Strypey · @strypey
2144 followers · 19865 posts · Server

Welcome to the fediverse @TonyaCanning, I'm keen to learn more about your research on mutual credit/ community currencies. There's a growing number of fedizens with an interest in this. A bunch are on and some of the kiwis are on the .nz servers.

#AlternativeEconomics #mutualcredit #communitycurrencies

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
196 followers · 802 posts · Server

"What is

It’s a means of trading, of exchange, that doesn’t require conventional money, doesn’t incur interest and doesn’t involve banks. It’s based on networks of businesses, traders and individuals who get to know and trust each other in a geographical area or business sector. Each member gets an account. They go into a directory so that suppliers and customers can find each other. When a purchase is made, the buyer’s account goes into debit, and the seller’s account goes into the same amount of credit. But these are just numbers in an account – information, not money that can be hoarded. There’s a limit to how far you can go into credit or debit – and that’s basically it.

Mutual credit is not barter. You don’t have to find someone who has what you want and wants what you have – you just get credit or debit in your account. It’s not a swap. You can then use your credits to trade with anyone else in the network.

There are similarities with local currencies. The main differences (as outlined by Tom Greco) are:

Mutual credit involves a trusted network of traders; local currencies don’t.
Local currencies are bought and redeemed for conventional, bank-issued money; mutual credit isn’t.
Local currencies can still be hoarded and made scarce; mutual credit can’t – it’s just a means of exchange.


Mutual credit has a fine pedigree. Pre-money, villagers everywhere traded with each other in credit – you help fix my roof, I give you meat when I kill an animal; you help me harvest my crop, I help you bring in firewood – and so on. The accounting was done informally, in people’s heads, and no money changed hands.

In the 19th century, William Greene, Lysander Spooner and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon championed mutual credit and mutual banking in the US.

During the 1930s depression, various scrip currencies were used, and the mutual credit Wir Bank was born in Switzerland. . . ."


Last updated 2 years ago

StellarStoic · @StellarStoic
1 followers · 117 posts · Server
· @sef
70 followers · 43 posts · Server

With as many fediverse servers spinning up during I wonder if Patreon or OpenCollective is the best solution out there for funding the fun, or if there’s something not-so- centralized in the works? How about a federated Patreon with, say, Stripe for payment backend. Or what if the instances acted as hubs for networks?

#mutualcredit #twittermigration

Last updated 2 years ago

Strypey · @strypey
1875 followers · 18255 posts · Server

@AnneleiseHall @phil_stevens Do you know of any other Living Economies or community currencies people who have set up accounts here in the current influx?

@matslats from SocialForge has been here for a while.

#livingeconomies #communitycurrencies #mutualcredit

Last updated 2 years ago

Dil Green · @dilgreen
12 followers · 81 posts · Server

@Floppy. Strong reason to consider networks of markets performing complex integration across the enormous diversity of signals passing across them. The problem isn't markets, but the means of exchange they use. Fiat currency is a desperately bad design.


Last updated 5 years ago

Matt Cropp 🌲🌲 · @mattcropp
2100 followers · 7922 posts · Server

@Petros @GuerillaOntologist The dominant historiography in the US (for the rare folks who remember their history) is:

Greman CUs (Raiffeisen/Schultz) => People's Bank of Milan ==> Quebec Caisse Populaires (Desjardins) ==> Francophone diaspora community in New England ==> American credit union movement (Filene, Bergengren, etc.), w/ Filene alse being inspired by he encountered on a trip to India.

#creditunion #mutualcredit

Last updated 7 years ago