This edit is a talk about music and fight for our rights... A bit of history and experience... 15mins
I do edits and small reviews, SMALL clips of stuff I watch
and then text of speech with moral parts or techniques to keep in mind about our future... yes us as 1 colony, tribe, family (!) 1 LOVE!
@9mins Big Business QUOTE
" Big Business is really taking advantage of the vacuums just as we took advantage of those open space and opportunities because that's what humans do- we're opportunist- and when we see a new space and a new territory we like to go and explore it. "
Businesses are being super-predatory
@2.35mins Music and Protest
Vinyl records + Channel of creativity
free parties + pirate radio stations + white labels
purely human with less influence outside of that
and inspiration to create inside of that - less corrupted creativity
- EVERYONE IN THE LOOP giving copies to other creators
- then distributing themselves while setting places to play
- not fighting against each other or selling only
- gets best out of business each other and spreads music
- as much fun as possible collecting all the music and money together for the parties!
Imagination that is fired and actioned through the process of creativity
Funding from vinyl and techno that was new at the time.
Networking and sharing the knowledge and resources.
Spiral Tribe Website -
END OF BEST BITS - Deeper follows below
More about audio - Speaker Mark (a.k.a. Stray Wayward)
Looking back to see how music between people was shared in the #squat or #protest movement, and seemingly music funded the revolution somewhat and it worked (as said by speaker)
Everyone creating and sharing their music themselves (white labels vinyl records) and doing 'business' was more about sharing and maximising the copies, with profit going to everyone and the causes while spreading the message and fun in parties and keeping people towards bigger actions!
(#Music, #Protest, #Parties seemed to work well as Mark the speaker explains)
Source Video:
Envisioning Free Space Conference (Part 1)
About 2hr 30mins Speakers include
Host Lisa about
Edited from about 13mins with Mark from Spiral Tribe
by United We Stream
Streaming platform of Berlin´s clubs, event organizers and artists, fundraising
MORE FULL Transcript about selling music / funding parties:
@2.35mins of edit
With vinyl cost about 80cents to make
Could make an EP 4 track record (everyone cold make a record on vinyl was so cheap, relatively easy to make and swappable)
Swapped record with other underground creators
DJ's could play it and sell for those who asked / at gigs
Everyone would have their equal cut from playing benefits
Everyone becomes an informal 'underground distribution network' and a own 'record shop' for selling or linking to authors (people asking who / what song it is etc)
Everyone has / get best music for dj-ing and parties
Sell records quickly allowed to by equipment (even if it's stolen by police at free parties - just build up and sell again!)
(this was at the boom of music perhaps and with vinyl but the list above has good mentality of 'everyone involved or everyone eventually getting all the best music' no matter which level you're on.
FFWD/Forward The Revolution anthem 3.35mins of edit
Techno Jungle-style track (almost my style) by Spiral Tribe
- sounded like saying "Flowers For Revolution" which I also liked the idea of!..
- American Indian intro and bit of chants in between
- thankfully not too many space pulses in there
- raps in the middle - home-made sound not too underdone - great just to get things out there and not to pver-cook it all and be professional!
Phrase for track
"You might stop the party but you can't stop the future"
Comments from video pages (fun)
comment quotes:
- I'm 50years old now! (and me too's!)
- 28years later and still relevant
- Was doing acid / LCD at the time and really happy about it now.
- rave on in 2020 !!!!! .......... you know the score !!!!!!!!!! ;)
- make the prodigy look like softies!!!!!............... very tribal and timeless!
- Blast! Got this on vinyl, original press;) dope! (2021!)
- Was on mixtape "The Free Force of Techno" (Spiral 23)
Back to Talk / Speaker
The Track FFWD/Forward The Revolution was...
environmentally based and sensitive for it's time
reached mainstream 66 in charts - not sure what that means but made an impact on people
expression of music was really important
With music benefits were... channel of creativity - more autonomous
back then it was
- free parties / squatting / illegal unlicensed stuff
- pirate radio stations
- white label music (own made / no-label / non-commercial)
Really connected people - purely human without less any kind influence from outside or mainstream and inspiration was inspired to add own creativity inside of that
mainstream tends to get corrupted too quickly or is something else entirely...
unlicensed keep in common with all the forms of music (self-governed / people-funded / less commercial / more for free or illegal use!)
4million for biggest court case in history
Police and intensity in which they want to deal with any autonomous free-space, free-party, squatting...
Kopiwagenplatz Squat / Autonomous space in Berlin, Germany
(Supposedly 2000 riot police, 2 armoured vehicles to evict)
Police is big business. (Money-making business from evictions?)
Police and Army using too much force.
French companies with government contracts
Explosive grenades supposedly no lethal - TNT 25g and then 14g inside inside... blew off an arm of a young boy at a solstice free party
Neo-liberal, capitalist system corrupt and looking after a very few people - extractive economy
hoarding money in tax havens
and more money in militarisation and crowd control of the people by the police
Everyone has caught up now from old system and digitalised their systems.
9mins of edit - Big Business is really taking advantage of the vacuums, just as we took advantage of those open space and opportunities, because that's what humans do- we're opportunist- and when we see a new space and a new territory we like to go and explore it.
But big difference 30yrs ago and now... they have caught up now from old system and digitalised and now:
all businesses are being super-predatory
the gentrification
and other things like:
patent of molecules
patenting of ideas
As soon as some idea pops up, there they are with full backing, police, military, legal etc
My question is yeah they are being opportunists in a destruct foolish way
but rather than being reactionary to that
is to pull on our greatest asset and ability think things through
we could actually upgrade and redefine what we mean by revolution
Maybe what needs to happen now is redefining and re-imagining what would be more effective
It's now 30yrs anniversary of FFWD / Forward the revolution of when it was released and we are re-releasing it!
When we had the ability to generate our own vinyl we were able to fund so much
We just have to imagine them and bring our idea into action
I'm still working on cooperation, share-ownership
Lisa (Event Host) also shares these ideas.
Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany
Kopiwagenplatz Squat 2021, Berlin, Germany
#Spiral Tribe (Reformed)
Mark (a.k.a. Stray Wayward)
Debbie (a.k.a. Feenix13)
Simone (a.k.a. Sim Simmer)
Meltdown Mickey
Simon (a.k.a. Crystal Distortion)
Sebastian (a.k.a. 69db)
Jeff 23
Max Volume
Charlie Kane.
Jeff 23 and Simone formed the group Artists in Action in order to raise money to support refugees by releasing compilation albums.
A documentary entitled Free Party: A Folk History was announced in 2021 which included interviews with members of Spiral Tribe.
Killing Joke band that helped Spiral tribe get a label
#Mutoid Waste Company (metal art graffiti etc crew)
#music #Jungle #oldschool #electronic #DnB #Garage #dubstep #House #Dance #Rave #Hardcare #Techno #Breakbeat #Triphop
#pirateradio stations
If you're interested I have some oldschool jungle tapes I could stream :)
Website of Spiral Tribe
#squat #music #parties #spiral #techno #breakbeat #dnb #protest #jungle #electronic #garage #dubstep #house #dance #mutoid #oldschool #Hardcare #triphop #pirateradio #rave
Il #primomaggio più bello di sempre? A #Mutonia. Per chi non ci fosse mai statx, domani potrebbe essere una buona occasione.
Un gruppo di #traveller fuggiti da #Londra dopo il decreto della Thatcher. Nel '91 scelgono Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna come base italiana. Nel 2015 rischiano lo #sgombero, ma grazie ad un grande sostegno i #Mutoid resistono. Il nostro contributo fu questo:
Druma "Mutonia (I'm with mutoid)" #freedownload .wav n.46
#primomaggio #Mutonia #traveller #Londra #sgombero #mutoid #freedownload #circuitoc4m
Mutare per sopravvivere/
Un collettivo in anticipo sui tempi
Storia leggendaria, quella del collettivo #Mutoid Waste Company, incarnazione della cultura “ #cyberpunk ” sin dagli anni '80, ancor prima che il termine stesso fosse coniato dall'autore di fantascienza William Gibson. Nell'84, infatti, questi anarcopunk stavano già folgorando Londra e la campagna britannica con feste illegali allestite in scenari degradati, piene di surreali mezzi di locomozione e mostruose creature costruite assemblando rottami e rifiuti, in un mix di musica tribale, body art, performance di teatro radicale in stile Living Theatre, costumi, effetti pirotecnici, sculture e scenografie d'ispirazione #techno - #punk. [...]
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#Mutoid Waste Company
Traveller #Homes
#Traveller #trucks, #buses, #wagons, #boats and more. Thousands of images of life #ontheroad.
#mutoid #homes #traveller #trucks #buses #wagons #boats #ontheroad