Just listening to Amanda Vanstone's Counterpoints on Radio National (#myABC). All the bonkers Culture War stuff you'd expect. Dragged out poor Traldi to talk about the the "Great Awokening," as though:
1. it is a real thing, and
2. it really is just the product of lazy academics who are enchanted by sorcery... (and not just people smarter than him.)
He regurgitates the essence of his full article, which is really just a reminder that wrapping conservative anxieties in intellectual looking wrapping paper can't hide the grotesque misshapen form.
Equally, his arguments would perhaps hold some weight if they weren't so heavily laden down already with a cascade of tic like iterations of culture war buzz words and right wing grievances. Plenty on the Left think Sensitivity Editors are a danger to the future of literature, and they have better arguments than reactionary knee jerk anxiety from the right wing Fearscape.
Let's not forget:
- Australia's "National" Broadcaster the #ABC is sending your data to #Akamai, as you browse their "#news".
- Almost all our small "independent" #banks are going through, and in the process feeding data to #Cloudflare, #Amazon or Akamai.
- Internet Service Providers' #webmail, same.
#stayIgnorantAustralia #notMyABC #myABC #ABCNews #bigData #scams #australia
#abc #akamai #news #banks #cloudflare #amazon #webmail #stayignorantaustralia #NotMyABC #myABC #abcnews #bigdata #scams #australia
Australia's #NationalBroadcaster has begun blocking #TorBrowser. The error reads:
> Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information)
#abcNews #australia #ABCNews24 #myABC #notMyABC #internaliseTheProblem #itsNotMeItsYou #akamAIaBC #giveUsYouTelevisionNetworks #USA #clientState #auspol #shellCountry #sovereignty #warEconomy #sinophobia #sinophobic #racist #racism #russophobia #ww3 #communication
#NationalBroadcaster #torbrowser #abcnews #australia #ABCNews24 #myABC #NotMyABC #internaliseTheProblem #itsNotMeItsYou #akamaiABC #giveUsYouTelevisionNetworks #usa #clientstate #auspol #shellCountry #sovereignty #warEconomy #sinophobia #sinophobic #racist #racism #russophobia #ww3 #communication
Australia's #NationalBroadcaster blocks people from watching #iview programmes if they use a #privacy browser like #TorBrowser.
Even #RT (#RussiaToday) allows private access.
Shame on #Australia.
Maybe its for the best, they apparently had anti-#cryptocurrency programming this week, and used #memecoin and #twitterBuyer as part of their #fallaciousReasoning.
#forcedNews #misdirection #conflation #notMyABC #notOurABC #ABCNews #oURabC #mYabC #corporateStateTotalitarianism
#NationalBroadcaster #iview #privacy #torbrowser #rt #russiaToday #australia #cryptocurrency #memeCoin #twitterBuyer #fallaciousReasoning #forcedNews #misdirection #conflation #NotMyABC #notOurABC #abcnews #ourABC #myABC #corporateStateTotalitarianism
Sometimes we use web.archive.org/<URL_OF_OFFENDING_PAGE> to view the content.
As an aside, there are few banks left in #Australia that are not controlled by #CloudFlare and many important #minorParty websites are Cf too and completely block access to #TorBrowser users who value their privacy.
#electionMeddling #myABC #notMyABC #akamaiABC #auspol #foreignInterference #RussiaGate #CDN #corporateDictatorshipNetwork #fascism #imperialism #privac
#australia #cloudflare #minorParty #torbrowser #ElectionMeddling #myABC #NotMyABC #akamaiABC #auspol #foreigninterference #russiagate #cdn #corporateDictatorshipNetwork #fascism #imperialism #privac
Front page showing how Australia's national broadcast is pumping #stonks archived here:
It seems that pumping the stockMarket is in the #ABCNews charter, alongside abuses of government power in persecuting actual real #journalists like #JulianAssange. Can you imagine them doing this sort of quarterly #marketing for #bitcoin?
#corporateMedia #forcedNews #fakeNews #notMyABC #myABC #australianBroadcastingCorporation
#stonks #abcnews #journalists #julianassange #marketing #bitcoin #corporatemedia #forcedNews #fakenews #NotMyABC #myABC #australianbroadcastingcorporation
If ever there was a day to talk about #JulianAssange, today would be that day.
#Australia's #NationalBroadcaster has completely failed to headline the #AssangeCase today.
Proof here:
Yesterday on #ABCNews24 they sped through the case so fast that by the time we made it to the #television, the news had moved to the next story!
Delete all management currently at #ABC.
#julianassange #australia #NationalBroadcaster #AssangeCase #ABCNews24 #television #abc #NotMyABC #myABC #censorship #myFakeABC #fakenews #abcnews
#Australia really doesn't have any viable #media anymore.
#Disinfo has won.
#MyABC #NotMyABC #MurdochianPress #MurdochPrinterGoBrr #PumpAndDump #deplatformed #devolution #lateStageCorporatism #HomePriceInflation #AssetInflation #AssetBubble #theBeatingsWillContinue #immigration #debtPonzi #ponziEconomics #returnToPlanetPonzi #planetPonzi #FIRESector
#australia #media #disinfo #myABC #NotMyABC #MurdochianPress #MurdochPrinterGoBrr #pumpAndDump #deplatformed #devolution #lateStageCorporatism #HomePriceInflation #assetinflation #assetBubble #theBeatingsWillContinue #immigration #debtPonzi #ponziEconomics #returnToPlanetPonzi #planetPonzi #FireSector
Oh the irony... #Australia's #NationalBroadcaster is #ChinaBashing on scant nothings, on the day our #journalist and #publisher, #JulianAssange faces #extradition to the #US from the #UK where he is being #tortured and can expect to be #murdered for revealing #warCrimes.
#yellowPeril #forcedNews #humanrights #humanRightsAbuses #myABC #yourABC #ourABC #cruelAndDegradingTreatment #QandA #disinformation #astroturfing #gaslighting #russiagate #huawei #establishmentMedia #forcedNarratives
#cruelAndDegradingTreatment #qanda #disinformation #astroturfing #gaslighting #russiagate #huawei #establishmentMedia #forcedNarratives #australia #NationalBroadcaster #ChinaBashing #journalist #publisher #julianassange #extradition #us #uk #tortured #murdered #warcrimes #YellowPeril #forcedNews #humanrights #humanRightsAbuses #myABC #yourABC #ourABC