@adradia 1x Blåhaj, 1x Smallhåj
But #MyAdoredDaughter, who is NOT trans, had more … how many she has now I don’t know, but more than two anyway…
@faithisleaping Please!
#MyAdoredDaughter: "They prefer to have a child - or two, or three, or four" (she has one - so far...)
From what I found out, my father left my mother when I was one year or so old (or younger), with my older stepsister who, maybe six or eight, I don’t remember. He left her the house we lived in and, in the meantime, married someone else.
Then, my mother, together with all her brothers, completely emptied our house and left me and my stepsister alone in the house - without notifying anybody.
We were lucky that my aunts lived close-by and my stepsister went to them, crying, so that they could come and find me sitting in an otherwise completely empty house.
Two of the aunts decided to raise us: one took me (as her fourth child even though her husband had just died and she was dirt poor herself), and the other took my stepsister, even though she also had already three children, but her husband was alive and living with them.
Lessons learned? I *do* and *will always* love #MyAdoredDaughter and will forever be there for her - whenever she needs me (though she seems to be doing quite well on her own - being one of my biggest supporters)
What a beautiful day when having long, loving and heartwarming chat with #MyAdoredDaughter … many times during the chat I had tears of joy in my eyes. I so love her …
Good night, my lovely, lovely #NewFriends and my beloved #OldFriends of #Fediverse. Sleep well and dream a little dream of sugarplums and …
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true!
#myadoreddaughter #newfriends #oldfriends #fediverse #goodnightfediverse
@SleepyCatten Just a few days ago #MyAdoredDaughter recommended to definitely go for curly/wavy - she started curly/wavy herself after realizing that she inherited my hair… and it looks awesome!
… and while staying there, I had a beautiful chat (messenger) with #MyAdoredDaughter about everything, including Blåhaj, topics wrt being a trans person and so and her telling me how unbelievably happy it makes her to see/hear me so much happier and freer (“more free”?) I became or I seem to.
The essence of the chat was:
- Q: “Do you think I am too old for my egg to crack?” - “Are you dead?” - “No!” - “There is your answer!”
- Q: “Do you think I am too old to come out?” - “Are you dead?” - “No!” - “There is your answer!”
- Q: “Do you think I am too old transition?” - “Are you dead?” - “No!” - … you get the picture.
#myadoreddaughter #trans #transitioning #eggcracking #musings #dayoff #selfie
So, another birthday ends. Lessons learned:
1. People always surprise us
2. Many quite positively
3. A few so that you finally understand that you wasted your time on them
4. The Universe (well, at least the weather) loves me.
Great day, great birthday gift from my MIL, and great message from #MyAdoredDaughter.
With that, my valued #NewFriends and adored #OldFriends of #Fediverse, I bid you good night, sleep well and dream a little dream of sugarplums and… one-faced friends, lovely German waiters who go for “better safe than sorry” and call you “ladies”, gifts from the heart, and love, love, love 🎶
#myadoreddaughter #newfriends #oldfriends #fediverse #goodnightfediverse
Ok, today is significantly better, my “Virtual Hangover” is mostly, but not completely, gone. But I decided to take off today + tomorrow (as a freelancer that is easier to decide but that means loss of income), as my health is more important than work.
Just let the teams know that I am getting bettet but that they should not count on for these two days.
Aaaaanyway: yesterday, I told the second one (out of three?) my feelings so far. Well, I know, it is all in the Fediverse and what happens in Fediverse, stays in … Fediverse? 🤷🤔
The third I probably cannot without disrupting the space-time continuum, so that one will stay, floating there in the void like a beautiful, heart shaped cloud, floating, back and forth, back and forth, and we will see who sees it and who doesn’t 😝
Technically, I always seem to have been polyam but only last week finally gave in accepted it. But now I realize how difficult this can be for the others. Oh, #MyAdoredDaughter was so right: “My ‘something is wrong in my head’ thesis: It's time for society to part with its very rigid idea of ‘love’ in an exclusively sexual context in adults.”
Let’s see, let’s see.
What else? Oh, yeah, it is “Munich Security Conference” and since we all are working in IT-Sec, at least my wife is there today + tomorrow (#TalkDirtyToMeBaby). I really love IT-Sec, so, yeah, I would love to be there, but since I have to get better, she is going alone (well, technically, she is going there for her company, but yeah, I would’ve liked to be there as well)
#trans #love #trixic #enbian #musings #MSC #Munich #Security #Conference
#myadoreddaughter #talkdirtytomebaby #trans #love #trixic #enbian #musings #msc #munich #security #conference
@iyalei Das!
Als nichtbinäre Menschen haben wir es eh schwer, unsere sexuelle Orientierung zu definieren 🤪
Ich mache das eher in der Zwischenzeit durch Definition der anderen Seite: “Ich stehe NICHT auf cis Männer, aber auch nicht auf Männer, die nur auf andere Männer stehen und auch nicht auf Frauen, die NUR auf andere Frauen stehen.”
Und nein, wenn ich sage, ich bin “enbian” + “trixic” heisst das noch lange nciht, dass ich auf ALLE nicht-binäre Menschen oder ALLE Frauen stehe. 🙄
Oder, wie #MyAdoredDaughter sagt:
— snip —
Meine "irgendwas ist in meinem Kopf falsch" These: Es wird Zeit, dass die Gesellschaft sich von ihrer sehr starren Vorstellung von "Liebe" im exklusiv sexuellen Zusammenhang bei Erwachsenen trennt.
Dank Reddit und TikTok weiß ich inzwischen auch, dass Menschen viel komplizierter sein können
Und viel glücklicher, wenn wir nicht zwanghaft versuchen uns in das langweilige Standardschema zu pressen
— snip —
Since I moved to a new instance (my own), a new #introduction is needed.
You can find my pinned intro here: https://tau-ceti.space/@imdat/109863682522438461
… I joined Fedi some time last autumn. Since then, I probably learned more about myself than at any time before, mainly thanks to wonderful people, my #NewFriends and some, in the meantime, #OldFriends here.
I am a:
- ✅ #Neurodivergent,
- ✅ #OC (OCD),
- ✅ #ActuallyAutistic,
- ✅ #trans
- ✅ sometimes #GenderFluid
- ✅ #NonBinary (#Enby), who is
- ✅ #Polyam,
- ✅ #Trixic,
- ✅ #Enbian,
- ❌ not into cis men,
- ✅ partner of #LoveOfMyLife and
- ✅ parent of #MyAdoredDaughter. I am also a
- ✅ #Software #Engineer #ByHeart, #BySoul, and #ByFingers. I mostly do
- ✅ #SoftwareArcheology & #SoftwareModernization. I love
- ✅ #Cooking,
- ✅ #Musings,
- ✅ #ChitChatting with my #TransSiblings of every gender or non-gender (as they please; the more the better). Most of the time, you can just
- ✅ #IgnoreMe,
- ✅ #LoveMe,
- ✅ #TalkShitWithMe as long as it is full of #Intelligence, #Wit, #Humor and you have a mastery of #Languages. I love
- ✅ #Cats
- ✅ #Dogs
- ✅ #Animals & #Trees & #Nature & #Beauty & #BeautyInPeople (the list is too long…)
In my toots expect:
- ✅ #TransRights
- ✅ #Politics
- ✅ #WorkTopics (Software)
- ✅ #Ginlo, #Ginlo_II, #Cicero
- ✅ #CatImages
- ✅ #DogImages
- ✅ #BeautifulImages
- ✅ #CrazyDreams
- ✅ #FragMyBrain
- ✅ #HeatedDiscussions (but respectful & lovely)
- ✅ #CrazyStories,
- ✅ Stories about my adored daughter,
- ✅ Stories about love of my life,
- ✅ Stories about love, beauty, magic.
Hello, again!
#introduction #newfriends #oldfriends #neurodivergent #oc #actuallyautistic #trans #genderfluid #nonbinary #enby #polyam #trixic #enbian #loveofmylife #myadoreddaughter #software #engineer #byheart #bysoul #byfingers #softwarearcheology #softwaremodernization #cooking #musings #chitchatting #transsiblings #ignoreme #loveme #talkshitwithme #intelligence #wit #humor #languages #cats #dogs #animals #trees #nature #beauty #beautyinpeople #transrights #politics #worktopics #ginlo #ginlo_ii #cicero #catimages #dogimages #beautifulimages #crazydreams #fragmybrain #heateddiscussions #crazystories