Say what you will about #mxpx, they are consistent.
Next up is Cold and All Alone from #MxPx. It's been like 80 years since I listened to these guys, and I only associate them with summer, so my brain has momentarily thawed for 2 minutes and 8 seconds.
#TodaysJam is some holiday music for you. "The Last Great Snowball Fight of 2006" by #MXPX
#gunsn #guttermouth #h2o #hotwatermusic #iagainsti #ignite #lagwagon #larsfrederiksenandthebastards #latterman #LessThanJake #lifetime #madball #madcaddies #mefirstandthegimmegimmes #millencolin #MinorThreat #misfits #muchthesame #mute #mxpx #newbombturks #newyorkdolls #nofunatall #nofx #nonemoreblack #notrigger #NoUseForAName #offwiththeirheads #onehiddenframe #onlycrime
Sunday Evening Tunes
#MxPx - Heaven is a Place on Earth
#mxpx #music #coversong #GregTunes