Ich versuche mich ja gerade ein wenig an #Powershell und möchte das Script als Singleton laufen haben. Leider entpuppen sich nahezu alle Hinweise im Netz zu #Mutex schlicht falsch, veraltet oder mit falschen Annahmen behaftet. Lösungen passen dann nicht zum Problem, funktionieren nur scheinbar oder lediglich in speziellen Ausführungs-Konstrukten.
Eigentlich nie werden globale Mutexe verwendet, was bei PS als Singleton schon ein Problem ist.
Nirgendwo werden Abandon Mutexe behandelt.
I knew I'd get to this bullshit eventually.
#arc #mutex #safetyiscomplicated
Before I have complete the test for emC, I have written an article about #mutex and #waitNotify or #waitSignal: https://vishia.org/emc/html/OSHAL/MutexNotify.html The emC test contains some test cases of then, see src/test/cpp/emC_Test_Threads/Test_ThreadMutexNotify_emC.c in the emC github https://github.com/JzHartmut/Test_emC/tags 2023-01-28
#mutex #waitnotify #waitsignal
For example. We can test for six or so conditions to detect a sandbox for #sandboxevasion. Including but not limited to, vCPU threads, physical memory, uptime, whether or not it’s domain joined, unique files created on disk, etc. Since we can check for a sandbox after X amount of seconds plus random jitter, we can create a asynchronous #junkcode #deadcode process controlled by a #mutex #thread #fiber or #semaphore, that periodically returns control flow to the dispatcher. Then returns to main()
#sandboxevasion #junkcode #deadcode #mutex #thread #fiber #semaphore
Spent a decent portion of the weekend trying to get my head around threading, #Arc and #Mutex in #RustLang. The idea is to provide safe multithreaded access to a SQLite DB and allow for many concurrent reads but only one writer at a time (per SQLite).
It was pretty interesting to say the least and I ended up with a threadsafe wrapper around diesel.rs that I’m fairly happy with!
Now... to try hooking it into something useful.
I am in the train and I hear the announcement:
"You can eat your meal if your neighbor has his mask on."
I think about the Dining Philosoper's problem, #mutex and #starvation, then I immediately order a drink.
Computer science is indeed a survival skill.
The Rust `std::sync::Mutex` on Linux has been remarkably speed up, https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/95035#issuecomment-1073966631.
Congrats @m_ou_se for the hard work!
#rustlang #mutex #thread #performance
La gestion de la concurrence a l'air compliquée en #rust .
Je crois comprendre globalement le fonctionnement de l'enum "Ordering", mais j'ai du mal à l'intégrer.
Les valeurs "Acquire" et "Release" fonctionnent comme des #mutex en plus d’empêcher de réordonner les instructions en amont ou en aval de l'appel à une méthode atomique ?
Si oui, pourquoi faire du deux en un et ne pas coupler les mutex avec une instruction liée à l'ordre des instructions ?
Ça me perd de mélanger les deux.
In less than 2 months @docker@twitter.com, I already code in @golang@twitter.com @SwiftLang@twitter.com #CSharp @reactjs@twitter.com
Develop front & back features, use #goroutines with #mutex & extend a CLI 🤩
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