveness #Covid_Cure #nothing #ZILCH #NADA #APPROACHING #COVID_DEATHS #unvaccinated #MOOT_POINT #NO_CURE #PROTECTION_FROM_COVID #VACCINE_SHOTS #influenza #Total_Cases #FLU_DEATHS #flu #deaths #Haseltine #HEARD_IMMUNITY #fantasy #does_not_exist #viruses #dangerous #sweden #eliminate #TERM #VOCABULARY #thinking #KUDLOW #Virus_Spikes #Covid_19 #vaccine #video #lethal_injection #song #Coronavirus_outbreak #came #Europe_Flights #NOT_China #European_Travelers #coronavirus #new_york #Long_Before #confirmed #know #certainty #coming #European_strains #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago


🔴 | Not one mention of ? Anymore?

🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄

HMMM.. 💉 Lets Compare -19 rates to rates --based on Death Rates in the COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at (JHU)


💉 Covid was achieved when REACHED 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

1. Dynamic page Here: arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/bda

💉 Covid was a (basically a imho but a lot more deadlier for the unhealthy)

Covid Virus out of not China!

Vaccines ARE ALSO with as a . There was absolutely , , in those VACCINE shots to help cure or protect you from Covid Virus.

There has never been a CURE for a COMMON COLD OR COMMON FLU and there is still NO CURE for these house hold ailments.

Herd Immunity for covid-19 was achieved when the world population reach 0.084962407407407% OF reported DEATHS

When a Virus Mutates it is trying to survive LONGER. The more times in Mutates the weaker the virus gets = HERD IMMUNITY..

Again, was achieved at 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

is a . There was or in any of the !

was achieved when REACHED 0.049382716049383% WORLDWIDE based on 400,000 of REPORTED INFLUENZA .

: The is estimated to cause 400,000 respiratory deaths each year on average across the world. These deaths come from pneumonia and other respiratory symptoms caused by the flu.1

2. Static Page here: ourworldindata.org/influenza


MEMORY LANE | for Covid-19 Is 'a Fantasy': #*Requires a Min of 2M | Dr. | Jun.15.2020 |

is a

It for these . Its a Fantasy and a FANTASY!

It has led to a extraordinary number of in .

I would that from our and our ..

William Haseltine, who designed the strategy to develop the first treatment for HIV/AIDS and is now chair and president of consulting group ACCESS Health International, talks about the coronavirus outbreak. He speaks with Haidi Stroud-Watts and Shery Ahn on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia."

* The US will soon face the consequences of its insufficient actions

* : "Small Bumps"

* I expect that we will be on the Brink of Another Round of Infections


* Expected time line for ??????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3. here: youtu.be/CrS8dqkiFpU


VIDEO HERE: Lethal Injection · Burden · Jimmy Levy · Rocky Luciano · Mesus

Pure Blood Deluxe Edition

℗ Burden, LLC

Released on: 2021-11-26

4. VIDEO HERE: youtu.be/8py2P72_3Fo?si=X14i5v


Covid out of NOT CHINA
U.S.: From , , Say Researchers.. April 9th, 2020 | Two separate teams of researchers tracing the coronavirus outbreak in the States have concluded that the virus originated in travelers from Europe, not China, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

5. Static page: nationalpost.com/news/covid-19

Brought to First Case , Studies Suggest.. April 9th, 2020 | The new coronavirus began spreading in New York weeks before the first confirmed case and came to the area via travelers from Europe, , new research suggests. "We with that these were from ," Adriana Heguy, director of the Genome Technology Center at NYU Langone Health, told USA TODAY.

6. Static page here: usatoday.com/story/news/health


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #MORNING #attention #HERD_IMMUNITY #covid #INFLUENZA_FLU #Johns_Hopkins_University #DEATH_RATES #REPORTED #DEATHS_RATES #Man_Made #virus #mutated #flu_strain #originated #Europe #zero #Effectiveness #Covid_Cure #nothing #ZILCH #NADA #APPROACHING #COVID_DEATHS #unvaccinated #MOOT_POINT #NO_CURE #PROTECTION_FROM_COVID #VACCINE_SHOTS #influenza #Total_Cases #FLU_DEATHS #flu #deaths #Haseltine #HEARD_IMMUNITY #fantasy #does_not_exist #viruses #dangerous #sweden #eliminate #TERM #VOCABULARY #thinking #KUDLOW #Virus_Spikes #Covid_19 #vaccine #video #lethal_injection #song #Coronavirus_outbreak #came #Europe_Flights #NOT_China #European_Travelers #coronavirus #new_york #Long_Before #confirmed #know #certainty #coming #European_strains #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago


| Not one mention of ? Anymore?

🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄

HMMM.. 💉 Lets Compare -19 rates to rates --based on Death Rates in the COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at (JHU)


💉 Covid was achieved when REACHED 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

1. Dynamic page Here: arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/bda

💉 Covid was a (basically a imho but a lot more deadlier for the unhealthy)

Covid Virus out of not China!

Vaccines ARE ALSO with as a . There was absolutely , , in those VACCINE shots to help cure or protect you from Covid Virus.

There has never been a CURE for a COMMON COLD OR COMMON FLU and there is still NO CURE for these house hold ailments.

Herd Immunity for covid-19 was achieved when the world population reach 0.084962407407407% OF reported DEATHS

When a Virus Mutates it is trying to survive LONGER. The more times in Mutates the weaker the virus gets =

Again, was achieved at 0.084962407407407% WORLDWIDE based on .

is a . There was or in any of the !

was achieved when REACHED 0.049382716049383% WORLDWIDE based on 400,000 of REPORTED INFLUENZA .

: The is estimated to cause 400,000 respiratory deaths each year on average across the world. These deaths come from pneumonia and other respiratory symptoms caused by the flu.1

2. Static Page here: ourworldindata.org/influenza


MEMORY LANE | for Covid-19 Is 'a Fantasy': #*Requires a Min of 2M | Dr. | Jun.15.2020 |

is a

It for these . Its a Fantasy and a FANTASY!

It has led to a extraordinary number of in .

I would that from our and our ..

William Haseltine, who designed the strategy to develop the first treatment for HIV/AIDS and is now chair and president of consulting group ACCESS Health International, talks about the coronavirus outbreak. He speaks with Haidi Stroud-Watts and Shery Ahn on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia."

* The US will soon face the consequences of its insufficient actions

* : "Small Bumps"

* I expect that we will be on the Brink of Another Round of Infections


* Expected time line for ??????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3. here: youtu.be/CrS8dqkiFpU


VIDEO HERE: Lethal Injection · Burden · Jimmy Levy · Rocky Luciano · Mesus

Pure Blood Deluxe Edition

℗ Burden, LLC

Released on: 2021-11-26

4. VIDEO HERE: youtu.be/8py2P72_3Fo?si=X14i5v


Covid out of NOT CHINA
U.S.: From , , Say Researchers.. April 9th, 2020 | Two separate teams of researchers tracing the coronavirus outbreak in the States have concluded that the virus originated in travelers from Europe, not China, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

5. Static page: nationalpost.com/news/covid-19

Brought to First Case , Studies Suggest.. April 9th, 2020 | The new coronavirus began spreading in New York weeks before the first confirmed case and came to the area via travelers from Europe, , new research suggests. "We with that these were from ," Adriana Heguy, director of the Genome Technology Center at NYU Langone Health, told USA TODAY.

6. Static page here: usatoday.com/story/news/health


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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #MORNING #attention #HERD_IMMUNITY #covid #INFLUENZA_FLU #Johns_Hopkins_University #DEATH_RATES #REPORTED #DEATHS_RATES #Man_Made #virus #mutated #flu_strain #originated #Europe #zero #Effectiveness #Covid_Cure #nothing #ZILCH #NADA #COVID_DEATHS #unvaccinated #MOOT_POINT #NO_CURE #PROTECTION_FROM_COVID #VACCINE_SHOTS #influenza #Total_Cases #FLU_DEATHS #flu #deaths #Haseltine #HEARD_IMMUNITY #fantasy #does_not_exist #viruses #dangerous #sweden #eliminate #TERM #VOCABULARY #thinking #KUDLOW #Virus_Spikes #Covid_19 #vaccine #video #lethal_injection #song #Coronavirus_outbreak #came #Europe_Flights #NOT_China #European_Travelers #coronavirus #new_york #Long_Before #confirmed #know #certainty #coming #European_strains #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
301 followers · 1760 posts · Server mstdn.social

Why a highly variant has scientists on alert : Nature

– at the center of the : UN

Yes, you can measure : Mckinsey

Check our latest


#knowledgelinks #Productivity #Developer #Software #ClimateCrisis #Water #Coronavirus #mutated

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
279 followers · 5782 posts · Server aus.social
· @Newstarget
2226 followers · 21942 posts · Server brighteon.social
· @NaturalNews
6187 followers · 31531 posts · Server brighteon.social
Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
409 followers · 1931 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Oh no! I’m so sorry. This is my worst nightmare & the reason I lied & crossed state borders multiple times to get

Not b/c it’s sterilizing, but b/c has to transmit from original 10-15 min to 15-30 seconds. Novavax for me has upped my

Having had this beast 2x what I will say is zinc picconolate & mk-7 are the most important supplements. Vitamin A for mucous membranes but you need to be careful to not to go over RDA & if you smoke, then it’s not good to take.. but who still smokes in 2023😂 Also 1 Brazil nut every other day for selenium (more can be toxic) and a bit of seaweed for iodine; both support thyroid. And a
good refrigerated probiotic is a must. It destroys my microbiome every time. Next time use a nasal spray with the mask. Flo-Travel is my fave. And gargle AM & PM with hydrogen peroxide 1 part & 2 part water. You might also want to add cayenne pepper to your diet. It’s good for arteries & ofcourse turmeric for inflammation.

Also complete rest & don’t exercise for at least 3 months altho I usually wait 12-15 months which is extreme but I’m also lazy & not looking for reasons to exercise.

Again, terribly sorry this happened to you☹️😠It’s really difficult NOT to catch when you’re surrounded by people who are willing to harbor & spread a virus & living life like they’re in a Studio54 alternate universe in their minds instead of treating it like the that it is

#novavax #covid #mutated #immunesystem #asymptomatic #bsl3 #plague

Last updated 1 year ago

Adam Wolkoff · @awolkoff
46 followers · 266 posts · Server numinauts.club

Getting to know the Tarot de Ambiguites, by Alejandro Rodriguez Rozan. Artisan Tarot, the deck's publisher, describes it as "a re-imagination of the Tarot de Marseille, faithful to its style, and inspired by its symbolism."
The deck is true to the spirit of TdM, and there are also plenty of quirks and surprises
Working with the deck is a pleasure, particularly for a visually-oriented reader.

#mutated #tdm #tarot

Last updated 2 years ago

Cosmality :verified: · @cosmality
43 followers · 49 posts · Server dice.camp

Completing in the (and possibly upon release) can give a Mutated Party Pack. Even if you aren't a Fallout 1st member, you can still get an advantage in rewards for playing with others who do. This may include an Infusion 'Reagent' (which also has a typo). It can be used to make buffs at the chemistry station.

#mutated #events #fallout76 #pts

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
185 followers · 538 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@hfentonmudd @noyes @zephyrleifrenner
I lost my sh*t (after recovering 10 days later) when I got BA.1 week of Christmas/NYE 2021 from my asymptomatic spouse who doesn’t get full infections but incubates for a few days🙄
Only took almost 2 yrs 2x to figure that one out..🤷🏻‍♀️

that XBB🇮🇳chart came at us in colored giant waves. But b/c we use🚫NPIs it’s like some leopard print pattern/constant infection swap hence common

#covid #mutated #variants #monochrome #reinfection

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
86 followers · 128 posts · Server zeroes.ca

It’s also the have so fast & so far

There’s a pic comparing Flu mutation over 10 years ? vs & it’s

Had we to slow it down w/ the situation wouldn’t be as as it currently is & people still haven’t gotten the

I’d to be wrong but I’ve read too much, had a & first hand to know this is not

#variants #mutated #SARS2 #scary #attempted #NPI #plural #dire #memo #love #taste #experience #panic #hyperbole #wearadamngoodmask #weararespirator #COVIDisAirborne #reinfection

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13753 posts · Server masthead.social






Last updated 3 years ago

@Om* · @atomjack
1255 followers · 13282 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
@Om* · @atomjack
1277 followers · 13320 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
@Om* · @atomjack
1269 followers · 13247 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

mutated daisies near fukushima...

#mutated #mutation #daisies #nukes

Last updated 8 years ago

@Om* · @atomjack
1269 followers · 13247 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

mutated daisies near fukushima...

#daisies #nukes #mutated #mutation

Last updated 8 years ago