I felt frustrated this morning + my partner reminded me of the good things in my life. So I wrote down the best of my 2022:
- I started a new job and joined a sustainable startup (which was my biggest dream in 2021!)
- I traveled two times and spent around a total of 6 weeks in #Norway
- I reached all my #running goals: 1200km/year and a half-marathon
- I ate no single piece of meat and found tasty oat milk
Reading all this, I think it was a good one. 🙃
#norway #running #my2022 #waitingfor2023 #NewYear
In 2022 I worked on more personal creative projects than many previous years combined:
in addition to my usual photography stuff, I made digital collages from an 80s encyclopaedia, shot a B&W infrared short film, crafted fine-art photo prints, learned visual coding, and most importantly dove deep into the ocean of generative AIs.
Collecting some of those projects to a🧵:
#creativeprojects #my2022 #yearinreview
My 2022 - Raised £6000 for #mentalhealth charity, came 26th at the World Pilot Gig Championships, gave up #rowing due to #burnout, discovered possible #adhd, bought my first good car, paid off another year of mortgage, new phone, 3rd #tattoo, read a bunch of #Books, played lots of #ps5, #knitted 13 scarves, explored beautiful #Cornwall, saw #totoro show, turned 40, didn't catch covid, hung out with people (and #Cats) that I love. 🤗😁
#2022 #my2022 #wpgc
#wpgc #my2022 #cats #totoro #cornwall #knitted #ps5 #books #tattoo #adhd #burnout #rowing #mentalhealth
That was my 2022 😉
Thank god it’s over and hopefully 2023 will be better 🤞
#artvsartist #artvsartist2022 #myart #my2022 #illustration #illustrator #comic #comicartist #victorian #victorianera #19thcentury #thatsme #fashionhistory
#fashionhistory #thatsme #19thcentury #victorianera #victorian #comicartist #comic #illustrator #illustration #my2022 #myart #artvsartist2022 #artvsartist
#My2022 - Things haven't gone so well for AGameAWeek, this year.
Halfway through the year, I stopped doing Weekly #SmileBASIC games so I could focus on getting a few bigger tasks completed, and on the #AGameAWeek Proper side of things, it became an erratic schedule, with hefty gaps in.
Almost like the whole Politics/War/etc chaos was enough to put me off making games!
As a result, I've only managed 76 games, so far, this year.
But there's still another 5 weeks left in the year.
To The Code!!!
#my2022 #smilebasic #agameaweek
#My2022 Things I achieved in 2022. A look back.
I was the tech lead for the digital interactives in the new Avatar movie section in Disneyland (and various Disney pop ups worldwide)
You can see one of my games in the video here, towards the end, the gesture flying game.
I also built out some cool AI products for this I'll be free to show off next year.
Gute Nachrichten.
"Alle in der Bubble müssen eine #App namens #My2022 herunterladen und dort regelmäßig ihre Körpertemperatur eingeben. Man hat aber festgestellt, dass diese App in der ersten Version Hintertüren eingebaut waren, die üblicherweise für Spyware, also Ausspähprogramme benutzt werden. Nach chinesischen Angaben wurden diese Hintertüren bei einer zweiten Version der App geschlossen."
#journalismus #olympia #ccp #my2022 #app
#My2022, l’app delle Olimpiadi invernali di Pechino tra fughe dati e ansia da monitoraggio del governo cinese
https://go.squidapp.co/n/issgr8k #privacy #Cina
RT @sty__74
Ach wisst Ihr was?
Ich mach 2022 jetzt einfach zu MEINEM Jahr!
Scheiß auf die Umstände, die bekloppten Randbedingungen und den ganzen anderen Mist!
Ich will und werde dieses Jahr glücklich und zufrieden begehen, komme was da wolle!
Macht doch einfach mit, wird gut!