@hughstimson #Laravel will treat you very well, and is an #MVC framework just like #Django .
It also has user auth baked in.
Cos'è Laravel Eloquent, come si usa, tutorial con esempi
Il framework PHP Laravel include Eloquent Object Relational Mapper (ORM), ...
#framework #laravel #mvc #php
Programming using foreign languages is fun and games until you realize that you never thought about performance. Now I fear the big, ugly refactoring monster on the porch.
Cos'è Laravel, come funziona e architettura di base per la creazione di applicazioni WEB
Laravel è un framework Web basato su PHP per la creazione di applicazioni Web di fascia alta, ...
#framework #laravel #mvc #orm #php
#framework #laravel #mvc #orm #php
Okay, so #CleanArchitecture is just a little (and by a little, I mean orders of magnitude) more complicated than what I need for my project.
I feel like I need something more than #MVC but less than #DDD, but I have no idea where to even look.
@Perl New release of #Perl Catalyst #MVC #WebDev framework, including a new “next action” feature: https://dev.to/jjn1056/perl-catalyst-release-590131-4pn0
Read about what Catalyst can do for you: https://metacpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Manual/view/lib/Catalyst/Manual/About.pod
Your Dispatcher seems to be correct, but the ControllerActions seem having to be reprogrammed 😂
@phpc I've been coding with #php for 20 years, generally using #mvc frameworks usually #CodeIgniter, also like designing databases, #sql queries and some #javascript using #jquery. I also enjoy writing functional specifications so my client gets the right result
#php #mvc #CodeIgniter #sql #javascript #jquery
Effectivement, ce qu'on appelle MVC dans les architectures web n'en est pas https://collindonnell.com/mvc-isnt-mvc #mvc #architecture #critique #marketing #interface
#interface #marketing #critique #architecture #mvc
#model #view #Laravel #controller #mvc
#model #view #laravel #controller #mvc
This month in Reckoner development, I learn about frontend #designpatterns and stop worrying and embrace #MVC !
Educate me:
If you are already using MVC then why use the Mediator pattern?
Both use 'routing'....
#designpatterns #mvc #dotnet #aspdotnet
Nik Haldimann is presenting the talk "Model-View-Controller (MVC) through the ages and in Django" at the DjangoCon Europe 2023 in Edinburgh 🏴🦄🚀
#djangoconeuroppe #djangocon #django #mvc
Bees is hiring Java Developer
🔧 #java #springboot #springframework #azure #docker #kubernetes #mvc
🌎 Campinas, Brazil
⏰ Full-time
💰 $90k - $205k (Estimate)
🏢 Bees
Job details https://jobsfordevelopers.com/jobs/java-developer-at-bees-jun-28-2022-d9ae3a?utm_source=mastodon.world&ref=mastodon.world
#jobalert #jobsearch #hiring
#java #SpringBoot #springframework #azure #docker #kubernetes #mvc #jobalert #jobsearch #hiring
For me and me alone, programming has always been hard. I don't remember core concepts the way some people may remember them. I am mostly a visual learner but over the years I have taken an interest in certain aspects of #MVC. I haven't gotten much into object oriented programming.
I live in a medium-sized town. Except for the university and a scaled-down corporation there are almost no tech jobs here. Businesses in the big city sometimes require your presence so one cannot do remote from there 100% of the time. Otherwise, I'd reach out to one of those entities for an entry-level job if I could. Because I do other stuff during the day I don't have a ton of time for coding anyway. It's just a hobby. I get stressed easily but I am pretty good at coping with life, generally.
I like dogs, collecting books, going on walks, eating out, and reading.
Out of nowhere, a #coding post on my Ko-fi!
Refreshing access tokens in an Aspnet Core MVC UI.
Read it here: https://ko-fi.com/post/Refreshing-access-tokens-in-an-Aspnet-Core-MVC-UI-Y8Y2KNZ0I
Surge in road deaths eases but remains well above pre-pandemic levels
No surprise here. People are still driving alot. #trauma #MVC
Trying out #aspnet and man... This is such a great experience. Just wondering what I should focus on and why (I've seen that #MVC might be more used as of now, but normal razor pages is gaining popularity)
#aspnet #mvc #aspnetcore #dotnet #webdev #webframeworks #webframework
Trying out #aspnet and man... This is such a great experience. Just wondering what I should focus on and why (I've seen that #MVC might be more used as of now, but normal razor pages is gaining popularity)
#aspnet #mvc #aspnetcore #dotnet #webdev #webframeworks #webframework