I only just hear about #mycobacteriophages as potential therapeutics and already learn about resistance mechanisms.
Therapeutically useful mycobacteriophages BPs and Muddy require trehalose polyphleates
#mycobacteriophages #AMR #phages #IDMastodon #infectiousdiseases #mycobacterium
New research article in The Lancet Microbe>
Effect of compensatory evolution in the emergence and transmission of #rifampicin-resistant #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis in Cape Town, #SouthAfrica: a genomic epidemiology study
#AMR #tb #southafrica #tuberculosis #mycobacterium #rifampicin
En pacientes diagnosticado de infecci贸n por #Micobacteria del Complejo #Tuberculosis y relacionado con ganado caprino, matadero o toma de leche no pasteurizada hay que intentar descartar #Mycobacterium #caprae por secuenciaci贸n
Eurosurveillance | A One Health approach revealed the long-term role of Mycobacterium caprae as the hidden cause of human tuberculosis in a region of Spain, 2003 to 2022 https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.12.2200852
#micobacteria #Tuberculosis #mycobacterium #caprae #mycobacteriumcaprae
New research article in The Lancet Microbe>
#Bedaquiline and #clofazimine resistance in #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis: an in-vitro and in-silico data analysis
#AMR #tb #tuberculosis #mycobacterium #clofazimine #bedaquiline
Anton Petrov
Groundbreaking Bacterial Enzyme That Generates Electricity From Air
#AntonPetrov #air #bacterium #electricity #enzyme #Mycobacterium #MycobacteriumSmegmatis
#antonpetrov #air #bacterium #electricity #enzyme #mycobacterium #mycobacteriumsmegmatis
Uptake-independent killing of macrophages by extracellular #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis aggregates
Chiara Toniolo et al show that Mtb aggregates evade #phagocytosis by inducing #macrophage #pyroptosis via a mechanism involving its type VII secretion system ESX-1 and surface lipid PDIM
#mycobacterium #tuberculosis #phagocytosis #macrophage #pyroptosis
Newly discovered #enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy.
#bacteria #hydrogen #biofuels #Mycobacterium #Huc
#enzyme #bacteria #hydrogen #biofuels #mycobacterium #huc
New review article in The Lancet Infectious Diseases>
Clinical implications of molecular drug resistance testing for #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis: a 2023 TBnet/RESIST-TB consensus statement
#AMR #tb #tuberculosis #mycobacterium
Yes, and that disconnect with IFNa/b responses also important to highlight.
The role of type I IFN in TB still to be worked out. They're there, but doing what?!
#infetionimmunity #infectiousdisease #mycobacterium #tuberculosis #immunology
#infetionimmunity #infectiousdisease #mycobacterium #tuberculosis #immunology
"Thus, studies of MSMD (Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease ) have revealed that human antimycobacterial immunity is a genetically controlled quantitative trait: the lower the level of IFN-纬 activity, the more severe the disease and the higher its penetrance"
#immunology #InfetionImmunity #InfectiousDisease #mycobacterium #tuberculosis
#InfetionImmunity #infectiousdisease #mycobacterium #tuberculosis #immunology
Identification of novel #mutations associated with #bedaquiline resistance in #Mycobacterium marinum
#mutations #bedaquiline #mycobacterium
The February issue of The Lancet Microbe is now online:
The journal is #OpenAccess, so you are free to explore all of the content, but these hashtags offer a flavour:
#probiotic #Bacillus #Staphylococcus #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis #TB #WGS #DST #AMR #LoaLoa #loiasis #HIV
#oa #hiv #loiasis #loaloa #AMR #dst #wgs #tb #tuberculosis #mycobacterium #staphylococcus #Bacillus #probiotic #openaccess
New correspondence in The Lancet Microbe>
Phenotypic instability of #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis strains harbouring clinically prevalent drug-resistant mutations
#AMR #tb #tuberculosis #mycobacterium
Happy to see all the hard work by Trillion Surya Lioe on characterization of MtDPP, a #prolyl #dipeptidyl #peptidase of #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis, rewarded by this publication in Biological Chemistry. Https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/hsz-2022-0265/html
#Microbiology #Mycobacteria #Chemokine #Immunomodulation #TB #Enzyme
#enzyme #tb #immunomodulation #chemokine #mycobacteria #microbiology #tuberculosis #mycobacterium #peptidase #dipeptidyl #prolyl
So, I found out what nearly killed me today from the doctor. Starting treatment today for the next 6 - 8 weeks.
#mycobacterium #fishkeeping #aquarium
New research article in The Lancet Microbe> Evaluation of #Nanopore sequencing for #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis drug susceptibility testing and outbreak investigation: a genomic analysis https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(22)00301-9/fulltext #TB #AMR
#AMR #tb #tuberculosis #mycobacterium #nanopore
Fenotipo de resilencia antibi贸tica de #Mycobacterium tuberculosis por mutaci贸n en gen _resR_ (regulador de resilencia) que origina acortamiento del efecto post-antibi贸tico
Antibiotic resilience phenotype of #Mycobacterium tuberculosis due to mutation in the _resR_ gene (resilience regulator) that causes shortening of the post-antibiotic effect
My latest column for #NatureMedicine is a look at early human results of a new class of #antibiotics for #tuberculosis
The mechanism of action is essentially to clog the #mycobacterium's tRNA synthetase - the result of two decades of research on boron-based compounds.
#tuberculosis #mycobacterium #IDMastodon #naturemedicine #antibiotics #drugdevelopment #antibioticresistance
How does #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis transport nutrients across its outer membrane? Study shows that a member of the large PE/PPE protein family imports #calcium, suggesting family-wide role as atypical #bacterial nutrient transporters #TB #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3ASpg3z
#plosbiology #TB #bacterial #calcium #tuberculosis #mycobacterium
How does #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis transport nutrients across its outer membrane? Study shows that a member of the large PE/PPE protein family imports #calcium, suggesting family-wide role as atypical #bacterial nutrient transporters #TB #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3ASpg3z
#plosbiology #TB #bacterial #calcium #tuberculosis #mycobacterium