Yemen&Omar begin to love each other,they was a family,but like all the family,is also fight,split up,that's happens all the time & sometimes dad's burn down their home,cause they can't handle the pressure,I mean that's sad #newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog
#newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog
I love my girlzzz,they grow soooo fast,it's like with kids, you know,you can be the best parent&then one day you forget to lock the cage&they're gone;well,I don't put my kids in cage...but I'm happy they're creative happy time together #newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog #munchkin
#newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog #munchkin
Kids have fun at church #happyeaster with our lady priest,I love church,even I read&listen priest make f-un with two nuns fight a prostitute or broil a child,but is fun #duecollarwork #newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog
#happyeaster #duecollarwork #newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog
What?one of the danish gov take money?sure...sure,but everything is a two-way street,but in #politics you need both!you know? one-way streets are useful in terms of traffic flow,where's I lost track of the point I was trying to make;oh we can handle easy that... #jeckinthesweats #unscented #muteandscoot #boogeyman #sickpuppy #potpot #dogliketongue #johnnytietoolong #newrickelyisthemushaircut #duecollarwork
#politics #jeckinthesweats #unscented #muteandscoot #boogeyman #sickpuppy #potpot #dogliketongue #johnnytietoolong #newrickelyisthemushaircut #duecollarwork
Well #GretaThunberg your best friend is out from jail &now is prison on own house I think the fact that it's against you,is working against us;I think you're just making it sound like a haunted house,you know? #jeckinthesweats #unscented #muteandscoot #boogeyman #dogliketongue #newrickelyisthemushaircut okay,we need to Freaky Friday,this you need to find a cursed object, switch bodies with Tate,have a whirlwind romance with him,but then learn an important life lessons,switch bodies back
#gretathunberg #jeckinthesweats #unscented #muteandscoot #boogeyman #dogliketongue #newrickelyisthemushaircut
Today with my colleagues we have fun all this it's gotten me out of some pretty crazy jams!!this is guy stuff..grill,football,cara, esoteric films #dogliketongue #potpot #boogyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jackinthesweats #doggydog #yachterotter #Knucklehead
#dogliketongue #potpot #boogyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jackinthesweats #doggydog #yachterotter #knucklehead
I don't talk about allll the cocktail about stormy daniels,but just I can say... REALLY?!? I'm not a prostitute,sorry 6 worker,you have an agent...I think also pay taxes...were I was? Yeah! I'm not a prostitute,but I can give what you want... what's allll what I want to say... #newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats what do you say we do what Anderson Cooper tried once before he decided he hated it?
#newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats
(2)or he can turn around,face his future like,people did,&say who gives a crap who riots say;I'm my own man now,so pretty slick,dear people,using protest to trick Benjy into opening up!too bad it didn't work #dogliketongue #potpot #boogyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #yachterotter #knuckleheads #calloutthedog #jaywalking #thebreadisstale #statterandwaldorf #craponthecob #meshugeneh #doofus
#dogliketongue #potpot #boogyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #yachterotter #knuckleheads #calloutthedog #jaywalking #thebreadisstale #statterandwaldorf #craponthecob #meshugeneh #doofus
Happy #fastelavnsboller happy #fastelavn #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog #dogeatdog #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads
#fastelavnsboller #fastelavn #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog #dogeatdog #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads
Candy in the 🛍️ bag organic fresh fairtrade directly from local farmers and around united state of America farmers #toga #aceinthehall #flockofgeeks #freakinmaze #adfathertime #ickymorning #toptenickiest #sleaze #duecollarwork #newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats
#toga #aceinthehall #flockofgeeks #freakinmaze #adfathertime #ickymorning #toptenickiest #sleaze #duecollarwork #newrickelyisthemushaircut #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats
#estonia #lithania #latvia I was trying to hang on to this moment because I was so afraid of the future,but then I realized all of this was in the #futures and it was completely different from what I know before,about all this country;and it was happening soooo fast;but in the end,or in the now,I guess,it turned great;and all this countries,like a ice cream just melted together and made a new country!but where money are rolling out?!I just had to run the scenario to figure it out #muteandscoot
#estonia #lithania #latvia #futures #muteandscoot
I love 💕 this passion of all this"new"agitators,influencer,CEO,journalist,activist for masterdoing,this integrity that adds the "new benefits"of this platform,but actually don't say anything,just copy the Twitter!and all this"sugar" #masterdong #Parlor is like a doughnut now,but don't forget, doughnut are not a full,just doughnut holes but hey...#muteandscoot
#masterdong #parlor #muteandscoot
Is hard to talk with new next generation,is like we don't funk on the same language;if I order a tuna salad,oh not!you eat dolphin?history of evolution species show to us,is okay to eat tuna,but not dolphins,even the theory is a fish is a fish,but dolphin is mammal, like a woman's,so I don't know what to choose! tomato/tomahto;but with this generation (..)is like tomato/cow #muteandscoot
Is hard to talk with new next generation,is like we don't funk on the same language;if I order a tuna salad,oh not!you eat dolphin?history of evolution species show to us,is okay to eat tuna,but not dolphins,even the theory is a fish is a fish,but dolphin is mammal, like a woman's,so I don't know what to choose! tomato/tomahto;but with this generation (..)is like tomato/cow #muteandscoot