RT @SteinbockGroup@twitter.com
#ChemicalGardens can nucleate silicate #crystals that embed the tubular shapes similarly to #mineral filaments in #agates. Our work on this is featured on the November cover of ACSESC https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsearthspacechem.2c00182 #FSU #chemobrionics @PamelaKnoll@twitter.com @SeanHMcMahon@twitter.com @ACS4Authors@twitter.com #MyACSCover
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SteinbockGroup/status/1593236473473482753
#myacscover #chemobrionics #fsu #agates #mineral #crystals #ChemicalGardens
#ChemicalGardens are inorganic self-assembled structures. They can nucleate silicate #crystals that embed the tubular shapes similarly to #mineral filaments in #agates. Our work on this is featured on the November cover of ACS Earth&Space Chemistry. Authors: P. Knoll, B. Batista, S. McMahon, O. Steinbock. Great job, Pam!!
#FSU #chemobrionics #MyACSCover #chemistry #ChemToots #geology #geo #science #chemiverse
#chemiverse #science #geo #geology #chemtoots #chemistry #myacscover #chemobrionics #fsu #agates #mineral #crystals #chemicalgardens
#networks #ontology #semanticchemistry
RT @MagnusPalmblad@twitter.com
#MyACSCover: @cytoscape@twitter.com visualization of 100 semantically annotated methods in @an_chem@twitter.com. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.analchem.2c03565
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MagnusPalmblad/status/1589914175673094149
#networks #ontology #semanticchemistry #myacscover