#Hallaaho ei koe, että #eduskunta a tarvitsee kutsua koolle, koska #hallitus omaa enemmistön tuen, eikä koe, että tilanne olisi muuttunut.
Eli #mutu lla mennään #demokratia ssamme.
Samaan aikaan hallituspuolue #RKP:n alueosastojen pj:ien enemmistö tahtoo, että #epäluottamusäänestys järjestetään, että #Purra-case käsitellään kuten #Junnila-case.
#HBL:n haastattelussa 2/4 tahtoo:
#SvenskaYle llä se viidennen osaston pj:
#hallaaho #eduskunta #hallitus #mutu #demokratia #rkp #epaluottamusaanestys #purra #junnila #hbl #svenskayle #politiikka #persut
Imagine an online space where you could go to not only receive the latest news about actions in your locality, but also share information about campaigns or events – without driving more traffic to the digital capitalists of Facebook and Twitter, who continue to ban anti-fascists.
Those who recall #IndyMedia will not only be familiar with the concept, but also lament its lack of editorial oversight and eventual collapse under the weight of conspiracy theories and anti-Semitism that have no place in antifascist media.
Last year, the #IWW celebrated writers at The Canary overthrowing management and becoming a workers’ co-operative. But even now, much like the #BylineTimes (a private company with directors), #TheCanary still faces a battle for online clicks within the commercial landscape.
It’s useful to remember that the term “freedom of the press” did not originally mean the media marketplace, but literally the freedom to publish using a printing press: #CitizenJournalism, based on the spirit of #MutualAid.
It is mutual aid that inspired the name of France’s #MutuNetwork that today has over a dozen regional websites in not just #France, but also #Switzerland and #Austria, reporting on striking workers, occupying students, and other local struggles, operated in a non-hierarchical but also non-commercial way – true citizen journalism, with a set of agreed standards.
Several of us media activists have started to discuss how we could develop Local Autonomous Media (or #LoAM) in the UK after hearing about the success of #Mutu. We’ve set up chat groups and even held Jitsi meetings online with Mutu contributors in Switzerland. And we’re looking to set in place the building blocks to create something similar in the UK.
If you’re interested, contact me or email loam at riseup dot net.
#indymedia #IWW #BylineTimes #thecanary #citizenjournalism #MutualAid #mutunetwork #france #switzerland #austria #loam #mutu
Tiiän, että täältä löytyy asiantuntevaa porukkaa.
Mulle väitettiin, että pyykinpesun yhteyesä käytetään huuhteluainetta, koska sillon pyykit kuivuu nopeammin.
Tälläsesta en ole aikasemmin kuullu. Pittääkö paikkaansa?
Mie olen luullu, että huuhteluaine vaikuttaa vaatteen pehmeyteen, sähkösyyteen ja tuoksuun. Ja näin kalkkipitoisen veen alueela vaatteet tuntuu pehmeämmiltä, jos on käyttäny huuhteluainetta. #mustatuntuu #mutu #oletus #väittämä #kysymys #vastaustakaivataan
#mustatuntuu #mutu #oletus #vaittama #kysymys #vastaustakaivataan
Change can come with information. That needs to be through on-the-ground citizen journalists with online media space by and for the people -- it's happening in mainland Europe with the #Mutu #network and it's time for something similar here in the UK, where there is *nothing* like this: horizontal, community-based, citizen journalism. And it can exist alongside other successful alternative media. My explanation here: https://www.mediaactivist.com/ #radical #media #anarchism #ReseauMutu
#mutu #network #radical #media #anarchism #reseaumutu
Okay, we're finally doing this! What areas of the #UK are keen to be a starting point, or pilot, for a Britain-based version of France's #Mutu #radical #media model? Some online infrastructure and resources are now already available! As the saying goes, we have to start somewhere. #LFG! #MutualAid #community #journalism #CitizenJournalism #anarchism #anarchist #leftist #socialist #communist #socialism #communism #anticapitalism #antifascism #antifascist #union #unions https://libcom.org/article/mutu-network-revival-french-radical-media
#uk #mutu #radical #media #lfg #MutualAid #Community #journalism #citizenjournalism #anarchism #Anarchist #leftist #socialist #communist #socialism #communism #anticapitalism #antifascism #antifascist #union #Unions
Okay, we're finally doing this! What areas of the #UK are keen to be a starting point, or pilot, for a Britain-based version of France's #Mutu #radical #media model? Some online infrastructure and resources are now already available! As the saying goes, we have to start somewhere. #LFG! #MutualAid #community #journalism #CitizenJournalism #anarchism #anarchist #leftist #socialist #communist #socialism #communism #anticapitalism #antifascism #antifascist #union #unions https://libcom.org/article/mutu-network-revival-french-radical-media
#uk #mutu #radical #media #lfg #MutualAid #Community #journalism #citizenjournalism #anarchism #Anarchist #leftist #socialist #communist #socialism #communism #anticapitalism #antifascism #antifascist #union #Unions
If you ever read this superb piece by @Freedom_Press, you'll be familiar with the #Mutu network of #radical #media over in mainland Europe. It's high time we developed something similar here in the UK. Some of us are starting on it! Let me know if you'd like to be involved. https://freedomnews.org.uk/2019/06/15/mutu-rethinking-our-radical-media/
@villetakanen @alemppu @annakansalais mua harmittaa ennen kaikkea se, miten pitkään olin jumissa tuolla "mt stupidissa", kun hanskasin kyllä parikin ohjelmointikieltä periaatteessa tosi hienosti, mutta esim frameworkit jäi alussa vieraiksi, kun halusin vaan koodata kaiken itse, eikä ollut sellaista "mentoria" joka olisi osoittanut oikeaan suuntaan. En osannut edes etsiä mitään toimivia patterneja ja kaikki meni ihan #mutu'lla ja yritys&erehdys -menetelmällä 🤦♂️
I've connected with some truly fascinating people already, at the start of a serious process of creating a UK version of the #Mutu network of #RadicalMedia sites! For those interested in truly #AntiCapitalist #community #horizontal #media this side of the Channel, get in touch. We can make this happen! You can read about the Mutu model here: https://reseaumutu.info/Presentation-of-the-Mutu-Network-004
#mutu #RadicalMedia #anticapitalist #Community #horizontal #media
Some of you may have noticed my enthusiasm for the #Mutu #media model over in mainland Europe -- for those interested in my deep dive into the rationale for this, a critique of state/corporate media, and an argument for why such establishment media is far from "mainstream," here's the main page of my website featuring all this and more: https://www.mediaactivist.com/
If so, you'll know the conclusion come to is about creating something similar to France's #Mutu network: https://libcom.org/article/mutu-rethinking-our-radical-media
Booste si toi aussi tu penses que ce serait grave la classe d'avoir un système de publication collaborative et un réseau de sites d'informations de type #mutu ou #Indymedia sur le #fediverse.
Il semble que https://rebellyon.tv soit officiellement mort.
Je suis bien content d'avoir fait une sauvegarde de ses contenus sur @rebellyon.tv@peertube.parleur.net.
Ce serai pourtant chouette de voir apparaitre une instance #Peertube hébergée par le réseau #mutu, qui se fait vieillissant.
Ça a forké chez #Rebellyon ou quoi ? Maintenant en plus de https://rebellyon.info/ on a https://lyonrebellion.net/.
Ça frôle même le cybersquatting sur les résultats des moteurs de recherche, à ce point.
C'est quoi encore cette division des énergies disponibles sur plusieurs sites d'informations aux contenus et aux orientations très voisines ?
#Rebellion #mutu #Lyon
#Rebellyon #rebellion #mutu #lyon
@riffraff Ha ça, moi aussi ça m'afflige profondément de ne pas voir les sites #mutu (entre autres) se développer sur le #fédiverse et même continuer conseiller Facebook à mi-mots en interne.
Pourtant quelques outils pour lier #Spip et #Mastodon existent déjà. 😕
#mutu #fédiverse #spip #mastodon
G7-EZ - C'est parti !! https://paris-luttes.info/g7-ez-c-est-parti-12500 #Résistancesetsolidaritésinternationales #solidaritéinternationale #contre-sommet #mutu
#résistancesetsolidaritésinternationales #solidaritéinternationale #contre #mutu
EmRaWi – un nouveau site d'infos pour l'Autriche ! https://paris-luttes.info/emrawi-un-nouveau-site-d-infos-12331 #médiaslibres #Autriche #internet #Médias #mutu
#médiaslibres #autriche #internet #médias #mutu