The latest update of decided to mess up my audio settings and caused a couple of other issues.

Decided to fire up my . I had not been on my T400 for a couple of weeks. Updated with no issues. You will notice that I have 3 apps on the Desktop: , and (yes, a game). is also loaded, but no icon on desktop.

I just love the simplicity and the beauty of the MX Linux wallpaper.

#windows11 #linux #laptop #Lenovo #mx_linux #windows #irfanview #paintshoppro7 #skip98 #windows98 #simplemindpro

Last updated 2 years ago

The latest update of decided to mess up my audio settings and caused a couple of other issues.

Decided to fire up my . I had not been on my T400 for a couple of weeks. Updated with no issues. You will notice that I have 3 apps on the Desktop: IrfanView, PaintShop Pro 7 and Skip98 (yes, a game). is also loaded, but no icon on desktop.

I just love the simplicity and the beauty of the MX Linux wallpaper.

#windows11 #linux #laptop #Lenovo #mx_linux #windows #windows98 #simplemindpro

Last updated 2 years ago

The latest update of decided to mess up my audio settings and caused a couple of other issues.

Decided to fire up my . I had not been on my T400 for a couple of weeks. Updated with no issues. You will notice that I have 3 apps on the Desktop: IrfanView, PaintShop Pro 7 and Skip98 (yes, a game). is also loaded, but no icon on desktop.

I just love the simplicity and the beauty of the MX Linux wallpaper.

#windows11 #linux #laptop #Lenovo #mx_linux #windows #windows98 #simplemindpro

Last updated 2 years ago

Sebas · @antiprojimo
33 followers · 79 posts · Server

Me gusta probar distros para uso cotidiano, las que más usé fueron , y usé pila de tiempo en una pero luego le metí
Probé alguna otra pero no duraron mucho ya que por una cosa o por otra no funcionaban bien.

En este momento me está dando buen resultado tanto en desktop como en (aunque en esta última me parece que me está sobrecalentando demasiado), pero veo otras distros y me dan ganas de probar pero ya vi que es base y no creo que me cambie demasiado
¿Cuál distro dicen que estaría bueno probar?

#debian #mx_linux #notebook #pop_os #manjaro #chromebook #galliumos #fedora #ubuntu

Last updated 2 years ago