Mwanza, Tanzania: Delish Flames | Rating: 4.5 #pizza #mwanza
My offering for #ThickTrunkTuesday. Students from my university engaging with our community partner in #Mwanza #Tanzania just a few weeks ago. There’s a lot going on with this tree…
#thicktrunktuesday #mwanza #Tanzania
Hub Nr. 169 in Deutschland / Germany, diesmal in Wü - Thomas Barcatta nimmt dort ab sofort eure IT-Spenden an.
Gleichzeitig kommt er aus der IT, betreut über den Mwanza e.V. Schulen und Projekte in Afrika und wird als Flugpate Laptops mit vor Ort nehmen. Was möchte man mehr 🙂 Herzlich willkommen.
#labdoo #würzburg #franken #hub #annahmestelle #mwanza
#labdoo #wurzburg #franken #hub #annahmestelle #mwanza
In just a few days, students from #UBuffalo will be traveling to #Tanzania and visiting CLAO, a partnering #NGO in #Mwanza that is engaging a People with Albinism (#PWA) community in #Beekeeping as a way to generate revenue and support their most critical needs including #Education and protection. Our students will help construct the hives and get the project started. We look forward to continued collaboration through #ProjectChallenges
#ubuffalo #Tanzania #ngo #mwanza #pwa #beekeeping #education #projectchallenges