@ours44 #En Grève · @ours44
266 followers · 16176 posts · Server mamot.fr

@Sheril @keesey yep, and sapiens-sapiens will be extincted soon.

#climatchange #mutation #extinction

Last updated 1 year ago

The Beast 🥩🔞 · @poltergush
400 followers · 70 posts · Server baraag.net
IT News · @itnewsbot
3652 followers · 271006 posts · Server schleuss.online

BA.2.86 shows just how risky slacking off on COVID monitoring is - Enlarge / Transmission electron micrograph of a SARS-CoV-2 virus partic... - arstechnica.com/?p=1962066 -cov-2 .2.86 .5

#who #eg #virus #gisaid #health #omicron #ba #science #variants #mutation #evolution #sars #monitoring #genomicsequencing

Last updated 1 year ago

Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
968 followers · 25829 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
geographile · @geographile
81 followers · 2497 posts · Server sfba.social

Now I will have to call it forever:
"Mirmingham (category Welsh nasal-mutation forms)
Mirmingham (nonstandard) Nasal mutation of Birmingham. In the standard language, non-Welsh place names like do not undergo mutation...."
I really don't understand mutation and I'm trying to figure it out properly. Once I do, I'll know when to say Birmingham with a b. I know there really is no such thing as Mirmingham but I am a rebel, Dottie.


Search results for "Welsh " - , the free

#mirmingham #birmingham #welsh #cymraeg #gymraeg #mutation #wiktionary #dictionary

Last updated 1 year ago

Poetry News · @haikubot
927 followers · 9925 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

To the virus that causes this dread,
We are its enemies who will never rest
Though its mutation changes its form
We are determined to weather the storm
Though its power makes us feel small
We fight for a future that's free of this pall


#covid #virus #cdc #mutation #ode #poetry

Last updated 1 year ago

Stephen Matheson🌵🌲 · @sfmatheson
684 followers · 591 posts · Server fediscience.org

Thoughts on quintessence, essence, , and . Thanks to as always.

What is the "essence" of a barn owl? Can it change? What is the "essence" of Nerve Growth Factor? Can it change? Just asking these questions is, to me, flirting with madness. Or at least confusion.


#shakespeare #evolutioniseasy #essentialism #blaugust2023 #hamlet #evolution #mutation

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr Juan Vera · @mrjuanvera
4 followers · 11 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Well, I asked (Google's AI) about whether could be caused in the that make up the of the that is, as .

The answer was as expected, YES, as this could make the more and .


#bard #mutations #proteins #capsid #virus #prionism #viruses #infectious #lethal #brain #dna #rna #genome #mutation #biophysics #biology #molecular #transcription #vaccine

Last updated 1 year ago

Acta Médica Portuguesa · @amp
5 followers · 76 posts · Server masto.pt

AMP has just published!
"Implementation of a Pilot Study to Analyze Circulating Tumor DNA in Early-Stage Lung Cancer".
Original Article by Joana ESPIGA DE MACEDO, Tiago TAVEIRA-GOMES, José Carlos MACHADO and Venceslau HESPANHOL, a multicenter work.

Full paper available available here:

#circulatingtumordna #earlydetectioncancer #highthroughput #nucleotidesequencing #lungneoplasms #mutation #neoplasmstaging

Last updated 1 year ago

RPA · @rpaweb
13 followers · 19 posts · Server ruby.social
Enapiuz :mac: :typescript: · @enapiuz
15 followers · 159 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Also, a bit more relevant to fosstodon.
Some time ago we forked go-mutesting library and enhanced it with more mutators


#golang #mutation #mutationtesting

Last updated 1 year ago

Marius · @Marius
53 followers · 1376 posts · Server framapiaf.org

Bonjour le mastoverse de la couronne parisienne !
Je suis muté à Montrouge l'année prochaine et je cherche du coup une colocation sympathique pour m'accueillir pour au moins un an.
J'ai déjà un peu (beaucoup) demandé sur la carte des colocs, mais je jette aussi une bouteille ici parce que les personnes sont gentilles 😇

#recherchecoloc #prof #montrouge #mutation #colocation #educnationale

Last updated 1 year ago

Stephen Matheson🌵🌲 · @sfmatheson
588 followers · 355 posts · Server fediscience.org

The bad:

"Nevertheless, these mechanisms yield viral selection. APOBEC expression in cancers leads to DNA damage and tumor cell death, yet allows for immune escape variants."

The verdict:

"Indeed, APOBECs are fickle friends."

#RNAediting #virology #viruses #apobec #cancer #mutation

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Empiricism_Reloaded
73 followers · 96 posts · Server qoto.org

They think they're cool (clever) but they're behaving like fools.

The difference between understanding evolutionary biology at some level or another, and not, is that informed people can understand the drivers or motivations that make animals do what they do (including humans. At some level).

An evident motivator that everyone will be aware of is hunger. Hunger is a negative behavioral motivator. Whilst many people in wealthy countries will not have experienced real hunger, at extreme levels hunger will dominate the animal's mind (as would thirst). The animal would be "obsessed" with trying to find food (I acknowledge the anthropomorphization of "obsessed". However, a feeling of angst that focuses the animal's attention on finding food). Basically, the feelings associated with hunger are adaptations. If an animal was born that did not feel hunger, it would die - it would not pass on that behavior to the next generation (Although, if that animal was a human, a baby, carers could make sure that the youngster eat enough food).

Humans are no exception (though some delude themselves otherwise. A form of narcissism or ego), humans are also driven by feelings (emotions or instincts). For example, many humans take part in relatively foolishly dangerous behaviors because they are "showing off". Whilst any human can "show off", (many) men tend to dominate in the showing off by taking part in stupidly reckless activities department. Showing off is status-seeking behavior. For example, showing off resources such as expensive sports cars. Showing off by, in their minds, showing off their driving skills by driving cars fast or riding motorbikes fast. If the car or motorbike has a relatively loud engine, well, that's another way to show their status (perhaps they perceive that some people look at them because they're cool - rather than thinking they're simply noisy irritating fools).

So, what they don't realize is that they're actually acting like fools. They think they're cool but they're behaving like fools. Fundamentally, they're being idiots. Their dangerous driving is risking the safety of other people for no reason - other than to show off (an instinct - which is now a maladaptation). Of course, many adult males, as they mature, may come to realize that their risk-taking behaviors are simply not worth it. However, that realization (learning or maturity) takes a level of intelligence. Some adult males never grow up (they just look older).

Risk-taking behaviors are particularly dangerous when, for example, many adults are voting in a democracy. For example, they may ignore the medical advice about wearing face masks during a pandemic or the scientific warnings about climate change. Apparently, face masks aren't macho enough!

So, how do we mitigate the fools thinking their cool social psychological phenomenon? We try to educate more people about evolutionary psychology so that they recognize stupid when they see it.

Evolutionary Psychology - The New Science of the Mind doi.org/10.4324/9780429061417

#psychology #evolutionbiology #evolutionarypsychology #socialpsychology #health #education #sports #adaptation #cars #motobikes #democracy #maladaptation #mutation #SARCoV2 #COVID #pandemic #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Empiricism_Reloaded
71 followers · 79 posts · Server qoto.org

They think they're cool but they're behaving like fools.

The difference between understanding evolutionary biology at some level or another, and not, is that informed people can understand the drivers or motivations that make animals do what they do (including humans. At some level).

An evident motivator that everyone will be aware of is hunger. Hunger is a negative behavioral motivator. Whilst many people in wealthy countries will not have experienced real hunger, at extreme levels hunger will dominate the animal's mind (as would thirst). The animal would be "obsessed" with trying to find food (I acknowledge the anthropomorphization of "obsessed". However, a feeling of angst that focuses the animal's attention on finding food). Basically, the feelings associated with hunger are adaptations. If an animal was born that did not feel hunger, it would die - it would not pass on that behavior to the next generation (Although, if that animal was a human, a baby, carers could make sure that the youngster eat enough food).

Humans are no exception (though some delude themselves otherwise. A form of narcissism or ego), humans are also driven by feelings (emotions or instincts). For example, many humans take part in relatively foolishly dangerous behaviors because they are "showing off". Whilst any human can "show off", (many) men tend to dominate in the showing off by taking part in stupidly reckless activities department. Showing off is status-seeking behavior. For example, showing off resources such as expensive sports cars. Showing off by, in their minds, showing off their driving skills by driving cars fast or riding motorbikes fast. If the car or motorbike has a relatively loud engine, well, that's another way to show their status (perhaps they perceive that some people look at them because they're cool - rather than thinking they're simply noisy irritating fools).

So, what they don't realize is that they're actually acting like fools. They think they're cool but they're behaving like fools. Fundamentally, they're being idiots. Their dangerous driving is risking the safety of other people for no reason - other than to show off (an instinct - which is now a maladaptation). Of course, many adult males, as they mature, may come to realize that their risk-taking behaviors are simply not worth it. However, that realization (learning or maturity) takes a level of intelligence. Some adult males never grow up (they just look older).

Risk-taking behaviors are particularly dangerous when, for example, many adults are voting in a democracy. For example, they may ignore the medical advice about wearing face masks during a pandemic or the scientific warnings about climate change. Apparently, face masks aren't macho enough!

So, how do we mitigate the fools thinking their cool social psychological phenomenon? We try to educate more people about evolutionary psychology so that they recognize stupid when they see it.

#evolutionbiology #evolutionarypsychology #socialpsychology #sports #cars #motobikes #democracy #maladaptation #mutation #SARCoV2 #COVID #pandemic #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #psychology #adaptation #health #education

Last updated 1 year ago

ISOGG · @isogg
303 followers · 95 posts · Server genealysis.social
Hari Tulsidas :verified: · @haritulsidas
73 followers · 542 posts · Server masto.ai

A chance event 1 million years ago changed human brains forever. It was a mutation that increased the production of a molecule called aspm, which is involved in brain development. The mutation may have given humans an evolutionary edge over other hominins.


#brain #mutation #evolution

Last updated 1 year ago

ISOGG · @isogg
303 followers · 87 posts · Server genealysis.social

“Researchers say that a Colombian man who carried the PSEN1 E280A mutation but also had a rare variant of a brain protein involved in the RELN gene — retained his full cognitive functions until age 67. He eventually developed dementia and died at age 74.” medicalnewstoday.com/articles/

#alzheimersdisease #alzheimers #dna #isogg #geneadons #mutation

Last updated 1 year ago

Pent Up Games 🔞 · @pentup
26 followers · 164 posts · Server mastodon.art

The rest of the set, which my sole subscriber on SubscribeStar (bless them - that monthly dollar motivates me way more than it should) got access to 5 or 6 weeks ago.

#nipplepenetration #mutation #doppelganger #clone #monsteroftheweek #sex #nsfw #lewd

Last updated 2 years ago

Pent Up Games 🔞 · @pentup
26 followers · 163 posts · Server mastodon.art

Time to release some previously subscriber-only images! Here's the clone factory, where scientist Vicky has gotten a little carried away with creating increasingly altered clones of herself.

But hey, they're all having good consensual fun with each other (or is that themselves?) and they're obviously getting enough work done to keep making more clones, so who are we to judge?

#Diphallia #nipplepenetration #mutation #doppelganger #clone #monsteroftheweek #sex #nsfw #lewd

Last updated 2 years ago