#MyBrightSpot today is good head spaces. I felt so relaxed today, just blissful. And spending quality time with my daughter made it even better. Great day.
#MyBrightSpot today was at the very very beginning of the day. Long, meandering, deep conversations with my 13 year-old past 1:00 in the morning. Lots of good communication, a lot of laughs, and a deeper connection are the results. Pretty cool kid.
#MyBrightSpot today is contentment. There was nothing that really stood out except just this calm feeling of peace and contentment. Compared to where I was a couple weeks ago, this is a pretty amazing turn around.
#MyBrightSpot today is my $4.99 Aldi joggers which are super comfortable and I may never take them off.
#MyBrightSpot today was true friends who will talk me through my emotional meltdowns because they've been there before and know the way out.
Well, #MyBrightSpot was going to be the #BostonCeltics dispatching the Atlanta Hawks, but then Trae Young happened. So I guess My Bright Spot is self care, which I had plenty of today. Good night everyone.
#MyBrightSpot today was spending a wonderful evening with a most wonderful person. So much happy.
#MyBrightSpot today is pets. I couldn't imagine being without these critters. I don't understand people who don't have pets. I mean to each his own, but y'all are missing out. I got so many kittie cuddles today. And my dog Gracie just follows me everywhere and loves me so much. And they all have me the stink eye after I got home from helping my friend with an errand and they smelled my girls Vita and Frankie on me. Another very good day.
#MyBrightSpot today was that it was Daddy-Daughter Day. We had so much fun today it was wonderful. We went to a used bookstore, she got ice cream, I got beer, we listened to music, watched bad horror films, and laughed. A lot.
Well #MyBrightSpot today is my health. I really am proud of myself for getting my #diabetes under control without medication. I like the way I feel. I like the way I look. And I'm so relieved that years of unhealthy habits and lifestyle have been reversed so quickly and seemingly easily.
#MyBrightSpot today was how pleasant April 20 is. Draw your own conclusions from that.
#MyBrightSpot today is the wonder of Claritin-D. The pollen was extra spicy today and left me unable to breathe, see, feel, or live. That is until I took a Claritin-D. Then I still couldn't breathe, see, feel, or live. So then I took another Claritin-D and I could at least breathe and continue living. Eyes still felt like they had 200 needles sticking in them.
#MyBrightSpot today was this amazing weather. So pleasant. Just brightens my whole mood.
#MyBrightSpot is just kind of everything. Good night everyone. Hope your day was as good.
#MyBrightSpot today is rain. It rained last night and I noticed today how lush and green everything was. As I worked from the porch this afternoon it started raining again and I was reminded how much I love the smell of rain. It is so fresh and relaxing. Water is life and life abounds all around me with the deep green grass, leafy trees, flowering bushes. We often complain about the rain, but it is what makes our life possible.
#MyBrightSpot today is my sun porch. Because after working 8 hours, then mowing the lawn, I got to do my last two hours of work staring at the flowering bushes through the windows as I set up my laptop out there. Ok, that didn't sound as good as it did in my head. But the last 2 hours were really enjoyable, or at least more enjoyable than the previous 8. Yeah, I work too much. But I'm feeling better and I have a nice sun porch. So there!
#MyBrightSpot today is routines. One of the things I realized in my bad brain week was that I have cut back my spending so much that it actually upset my routines. Now was that the reason I had such a bad mental health week? Probably not. But routines help me maintain a base level. And I'm finding that now I have to develop some new ones. This is exciting, actually and I'm looking forward to the process.
Well my bad brain week continued today. While my old friend depression seemed to abate some it was quickly replaced with my tormentor anxiety. It's been a rough week for my mental health. But long conversations with two friends snapped me out of it. So #MyBrightSpot is the wonderful friends I have in my life. It turned the first pic taken Sunday into the second picture taken this evening. Here's hoping for bright skies the rest of the week.
Today was a rough one. It's been a while since I've had an episode like this one. It was honestly scary. But #MyBrightSpot today is trash tv which I watched a lot of with my daughter and I am starting to feel myself come out of this. I very much hope I feel better tomorrow.