@lrhodes Our conservative politicians called them #MutualObligations - which is the idea that the poor, the unemployed and the disabled should be made to jump through hoops for basic necessities like food shelter or medical treatment. “ …… it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for #JonBurns to enter the kingdom of God.” Or to misquote Lincoln: Georgia deserves the Governmeent it has.
For the record I have caught up a lot, by not eating and donations from people off social media (which I am eternally grateful for). I am now only 17 days behind.
I spoke to the HR where I have been volunteering for many years, in the hope of securing paid work.
Again their advice totally contradicts what jobseekers are told by #Centrelink, job providers and enforced by #MutualObligations.
If you apply for multiple roles THEY WILL IGNORE YOU as you are seen to have no direction.
#centrelink #mutualobligations
Everyone deserves a break over the holidays, even #welfare recipients
We're furious that #JobSeekers will be punished w/ #MutualObligations during Christmas, simply because the Department doesn't want to do it's job properly & suspend them for all
#welfare #jobseekers #mutualobligations #auspol #abolishmutualobligations
This policy is a joke and blatantly unfair by sheer 'luck of the draw'.
The shutdown will also affect participants with reporting obligations due after January 2 2023.
If that's you, please email us, we are marshalling complaints and media interest.
Merry Xmas, Tony Burke
#mutualobligations #auwu #workforceaustralia #auspol
🚨 #MutualObligations are SUSPENDED for all programs from today (19/12/22) until 2/1/2023.
Until 2/1/2023 you are not required to engage with your provider, or undertake any activities.
The #AUWU hotline will shut during this period and reopen 3/1/2023.
Further, any 'mutual' obligations you have due should have their due date suspended by 14 days. For example, if you had a job search due on 6/1/2023 that should now be due 20/1/2023.
Please get in touch with advocacy@auwu.org.au if that hasn't happened.
#mutualobligations #auwu #auspol
Hey @AlboMP@twitter.com @Mark_Butler_MP@twitter.com @shorten@twitter.com
#centrelink failed to process my valid #medicalexemption and #axisemployment suspended my #soleparentingpension as I struggle with MI #longcovid trying 2get ASD ADHD assessments for me & kid. #DV #poverty #cruelty
#centrelink #medicalexemption #axisemployment #soleparentingpension #LongCovid #dv #poverty #cruelty #mutualobligations