🥳 #Github #Codespaces for @movingpandas example #notebooks are up and running:
The setup takes a while but not longer than on #MyBinder
I found it impossible to search for devcontainer examples with #conda and #mamba, so maybe you'll find this one useful
#PartyLikeAGIScientist #python #datascience #geopandas #geoviews #MovingPandas
#github #codespaces #notebooks #mybinder #conda #mamba #partylikeagiscientist #python #datascience #Geopandas #geoviews #movingpandas
Hmm... I tried out http://mybinder.org on my ridiculously simple repository, and after minutes of "building" it timed out and crashed. Now it tells me rate limit exceeded come back in an hour. Literally the repo is basically a single ipynb and the Project.toml just has the basic packages for data analysis, stuff like CSV, DataFrames and a few others.
if you want to try it yourself it's dlakelan/middleschoolscience on github. See if you have more luck?
#PythonForSciComp day 3 has finished, and it went great!
Tomorrow we switch and focus on the big picture of #ReproducibleResearch, using and reusing #python code.
- Dependency management with #pip #conda #mamba #virtualenv - keep your work organized!
- #MyBinder / #BinderHub for making code easy-to-run by others in the cloud
- Packaging and sharing Python libs
- A #PanelDiscussion where you can ask us anything
- Wrap-up and after-party
Tomorrow 9:50 EET / 8:50 CET, https://scicomp.aalto.fi/training/scip/python-for-scicomp-2022/
#PythonForSciComp #reproducibleresearch #python #pip #conda #mamba #virtualenv #mybinder #BinderHub #paneldiscussion
The module is produced in the context of the course Data-driven research and digital tools at the Department of Media & Culture, Utrecht University in collaboration with Dr. Karin van Es and @cc_utrecht
It includes a section in which we use a #Jupyter Notebook to make a bot. A big thanks to https://botsin.space for running a dedicated bots instance and #MyBinder for their Notebook hosting services.
Un collègue m'a conseillé #juniper pour exécuter des petits bouts de code dans une page statique en liaison avec #mybinder. Mais le temps du chargement de binder, il faut être patient. Un ou deux exemples ici https://parc-nsi.github.io/premiere-nsi/automatismes.html
One more test, this time via a Jupyter notebook hosted at mybinder.org #testing #mybinder #mastodonpy !
#mastodonpy #mybinder #testing