Wenn China Taiwan angreift wären die USA ziemlich sicher Kriegsteilnehmer und Starlink schneller beschlagnahmt als Elmo Xitter sagen kann.
I don't like the glorification of #ai tools. It is threatening to me with regard to privacy, copyright and plagiarism. On the other hand it is - already now - a huge time saver in automation of tasks, but always with the risk of faulty information generated by the AI. #my2cents #chatgpt
I was just hanging out the washing - hanging up nappies...
My kids are 15 and 17. We decided to use cloth nappies because of less waste, and really you still have to deal with POO using disposable nappies - BUT we are STILL using the nappies, not for the original purpose, but if there is a spill, or pet "accident" or you just need a small towel, cloth nappies are perfect! These have lasted 17 years, not just one POO - So if you're "starting a family" I highly recommending learning to deal with POO and get re-usable cloth nappies!
#my2cents #poo #nappies #waste #reuse
@wortspielfettgesicht das Volk, welches der AfD so willig folgt, kann gerne in der Wüste bleiben #my2cents
Sometimes I think #ElonMusk destroys #Twitter just as a marketing stunt for his dream company called #X, which he tried to create for years already… a costly one that backfired as hell, but still… that name change comment seems to only confirm that one.
#elonmusk #twitter #x #justsaying #my2cents #social #socialmedia
@xabacadabra per quanto mi riguarda fino all'altro ieri stavo pure io su Mastodon uno, però c'era troppa gente che faceva i Pippon Toot (io adoravo il limite di 165 caratteri di Twitter) e comunque alla fine mi sembrava la copia di Twitter più educata (istanza troppo generalista per i miei gusti insomma). Nessuno mi ha convinto a vivere qui così come nessuno mi ha convinto a stare di là dove per altro non ho mai avuto problemi... #my2cents
Look, the main instance I use is Fostodon, years ago when I picked it, they already stated they filtered certain things out. I was good with that. I do have accounts on other instances, some of them because I really like the administrators, and to see how much of a difference the experience is on the fediverse.
But I have no desire to have an account that is connected to Facebook.
I love my corner of the web filled with wonderful weirdos.
se ammazzi una tipa perché non te la dà o perché ti deve 40-50 € qualche problemino ce l'hai
Is it the people of the middle class (especially #boomers and #GenX) who relied on #individualism and detachment from traditional networks and who are now exhausted from their fruitless efforts to climb the social ladder in neoliberal #capitalism and therefore follow the simplest thoughts?
#exhaustion -> #populism
#my2cents #populism #exhaustion #Capitalism #individualism #genx #boomers
Herzlichen Glühstrumpf zum Gebäudeenergie-Gesetz. Jetzt nachdem ihr viele Bürger aufgescheucht habt "nochmal schnell" vll. doch noch den Brenner der alten Ölheizung oder gar eine komplett neue Gasheizung einzubauen.
Ein neues Gesetz ist ja noch okay, aber dieser öffentlich ausgetragene Hick-Hack à la Wärmepumpe war echt nicht fördernd... #my2cents
Hopefully, as more & more crimes are charged, Trump will bleed more of these supporters, which will then cause the rank & file GOP to reconsider their support.
I'm not even suggesting that Trump supporters need to become bleeding heart Liberals. Be a Conservative; the country needs liberals & conservatives to actually debate, compromise, & through that interplay, improve the US.
I'm fine if they support Conservative politicians, not MAGA.
Mettre le bouzin dans un sous répertoire de /home/user et faire un lien symbolique là où l'attend le binaire ?
@admin perché è più facile additare lui, che ha scritto canzoni iconiche prima di essere accettato dal garnde pubblico e dagli addetti ai lavori, senza estensione vocale, né capacità di dialogare con pubblico, invece di citare - che ne so - De Andrè o Zucchero che, se non avessero attinto a piene mani da collaboratori capaci, sarebbero finiti in fretta nell'oblio #my2cents
@andreaswalker es geht ja auch um
- Arbeitsteilung in einem Team mit unterschiedlichen Kompetenzen
- Teilen und Kollaboration von Pipelines etc, was evtl. leichter ist, wenn diese in einer DSL wie Fix vorliegt als im Code
Für einige ist Metafacture oder Catmandu als Eintieg leichter , glaube ich (vor allem, wenn man die Library Carpentry schon hinter sich hat). Und später dann der Eintieg in eine vollständige Programmiersprache, wenn die use cases da sind #my2cents
Ja, darum fände ich einen Babler viel besser.
Mit einem neuen Gesicht könnte man einen Neuanfang umsetzen.
Und egal wie man zur SPÖ steht, ein soziales Gegengewicht zu Rechtskonservativ und Blaun ist dringend nötig. Die Grünen haben ja bewiesen dass sie lieber Ökobund statt sozial sind. #my2cents
Build as smart as VW means, don't do anything until all your lobbying eventually stops working and the Asian competition wipes the floor with you.
VW is a pretty bad example in this context.
They are only giving up the combustion engine because they now only have the choice between that and bankruptcy.
Je sais pas s'il y a des abonné.e.s #Free par ici ?
#My2cents Autant à "une époque" la proposition était cohérente, autant là ça commence à puer sérieusement. Service client laminé (paix et amour pour les gens qui travaillent là bas, ça doit ressembler à de la torture), ergonomie des systèmes invraisemblable, politique commerciale clairement pensée contre l'abonné.
NB : je fais pas + confiance aux autres opérateurs mais le dernier canal d'expression reste de tout résilier. Donc ben... OK
Je tijdlijn in Mastodon kan niet volledig of leeg lijken, dit is omdat niet alle berichten geladen worden, je moet klikken op
"load missing messages"
of op
In je tijdlijn.