I'm liking fastmail, and now wondering (but not enough to actually do the work of searching, etc) if I can make it work with #mutt. Distraction free email is nice, and if I have to live with thunderbird that will be fine, but mutt would be much cooler.
Mit dem Upgrade auf @thunderbird 115 greifen meine #GTK-Einstellungen nicht mehr sauber. Es wackelt, hat blöden Durchschuss zwischen den Zeilen und wilde unterschiedliche Textgrößen überall. #Evolution -- trotz GTK -- ebenfalls optisch eher Suboptimal. Auf macOS sehe ich das bei Mail hier auch da auch. Ihr wollt doch, dass ich #mutt nehme, oder?
My shell script for generating mailboxes for #mutt has been failing lately and I was very confused because it worked for over a decade.
After about 30 minutes of debugging, I realized it was because I accidently put a trailing space at the end of a new folder I made... which my pipeline did not like :|
Whitespace in file names... not even once
Good morning, everyone.
#GoodMorning #Puppies #Dogs #CuddlePuddle #Dachshund #Chihuahua #Mutt
#goodmorning #puppies #dogs #cuddlepuddle #dachshund #chihuahua #mutt
@neekubee MacOS (primary), iOS, linux (my old macs all run linux, and of course my servers). #ObsidanMD #drafts #omnifocus #hookmark #fantastical #devonTHINK #soulver #calca #numbers #1password #MindNode #Omnivore #vim #vscode #iTerm2 #screen #mutt #timery #shortcuts #cardhop #paste #magnet #moom #switchglass #iStatMenus #bartender #pcalc
#obsidanmd #drafts #hookmark #omnifocus #fantastical #devonthink #soulver #calca #numbers #1password #mindnode #omnivore #vim #vscode #iterm2 #screen #mutt #timery #shortcuts #cardhop #paste #magnet #moom #switchglass #istatmenus #bartender #pcalc
@nobodyinperson I sync 6 different "accounts/mailboxes" (around 800 actual folders) with around 1.a little million mails using mbsync to a local directory. One subdir in there per account. afew to apply sind mass tag changes based on some filters i want. And then notmuch to index and (via its emacs interface) read/ search/ reply/ write/....
Works pretty well. That maildir i get out of this is backed up using some restic, unsure what git would do with the amount of files.
#gitannex #mbsync #mutt #neomutt #supmail #nmail #alpine
I am looking for a solution to my email problem. I need a searchable backup system for all my email adresses, preferrably in a format that's (:gitannex: #gitAnnex) sync friendly (e.g. all just .eml files). A terminal-based Thunderbird alternative would also be nice. I see there's #mbsync #mutt #neomutt #supMail #nmail #alpine and so many more but no concise overview with feature comparison. What would you recommend?
#gitannex #mbsync #mutt #neomutt #supmail #nmail #alpine
Haze has had enough of the camera.
#Dogs #DogsOfMastodon #Mutt #Rescue #CattleDogMix #CattleDog
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #mutt #rescue #cattledogmix #cattledog
@monnier @xenodium you can make a .service and let it run with #SystemD if not spit you out some message/system mail.
If it's a program that can be run as a service/daemon, it can be triggered by systemd.
Heck you could even make autostarting #screen sessions and have #mutt or #lynx run in tose you only #tmux into them...
You can even use #SystemdBoot as #bootloader.
But that's not like anything you've to do.
#bootloader #systemdboot #tmux #lynx #mutt #screen #systemd
I used #Thunderbird a while ago. I don't want to say it's not good software. I know people using and loving it. For me personally #mutt fits better.
Sorry, instead of stepping in the #future I keep on mailing like it's 1980 and stick with #mutt. 😅
Grmpf, wollte gerade im #mutt auf Bcc: filtern und tippe ~b $blah in den Limit.
B steht für Body.
Jetzt muss er alle E-Mails in dem Ordner ankucken 🕠
Who wants Mutt and Zarana from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero to hold hands? I'm trying to see something. #GIJoe #ARAH #Mutt #BillMorey #Zarana #LisaRaggio
#gijoe #arah #mutt #billmorey #zarana #lisaraggio
Artfight 2023
Character(s) © https://www.furaffinity.net/user/CatSnake
#artfight #af #canine #mutt #train
You might find https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-melnikov-email-user-agent-00 helpful, for its list of MUAs, and amusing, in that the security and privacy concerns were "TBD".
And the collection of how-tos starts with https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/539561/5132 .