For those who are just getting back online (we are VERY glad to hear from you!!) this thread is pinned to my profile if you want to scroll through any info (I broke the thread 2 days ago so there is also an earlier one if you wanna look at any info before then).
Here's the link to the start of the thread:
Also an FYI that if you need anything, you can always use the #MutualAidNZ tag to let us know what you need & where.
#CycloneGabrielle #MutualAidNZ
Stuff News have etablished on online noticeboard where you can ask for or offer help. Here is the link:
#cyclonegabrielle #mutualaidnz
I'm sure there are many local updates that I am not privvy to.
So once again a reminder to please check your local authorities info pages (there are many links upthread if you don't have the numbers or pages saved) to ensure you've got the best, most up to date info.
Call 111 in an emergency.
Take care out there folks. We know a lot of people are doing it tough. There's a lot of support available but there is also the #MutualAidNZ tag if you're really stuck.
BTW, NZ peeps we will fire up the #MutualAidNZ hashtag again.
It looks like there's a lot more organisation this time around, but if you need a hand, do not be afraid to speak up.
Use the hashtag and add some info, example:
#MutualAidNZ, Coromandel, need place to say for 2 people and 2 well-behaved cats, currently in <<blah>> location.
UPDATE (morning, Tue 31 Jan 2023): the Māngere community info hub has moved to Moana-Nui-a Kiwa Pool and Leisure Centre, 66R Mascot Avenue, Māngere.
More info at
Anyone can add info (incl help wanted / offered) at :)
#flooding #floods #auckland #aucklandfloods #mutualaidnz
It looks like the floods are spreading :(
Anyone can add information to for any affected areas. Please spread the word!
Look after yourselves, your whanau and the lifeforms around you <3
#flood #aucklandfloods #mutualaidnz
UPDATED AUCKLAND FLOODS URL for easier resharing: :)
Live map of data related to the #auckland #floods. Please share! The more people add to and use it, the more useful it becomes for everyone.
Built on the same (and updated) platform as the #eqnz map from the Christchurch earthquakes a decade or so ago.
#auckland #floods #mutualaidnz #eqnz
Deputy PM Carmel Sepuloni has said the The MSD number to call for assistance is 0800 400 100, and that people will be eligible for Civil Defence payments to help meet their immediate needs.
We also have the #MutualAidNZ hashtag if you need help, see here for details:
Kelston civil defence centre has plenty of supplies and are asking for people not to drop off any more donations at this time.
A big shout-out to all the mods for their work in making Mastodon relevant and useful in this time of crisis in Auckland. Especially @explorergrace! The other place is very good at dealing with such events, even in these days of its decline. But there is no reason why Mastodon can't become the 'go-to' place in such crises.
Use #MutualAidNZ if you need help.
In the meantime you can follow these two 'bird-site' accounts, via here on Mastodon.
Two new North & South Civil Defence Centres:
⚠️ North Shore Events Centre (Eventfinda Stadium) at 17 Silverfield, Wairau Valley.
⚠️ Manu Tukutuku, 32 Riverton Drive, Randwick Park
Update for support centres open out south: Sutton Park Sch, Mangere East and Scouts Den, Mangere Bridge. Manutukutuku, Randwick Park
#Auckland #MutualAidNZ
Bird link
Copied and pasted announcement from our server.
Hi all, quick announcement re flooding/rain/whatever: if you are stuck you can shout out using the #MutualAidNZ hashtag in a post and hopefully someone in a position to help can help out.
Add useful details like location #Auckland etc
A further ICYMI of the Mastodon NZ announcement earlier as these things are easy to miss.
Announcement Text:
Hi all, quick announcement re flooding/rain/whatever: if you are stuck you can shout out using the #MutualAidNZ hashtag in a post and hopefully someone in a position to help can help out.
Add useful details like location #Auckland etc :birdheart: :laserkiwi:
This is not for Masto NZ members only. Anyone who is stuck in the storm can use this to ask for help if they need it.
ICYM the announcement, here is the text:
Hi all, quick announcement re flooding/rain/whatever: if you are stuck you can shout out using the #MutualAidNZ hashtag in a post and hopefully someone in a position to help can help out.
Add useful details like location #Auckland etc :birdheart: :laserkiwi:
We don't need to overcomplicate this, so here's an example:
#MutualAidNZ #Auckland House flooded in <suburb> need somewhere to stay tonight
We want to help keep people in this country safe from the disability that covid and other viruses cause.
If you are already disabled then doubly so. Reinfection can and does cause irreparable damage to all organs and causes blood clots.
The government is not giving out correct messaging or protection. So we must look after each other as a result.
#MutualAid #mutualaidnz #MaskMutualAidNZ #airpurificationnz #cleanairnz #pandemicsafeconditions #disabiliy #NZTwits #NZTwitter #nztwitts #nztweeter #NZToots #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #persistentcovid #permanentdisability #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseaseNZ #protectagainstcovid #maskingisgood #noshameinmasking
Protect yours and others bodies by masking. they are the only bodies you will ever have.
#MutualAid #mutualaidnz #maskmutualaidnz #airpurificationnz #cleanairnz #pandemicsafeconditions #disabiliy #NZTwits #NZTwitter #nztwitts #nztweeter #NZToots #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #persistentcovid #permanentdisability #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseasenz #protectagainstcovid #maskingisgood #noshameinmasking
#nzleftists #nzleftist #anarchistsnz #mutualaidnz #nzcommies
I've just made a few tags in comments in hopes anyone local might see the original post
#nzleftists #nzleftist #anarchistsnz #mutualaidnz #nzcommies