#mutearchive one not seen in a long time - a Special with 1997 #NewContemporaries art exhibition. One of a few specials Mute did in collaboration with partners. #FT layout experiments had matured after 2+ years of layouts. We think the #FT printers just loved is caring about news paper craft
#mutearchive #newcontemporaries #ft
#mutearchive #mute How it started. How it's going - the inside view ;-) Between June and Sept the shipping container got cleared out - with archive docs, matrials, and 100 pristine full back issues sets distributed to Corwnall and Berlin. #archive Read back issues online https://www.metamute.org/
#mutearchive - How it started. How it's going. The journey of the Mute Archive continues - the shipping container has been completely emptied - and we're moving on. More on the details later - tonnages moved, tonnages destroyed