#VideoDescription for TikTok video shared in parent post by @swilua:
TikTok user my_aussie_gal (Mary) and her Australian Shepherd dog, Secret, painting together.
The video starts with Mary sitting on the floor holding two empty canvases, while her dog Secret put her paws round Mary's shoulders; both with a happy smile on their faces.
They each then put their canvas on their own easels, and while Mary starts painting an orange sun, Secret also takes a brush in her mouth and starts swirling blue strokes of paint on her own canvas.
When Secret's canvas is as good as covered in blue paint, Mary swaps their paintings around.
Secret then first looks at Mary starts painting a white circle on top of Secret's blue surface, after which Secret starts painting a white circle on her canvas (the orange sun one that Mary had before) too, while Mary also adds a black rounded surface to hers.
When both are finished painting their circles, Mary swaps the paintings round again.
Mary makes Secret's circle a bit rounder as well as adds some spots to it to turn it into a moon, and adds a black rounded surface below it, while Secret starts adding grey strokes to her canvas, forming the basis for trees.
Mary swaps them round again and adds in the silhouettes of her and her dog with the big moon in the background, underneath the just painted trees. Meanwhile Secret adds another set of trees to the sunny scene.
After another swap, Secret starts adding leaves to the trees while Mary paints the both of them sitting on the ground, facing the sun, with Mary's arm around her dog, into the warm sun painting.
One final swap has Secret add the tree leaves to the sun painting too, while Mary adds finishing touches to the moon one.
The video finishes with both of them facing the camera with their finished paintings and Mary stroking Secret.
#DescribedMedia #MediaDescription #FiXatoDescribes #ImageDescriptions #a11y #wholesome #art #dogs #AustralianShepherd #my_aussie_gal
#videodescription #DescribedMedia #MediaDescription #fixatodescribes #imagedescriptions #a11y #wholesome #art #dogs #australianshepherd #my_aussie_gal