National Drive-In: celebrate on June 6th or make it a month-long event. It's time to step back in time. Find out what your parents and grandparents were up to back in the day.
See the full story on NewsBreak.
#driveins #creativewriting #decades #nostalgia #vintage #popculture #entertainment #holiday #marketingandadvertising #artsandentertainment #genre #filmpresentation #socialimpact #history #movies #movietrailers #intermission #june #events #cars #mvd #disney
#driveins #creativewriting #decades #nostalgia #vintage #popculture #entertainment #holiday #marketingandadvertising #artsandentertainment #genre #filmpresentation #socialimpact #history #movies #movietrailers #intermission #june #events #cars #mvd #disney
😷 How to get prepared for an outbreak of the rare but severe Marburg Virus Disease #MVD? In response to recent cases in neighbouring Tanzania, healthcare workers #HCWs from all over Rwanda 🇷🇼 participated in a #preparedness training this week.
7 decessi su 9 contagi per il virus Marburg. La malattia di Marburg preoccupa l’OMS, cresce il numero dei contagi. L’OMS allerta sull’aumento dei casi in Africa L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità è ancora preoccupata per il virus Marburg. Da quando è stato lanciato l’allarme nel 2021 dopo la prima vittima di Marburg.
#africa #Ebola #GuineaEquatoriale #malattiadiMarburg #marburgvirus #MARV #MVD #OMS #salutepubblica #virusMarburg
#africa #ebola #guineaequatoriale #malattiadimarburg #marburgvirus #marv #mvd #oms #salutepubblica #virusmarburg
An update on the #TractorSupply situation in #NewMexico. The store renewed the #MVD dealer license for its 23 locations in the state, but customers who bought trailers, ATVs or other titled items while the license was invalid will still need to return them.
#tractorsupply #newmexico #mvd
RT @AfricaCDC: The Republic of Tanzania declares Marburg Virus Disease #MVD Outbreak.
On 21 March 2023, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tanzania declared an #outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Bukoba district, Kagera region, north western Tanzania.
More 👇
#MVD can be challenging to diagnose because many signs & symptoms are similar to other #InfectiousDiseases or #ViralHemorrhagicFevers. Today on the #NETEC blog, we get back to the basics of how #Marburg virus spreads and the signs and symptoms of MVD:
#mvd #infectiousdiseases #viralhemorrhagicfevers #NETEC #marburg
A love story: the tale of my dog Harper's mitral valve repair surgery: #DogsOfMastodon #CavalierKingCharlesSpaniel #MVD #MitralValveDisease
#mitralvalvedisease #mvd #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #dogsofmastodon
The Watchful State: Security Police and Opposition in Russia, 1906–1917 by Jonathan W. Daly
#russianrevolution, #russianempire, #tsarism, #tsaristrussia, #politicalpolice, #policeviolence, #politicalrepression, #counterinsurgency, #counterrevolution, #imperialism, #policing, #departmentforprotectingthepublicsecurityandorder, #okhrana, #ministryofinternalaffairs, #mvd, #imperialrussia, #russianimperialism, #politicalviolence
Why did the imperial Russian government fail to prevent revolution in 1917? Were its security policies flawed? This broadly researched study of Russia's security police investigates the government's efforts to maintain order as it struggled against political opposition and threats of violence during the last decade before the Revolution. Historian Jonathan Daly brings to life the men who, often with reformist intentions, took on the task of defending Russia against political dissent and revolution from within.
#russianrevolution #russianempire #tsarism #TsaristRussia #politicalpolice #policeviolence #politicalrepression #counterinsurgency #counterrevolution #imperialism #policing #departmentforprotectingthepublicsecurityandorder #okhrana #ministryofinternalaffairs #mvd #imperialrussia #russianimperialism #politicalviolence
Trigeminal neuralgia.
#microvasculardecompression #mvd
#mvd #microvasculardecompression
Russia Considers Jail Time for People Helping Crypto Scammers Launder Proceeds
#CriminalLiability #cryptofraudsters #interiorministry #MoneyLaundering #cryptoscammers #LawEnforcement #CryptoScams #Regulation #fraudsters #droppers #proposal #scammers #sentence #offense #russian #prison #Russia #Crime #Scams #MVD
#CriminalLiability #cryptofraudsters #interiorministry #MoneyLaundering #cryptoscammers #lawenforcement #CryptoScams #regulation #fraudsters #droppers #proposal #scammers #sentence #offense #russian #prison #russia #crime #scams #mvd